HCA 13/68 Deponents - by folio

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HCA 13/68 Deponents - by folio

Editorial history

Created, 25/06/2015 by CSG


To list all deponents mentioned in HCA 13/68 in order of appearance



Mark Harrison of Wapping in the County of Middlesex Mariner aged seven and twenty yeares
William Evarson of Skadam in holland Mariner aged four and forty yeares
Herrick Williamson of Skadam in Holland Mariner aged fourty yeare
Walter Hickst of Traverion in the County of Cornwall an Inhabitant of Messina in Scicilia merchant aged eight and twenty yeares
Robert Mill of Deptford in the County of Kent Mariner Captaine of the Advantage frigot, aged two and thirty yeares
Thomas Keyes of Deptford in the County of Kent Mariner late quarter masters mate of the Advantage friggott aged eight and forty yeare
Jacob Groat of Dantzijck in Poland mariner master of the sayd shipp the Saint John aged eight and thirty yeares
Gilbert Johnson of Dantzyck Mariner Carpenter of the sayd shipp the Saint John aged five and twenty yeares


Caspar Walmondt of Statin in Pomerland Mariner Gunner of the sayd shipp the Saint John aged eight and twenty yeares
Abraham Hoopgood of Saint Ellens the lesse in London merchant aged one and twenty yeares
Claes Albertson of Stockholme in Swethland Mariner Master of the sayd shipp the Unicorne aged forty five yeares
Martin Bond of Shadwell in the County of Middlesex Mariner Master of the Advantage frigot aged two and thirty yeares
Francis Pleasure of Rosemary Lane in London Mariner aged four and twenty yeares
George Moulin of Shadwell in the County of Middlesex Mariner Carpenters mate of the Advantage frigat aged two and thirty yeares
William Taylor of Nightingale Lane in London Mariner one of the Company of the Advantage frigot aged one and twenty yeares
Thomas Jefferyes of Plymouth in the County of devon Mariner one of the Company of the Advantage ffrigott aged four and twenty yeares


Claes Albertson examined upon the crosse Interrogatories
Richard Moore of Wapping in the County of Middlesex Mariner, masters mate of the Kentish frigott, 47 yeares of age
Henrique Jorge Mendez of Antwerpe in Brabant merchant aged forty eight yeares
John Major of East Smith feild in the County of Middlessex Leiftenanant of the Elizabeth frigot in the immediate service of this Commonwealth aged five and twenty yeares
John Painter of Wincanton in the County of Somersett Mariner one of the Company of the Elizabeth frigot in the immediate service of this Commonwealth aged eighteene yeares
Thomas Crosse of Limehouse in the County of Middlesex Mariner masters mate of the Elizabeth frigot aged two and forty yeares
William Ash of Weymouth in the County of Dorset Mariner one of the Company of the Elizabeth frigot aged twenty two yeares
William Summers of Chichester in the County of Sussex Mariner one of the Company of the Elizabeth frigot aged thirty yeares
Andreas Hawkes of Revel in Liisland under the Crowne of Sweden merchant aged one and twenty yeares
Jacob Wigandie of hamburgh merchant aged 25 yeares
George Andrewes of Saint Katherins in the County of Middlesex Scrivener aged 56 yeares


Robert Masters of Guernsy Mariner aged one and forty yeares
Michael vander Kerkhoven of Ostend, fflanders mariner Master of the sayd shipp the Leopard aged 33 yeares
Joris Johnson of Ostend Mariner steersman of the sayd shipp the Leopard aged 48 yeares
Michael vander Kerkhoven to the Crosse Interrogatories
Josiah Ricroft of Broadstreet London merchant aged 35 yeares
Thomas Martin of Gallaway in Ireland merchant aged five and twenty yeares
Philip Duncar of Antwerpe in Brabant Mariner Captaine or Commander of the sayd shipp the ffortune, aged four and twenty yeares
Juan Gomez Brita of the Isle of Palma merchant aged forty yeares
Juan de Sallazar of the Isle of Palma merchant aged forty seven yeares
James Lashly of Shadwell in the County of Middlesex Mariner master of the shipp the Abraham aged 28 yeares
John Bates of Shadwell in the County of Middlesex Mariner one of the Company of the sayd shipp the Abraham aged five and thirty yeares


James Lashly to the Crosse Interrogories
Jacob Reynolds of the Citty of London Captaine or Commander of the Kentish frigott in the immediate service of this Commonwealth aged thirty yeares
Godfrey Reader of Shadwell in the County of Middlesex Mariner and Gunner of the Kentish frigott in the immediate service of this Commonwealth aged four and twenty yeares
Jacob Cornelison of Schelling mariner master of the sayd shipp the Young Boor aged three and thirty yeares
Jacob Cornelison of Schelling mariner master of the sayd shipp the Young Boor aged three and thirty yeares
Captaine Christopher Mynges Commander of the Elizabeth frigot in the service of this Commonwealth aged 28 yeares
Stephen Peterson of Rotterdam Mariner one of the company of the said shipp the Golden Lambe, aged 19 yeares
Cornelius Garrets of hamborough, sailor one of the company of the said shipp the Golden Lambe, aged 54 yeres
Joachim Wise of Stettin Carpenter of the said shipp the greate Christofer, aged 44 yeares
Thomas Fettipla?ll of Shadwell in the County of Middlexex Waterman aged one and thirty yeares
Joseph Lacy of the parish of Saint Mary Maudlin in the County of Surrey Mariner aged sixty three yeares


Edward Best of Lymehouse in the County of Middlesex Mariner late Boatswaine of the shipp Hopewell whereof Henry Powell was master aged four and thirty yeares
James Thomas of Poplar in the County of Middlesex Mariner late Steward of the shipp the Hopewell whereof the sayd Henry Powell was master aged eight and twenty yeares
James Thomas of Poplar in the County of Middlesex Mariner late Steward of the shipp the Hopewell for part of the voyage in question, aged eight and twenty yeares
Nathaniel Waade of Dowgate on the Citty of London Mariner aged four and twenty yeares
David Ben Mordeku of Morocco merchant aged one and forty yeares
Richard Pacock of Scarborough in the County of Yorke Mariner master of the sayd shipp the ffrancis aged three and thirty yeares
Antonio Estevan de Balderas of [?XXXX] an Inhabitant of Lima in the West Indies merchant aged 38 yeares
- mentions the ship the Salvador


Christopher Drake of the parish of Saint Mary [?XXXX] Refiner aged 86 yeares or thereabouts
William Neave of Dukes place London merchant aged forty three yeares
Antonio da Ponte of Teneriffa in the Canary Islands merchant aged twenty eight yeares
Egidio Mottet Secretary to his Excellency the Lord [?Ambassador] of his Catholique Majesty the King of Spayne aged 3[?0] yeares
Adam Woolley of Ostend in fflanders merchant aged 21. yeares
Captaine Giles Shelly Commander of the Waterhound frigat in the immediat service of this Commonwealth aged 44 yeares
Peter Caulier of Lothbury in the Citty of London merchant aged 37 yeares
Samuel Pallache otherwise Jacob Carlos of hamborough Merchant, aged 36 yeares
Alexander Gallico of Ligo[?rne] Marchant aged 45 yeares
Hendrick Jansen Beerenpoot of Hoogha Carspel in Holland Mariner aged 21 yeares
John Cornelisen of Hoog Carspel in Holland Mariner aged 18. yeares
John Rousseau of Rochell in ffrance Merchant aged 30 yeares
John de la Ralde of Saint John da Luce in Biscay Mariner masters mate of the shipp the hunter aged 22 yeares
John Harizmende of Sibour neere Saint John da Luce in Biscay mariner, pilot of the said shipp the hunter aged 34 yeares


ffrancis Hubert of Ypers in fflanders Souldier, aged 25 yeares
Michael Cruyer of Stetin Mariner master of the said shipp the greate Christofer aged 40 yeares
Jaques Pinabel of Sher[?XXX] in [?XXXX] Sailer, aged 17 yeares
John Sax of Greenwich Mariner, and Thomas ?Withers of the parish of Catherin Creechurch London Baker, both waiters for the prize office aboard the shipp the [AXXXX]
John Axon of debtford in the County of Kent Mariner, and Enoch Peate of London sonne of George Peate, waiters for the prize office aboard the shipp the Black Cock
John Holwell of Clements Lane without temple barr a waiter aboard the Church of Edam a prize taken by the shipps of this Commonwealth
Henry Hastings of the parish of Saint John Zachary London Goldsmith aged 48 yeares a waiter for the prize office aboard the said shipp lying at Ratcliffe
Gerrite XXXXX of hamborowe mariner, master of the shipp the King David of hamborough, aged fiftie yeares
John Bourne of Limehouse in the County of Middlesex mariner aged 21 yeares
Joachim Dowke of Lubeck Mariner, master of the shipp the ffortune of Lubeck, aged 38 yeares
Zachary Milde of hamborough Mariner Master of the shipp the Saint Anthony of hamborough, aged 26 yeares
Witte Wittens of hamburgh Mariner Master of the sayd shipp the King David aged 25 yeares
Hendrick Martenson of hamborough Mariner master of the shipp the Hope aged 29 yeares
John Detrye of Hamburgh Mariner Master of the sayd shipp the Mercury aged two and thirty yeares


Gerrit Simondson Vischer of Maesland Sluce in Holland Mariner late Master of the said shipp the golden Lambe aged 40. yeares
Claus Peterson of [?PurXXerland] in Holland Mariner aged 39. yeares
Amons Barentsen of Coppenhagen in Denmarke Mariner aged 35. yeares
Cornelius Peterson of Landsmore in the Waterland in Holland Mariner aged 38. yeares
Cornelius Nannesy of Holisloot in the Waterland in Holland Mariner aged 34 yeares
Francis Laurenson of Stockholme in Sweden Mariner aged 19 yeares
Cornelius Jansen of delfe-haven in Holland Mariner aged 18. yeares
Jurian Johnson of Warenes neare [?StXXXX] in ffreezland, aged 32 yeares or thereabouts stiersman of the said shipp the [?Peace]
Harman Carrells of Embden Mariner Master of the said shipp the Saint John Baptist aged 31 yeares
Cornelius Yarrickson of Hamborough Mariner Master of the said vessell the Peter aged 37 yeares
Jacob Wigandi of Hamborough Merchant aged 25. yeares
Captaine Simon Baily of Ratcliffe in the County of Middlesex marriner aged 33]]
Michael van Lubkin of Hamborough Mariner Master of the said shipp the Morning Starre aged 31. yeares


Thomas Adams of Dartmouth in the County of Devon gentleman aged 42 yeares
Jacob (?Hennekyn) of Stettyn in Pomerland Master of the shipp the ffaith of Stettyn aged 50 yeares
George Hawke of Stepnich neere Stettyn in Pomerland Marriner aged about five and twenty yeares
John Johnson of Gracht in Holland Mariner late boateswaine of the said vessell or Busse the Liesda aged 34 yeares
Simon Johnson of the Gracht in Holland Mariner aged 32 yeares
John Araianson of Embden Mariner master of the said vessell aged 34 yeares
John Bollet of Embden Coxen of the said shipp the Golden lyon aged 30 yeares
Hermann Geerts of Embden Mariner aged 22. yeares


Segar Splinter of Hamborough Mariner Master of the said shipp the Saint Mary aged 30. yeares
John Harmanson of Russenaer Ziel in the Earldome of Oldenburgh in Germanie Mariner ahed 50. yeares
Peter Vkies of Lines in the Land of Groningen in the Dominion of the States Generall Mariner aged 29. yeares
Martin Grimm of Tunning in the Dukedome of Holsteyn Mariner aged 28. yeares
Lucas Wrede of Hamborough Mariner Steersman of the said shipp the Morning Starr aged 52 yeares
John Wittigrove of Hamborough mariner Coxen of the said shipp the Morning Starr aged 30 yeares
John Wittigrove of Hamborough mariner Coxen of the said shipp the Morning Starr aged 30 yeares
Hans Beritson of Lubeck mariner Carpenter of the sayd shipp Gideon aged two and thirty yeares
Larence Peterson of Barne in Norway mariner one of the Companie of the sayd shipp the Gideon aged eighteene yeares
Cornelius Petrson of Stettin in Sweden Sailer aged 30 yeares


William Mowat of London Mariner Lieutenant of the Prosperous Galliot, Richard Swaine Vaptaine, aged 25 yeares
Claes Maltof Wismar Mariner, Master of the said shipp the Peace or the Vrade, aged 39 yeares
Jacob Hendrickson of Lubeck in Germania Mariner Boateswaine of the said shipp the Peace aged 28 yeares
Hans Bildfelt of Lubeck in Germania Mariner Purser of the said shipp the Peace alias Vrede aged 28. yeares
Francis Kelmey of horsey downe sailer aged 21 yeares
Jaspar ffisher of Stralesund Mariner Master of the shipp the ffisher of Stralesund, aged thirtie eight yeares
John Chappell living within the Libertie of the Tower of London Vintner aged five and forty yeares
Thomas Marriott of Barking parish in London [?gentleman] aged three and thirty yeares
Andrew Mattyson of Gottenbergh in Swethland Gunner of the sayd shipp the Elias aged nyne and twenty yeares
John Glover of the Cittie of London Merchant aged 38 yeares
Henry Crispe of the parish of Saint Antholine in the Cittie of London merchant aged 45 yeares
Richard ffaulconer upon interrogatories on the Noahs Arke
Alexander Allen upon interrogatories
Alexander Allen upon interrogatories
Lawrence Gooldbrandson of [?BaXhusen] in Norway Mariner aged 28 yeares
Gerrett Johnson of delfes haven in holland Mariner aged 22 yeares
Christopher Peterson of Hamburgh Mariner Master of the shipp the Saint Peter aged 41 yeares
Thomas Beedham of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen in Southwarke Mariner Masters Mate of the shipp the John and Mary aforesayd aged 36 yeares


Asmus Hostorp of Hamborough Mariner Master of the said shipp the fortune aged 31 yeares
Martin Barnheid of Coningsbourgh in the dominion of the duke of Brandenburgh, master of the shipp the hope of Coningsborough, aged eight and twenty yeares
Edmond Scarburgh of Accomarke in Virginia where hee hath lived for these twenty two yeares last past, but borne in London aged 34 yeares
[CHECK HCA 13/68 f.123r which is missing]
John Snowe of Bristoll in the County of Somerset Agent for the Victualers of the Navie of this Commonwealth aged 35 yeares
John Thurmwood of Redriff in the County of Surrey Mariner Masters Mate of the sauyd shipp the Endeavour aged 46 yeares
[CHECK HCA 13/68 f.124v to f.129v which are missing]


Lorenzo Michael of Sevill in Spayne Corporall of the sayd shipp the Harry Bonadventure aged thirty yeares
James Collett of the parish of Stepney in Middlesex Cooper of the sayd shipp the Harry Bonadventure aged eight and twenty yeares
Robert Tibbet of Limehouse in the County of Middlesex Mariner Master of the sayd shipp the Harry Bonadventure aged six and forty yeares
John Standen of London neere Bottolphs wharfe Chyrurgeon of the sayd ship the Harry Bonadventure aged 28 yeares
William Clutterbuck of Hackney in the County of Middlesex Mariner Purser of the sayd shipp the Harry Bonadventure aged three and twenty yeares


John Merrick of Wapping in the County of Middlesex Mariner late Leiuetenant of the Harry Bonadventure and afterwards Master or Commander of the Saint Peter aforesayd, aged one and thirty yeares
Richard Hall of Ratcliffe in the County of Middlesex Mariner, Quartermaster of the sayd shipp the Harry Bonadventure aged five and thirty yeares
Richard Clayton of Blackwall in the County of Middlesex Mariner, late Cooke of the sayd shipp the Harry Bonadventure, aged five and thirty yeares
Robert Swanley of hackney in the County of Middlesex Mariner late Captaine or Commander of the sayd shipp the Harry Bonadventure, aged eight and thirty yeares
Martin Williams of duinkerke in fflanders Mariner aged two and forty yeares


Martin Holst of Hamburgh Mariner Master of the sayd shipp the Neptune, aged three and thirty yeares
Hendrick Freke of Hamburgh Mariner Purser of the sayd shipp the Neptune aged one and twenty yeares
Joachim Schouldt of Hamburgh Mariner aged twenty yeares
Thomas Martin of Galloway in Ireland merchant aged five and twenty yeares
Thomas Martin of Galloway in Ireland, merchant aged 25 yeares


Thomas Martin of Gallaway in Ireland merchant aged five and twenty yeares
Thomas Brothers of Deale in Kent Sailer aged 27 yeares
George Dattivors of Roane in ffrance ffactor of the King and Queene of Poland aged 30. yeares
John Conyet of Chambory in Savoye Gentleman aged 26 yeares
John Pieterson Griep of Hambourough, Mariner Master of the said shipp the Saint George aged 43 yeares
Dorve Bockes of Nortropen in Swethland Mariner Master of the said shipp the Land of Promise aged 36. yeares
[CHECK HCA 13/68 f.154v-166r which are missing]
Antonio Estevan de Balderas of Madrid an Inhabitant of Limma in the Indies merchant aged thirty eight yeares
John Greene of East Smithfeild in the County of Middlesex Mariner late Captaine of the John and Elizabeth one of the shipps imployed in the service of this Commonwealth aged 44 yeares
Antonio da Ponte of Tenariffa merchant aged 28 yeares


Nicholas Rice of Limmerick in Ireleand merchant aged 32 yeares
ffrancis Water of Limmerick in Ireland merchant aged 33 yeares
Claes Vos of Hamburgh merchant aged three and twenty yeares
Christian Boldan of Hamburgh merchant aged 36 yeares
Joachim Masters of Hamburgh mariner Master of the sayd shipp the Saint John aged four and thirty yeares
Captaine Thomas Hare of Redriffe in the County of Surrey Commander of the Ann Percy in the service of this Commonwealth aged 32 yeares
Antonio Estevan de Balderas of Limma in the West Indies merchant aged 38 yeares
Thomas Andreison of Hamburgh Mariner Master of the sayd shipp the Hope aged 46 yeares
Peter Vande Wyer of dunquirke in fflanders Merchant aged 26. yeares
Peter Roberts of Ostend Mariner Master of the said shipp the Saint John aged 54. yeares


Peter Le Maistre of Dunquirke in fflanders mariner Boateswaine of the said shipp the Saint John aged 51. yeares
Thunis Jacobson of dunquirke in fflanders Mariner aged 24 yeares
Adrian Revelle of dunquirke in fflanders Mariner aged 23. yeares
John Hey of Hamborough Mariner Master of the said shipp the Goulden Mill aged 38. yeares
Peter van Dunhem of Hamborough Master of the said shipp the Saint Mary aged 43. yeares
Henry Van Nelsen of Hamborough [?Mariner] aged 63. yeares
William Oldison of Hamborough Mariner aged 42. yeares
John Boomgaerden of Thooren in [?Prussia] Merchant aged 21. yeares
Michael Jochimson of Hamburgh [?Mariner] Master of the said shipp the Redd Lyon aged 29. yeares


John Stootenpape Native of Neer in the Principalitie of Liege or Luyck Merchant aged 33. yeares
[[HCA 13/68 f.192v Annotate|Jacob Wigandi of Hambrorough Merchant aged 25. yeares
Henry Oake of the parish of Stepney in the County of Middlesex Mariner aged 30 yeares
Thomas Dawes of Shadwell in the parish of Stepnet Mariner where he hath lived five yeares, aged about 39ty yeares
William Potts of Newcastle in the County of Northumberland Mariner, where he hath lived about 6 yeares aged about 20ty yeares
John Chamberlayne of Southampton, Apprentice to Captaine [?Peice] the Producent, aged 17 yeares


John Pruyse of Riga in Liessland under the Dominion of the Queene of Sweden, Merchant aged 40. yeares
John Denhelme of Edinburgh in Scottland Merchant aged 27 yeares
Henry Wilkes of Edinburgh in Scotland [?XXX] aged about 26 yeares
Symon Pargents of Cadiz in Spayne Merchant aged 27 yeares
Symon Pargents of Cadiz in Spayne Merchant aged 27 yeares
Joochym Beene master of the Shipp the three Kings of Hamborough aged fower and thirty
Joachim Beane aforesaid
Michael ?Sresas of [?Vallenie] in Pomerland Quarter master of the Shipp the Salvadore aged 29. yeares
Symon Parente of Cadiz in Spayne merchant aged about 27 yeares
John Thomas of Cadiz in Spayne where he lived for the greatest part of his life beinge there borne aged 23 yeares


Joachim Beane master of the Shipp the Three kinges whereof he hath beene master for theis 8 moneths or thereabouts aged 34 yeares
Captaine Richard Stainier Commannder of the shipp the fforesight in the service of this Commonwealth, aged 28 yeares
Claes van Roton of Hamburgh Mariner master of the sayd shipp the Brewer aged six and fifty yeares
Robert Rickman of Bartholomews Billingsgate London fishmonger aged 30 yeares or thereabouts, and James Calmady of Saint Mary [?At ?hills] London draper aged 30 yeares
Harman Williams of Hamborough Mariner, Master of the ffliboate the hope of hamburgh aged five and thirty yeares
Jan Harmanson Snack of Breme Mariner aged 49 yeares
Robert Brathwaite of Southwarke aged 48 yeares or thereabouts and John ?Nutsher of the same aged 55 yeares
Antonio de Ponte of Teneriffa merchant aged 30 yeares
Thomas Liftwood of Dunnidge in [?Suffolk] Mariner, aged 31 yeares
Captaine ffrancis Hardidge of London Mariner aged 50 yeares
Hance Johnson of Copenhaven Mariner aged 46 yeares
Laurence Albertson pf Elsanore Mariner, aged 30 yeares
James ffordham of London Mariner aged 40 yeares
Hendrick Straetman of Hamborough Mariner stiersman of the said shipp the Peter. aged 23 yeares
Joachim Warner of Hamburgh Mariner Master of the sayd shipp the Saint John Baptist aged 43 yeares


Daniel Straetman of Hamburgh Mariner Master of the said shipp the Peter aged 37 yeares
Hendrick Johnson of Embden Mariner master of the said shipp aged 54 yeares
Harman Headicks of Embden Mariner, master of the shipp the yonge Bore aged 33 yeares
Peter Harmans of Embden Mariner, aged 34 yeares
Peter Epping of Embden mariner, aged 46 yeares
Christian Paul Santon of London Merchant 436 yeares
Jacob Gevers of Hamborough Mariner, Commander of the said shipp the Wheele of ffortune aged 41 yeares
Hendrick Luck of Hamborough Mariner master of the said shipp the Saint Paul aged 36 yeares
John Baptista de la Mot of Cadiz in Spaine Merchant aged 24 yeares
Claus Verreden of Hamborough Mariner aged 56 yeares
Zacharias Milde of Hamborough Mariner aged 26 yeares
Hance Meimers of Hamburgh Mariner, master of the said shipp the Crowne Imperiall, aged 43 yeares
George Attivort of Roane in Normandie factor of the said kinge aged 30 yeares
John Peterson Grype of Hamborough Mariner, master of the said shipp aged 44 yeares
Allard Edzerts of Nremes Merchant aged 35 yeares
Hendrick Punt of Bremen Mariner master of the sayd shipp the Golden Sunn aged 34 yeares


Claes Maltz of [?Wismart] Mariner aged 39 yeares
Walter Jonson of Lubeck Mariner, master of the White Swan of Lubeck nowe lying at Dover, aged 44 yeares
John Groobe of Lubeck Mariner master of a shipp of that port nowe lying at Dover aged 42 yeares
Marton Stackhowe of Hamborough Mariner master of the shipp the Saint George of Hamburgh aged 52 yeares
Derrick Heytman of Hamborough Mariner master of the said shipp the Saint John Baptist aged 39 yeares
Cornelius Vanderhoeven of London Merchant aged 32 yeares
Nicholas Francklin of Maidstone in Kent Esquire aged fifty yeares
Harman Hedden of Embden Mariner Master of the sayd shipp the Boare of Blew Boare aged 34 yeares
Richard Batson of the parish of Saint Botolphs Billingsgate London merchant aged 53 yeares
William Cotton borne att Colchester in the County of Essex now living att Roterdam in Holland merchant Cashier to the sayd Henry Baldero aged two and twenty yeares
Robert Bowsger of Lymestreet in London merchant aged 34 yeares
William Cotton to the Crosse Interrogatories
Hendrick Luck of Hamborough Mariner, master of the said shipp aged 36 yeares
Hance Meynerson of Hamborough Mariner master of the said shipp the Crowne Imperiall aged 43 yeares
Thomas Grant of London Mariner aged 46 yeares
Walter Johnson of Lubeck Mariner master of the said shipp the White Swann aged 44 yeares


Humphrey Tailor of London Merchant aged 29 yeares and |Oliver Taylor of the same citie merchant aged 29 yeares
Robert Williams of the parish of Saint Catherines neere the Tower of London Mariner aged [?XX] yeares
Thyse Matthias Groen of Lubeck Mariner Stiersman of the said shipp the greene dragon aged 30 yeares
John ffrederick Alderman of the citie of London
Joachim Wise of Stettin Carpenter of the said shipp the greate Christofer aged 44 yeares
Joachim ?Kindt master of the said shipp aged 40 yeares
John Burr of the parish of Allhallowes Barking London Waterman servant to Humphrey Davies Waterman, aged 23 yeares
Henry Smith of the parishe of Saint mary Alderman Bury London Merchant aged 30 yeares
Thomas Smith the younger of Saint mary Aldermanbury London Merchant aged 29. yeares
Humphrey Tailor of London Merchant aged 29 yeares and Oliver Taylor of the same citie merchant aged 27 yeares
Richard fford of the citie of London Merchant aged 40 yeares
[[HCA 13/68 f.246v Annotate|Richard Wy?nn] of London Merchant aged 44 yeares
George Richards aged 23 yeares and [[HCA 13/68 f.247r Annotate|John Bills] aged 20 yeares, both lately of the company of the Nightingale frigot, Captaine Jacob Reynolds commannder
[[HCA 13/68 f.247r Annotate|Hendrick Johnson of Embden mariner, master of a shipp of that port named the Love, aged 54 yeares
Peter Epping of |Embden Mariner master of the shipp the Golden Starr of that port aged 46 yeares
Peter Harman of Embden Mariner aged 34 yeares
Thomas Alderman of Redriff in the County of Surry Mariner, aged 53 yeares
John Pruyse of Riga in Liefland [?Merchant] aged 40. yeare












































Claus Vos of Hamborough Merchant aged 23. yeares
Christian Bolden of Hamborough Merchant aged 35. yeares
Christian Bolden of Hamborough Merchant aged 35. yeares
Diederick Warnicke of Hamburgh Merchant aged 25. yeares
Claus Vosse of Hamburgh Merchant aged [?23] yeares
Claus Vosse of Hamburgh Merchant aged 23 yeares


Diederich Warnicke of Hamborough Merchant aged 25. yeares
Claus Balden of Hamburgh Merchant aged 35. yeares
Hance Meimers of Hamborough Mariner aged 43 yeares
Hendrick Luck of Hamborough Mariner, master of the Saint Paul of Hamborough, aged 36 yeares
Claus Albertson of Stockholme in Sweden Mariner Master of the said shipp the White Unicorne aged 45 yeares
Nicholas Neyman of Lubeck Mariner Master of the said shipp aged 46 yeares
Garret Derrickson of Hamborough Mariner Master of the said vessell, aged 44 yeares
Thomas Tyte of London Mariner, Commander of the shipp the Margaret and Elizabeth of London, aged 30 yeares and Samuel Venmar Chirurgeon of the said shipp aged 21 yeares
Martin Westcombe of London Marchant aged 28 yeares
Richard Campian of London Wine Cooper aged 25 yeares
Harman Groatjan of Lubeck Marinerm aged 25yeares
Michael Jacobson of Tunsborough in Norway Mariner, master of the said shipp the Saint John aged 24 yeares






John François of Lisle in fflanders Marchant aged 30 yeares
[[HCA 13/68 f.500v Annotate|Ive d'Estre of Lile in fflanders merchant aged 21 yeares
Hendrick Broeck of Hamburgh Mariner master of the sayd shipp the Angel Gabriel , aged thirty four yeares
John Cornelison of Stockholme in Swethland Mariner Master of the sayd shipp the [?XXXXXX] aged thirty yeares
Charles Marescoe of Saint Nicholas Lane London Merchant aged 21 yeares
William Ware of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner aged 40 yeares
William Sowden of Plimouth Mariner master of the shipp the Wellfare of the said port aged 36 yeares
George Morshed of Millbrooke neere Plimouth in the County of devon Sailer, aged 35 yeares
William Ginnis of Millbrooke neere Plimouth in the County of devon shipp wright, aged one and twenty yeares
Roger Cole of the citie of London Merchanta ged 51 yeares
Samuel Haard of the parish of Mary Magdalen Nermondsea in the County of Surrie Leathersellar
ffolkart hemmas of Embden Mariner, master of the shipp the ffortune of Embden, aged 23 yeares
Martin Westcombe of Mincing Lane London merchant aged 30 yeares
Gerrard Menschever of Stockhollom in Swethland Secretary to the Agent of the Queene of Sweden Resident here in England aged 36 yeares
William Bushell of Leverpoole in the County of Lancashire late Master and Owner of the shipp the Satrick of Leverpoole aged 28 yeares
Samuell Wright of Nesson in the County of Chester Mariner late Master of the shipp Samuell of Chester aged 22 yeares
Captaine John Welch of the parish of Stepney in the County of Middlesex Mariner aged 25 yeares
Sheldon Keightley of the parish of Saint Catherins neere the Tower of London Chirurgeon, aged 21 yeares
John Kint of Hamborough Mariner Master of the said shipp the Kint aged 40. yeares


Diego de la Cruze of Cadiz in Spaine aged about 30 yeares
Jacob Isbranison of dunquirke Mariner, stiersman of the said vessell, aged 53 yeares
John ffooka of dunquirke Mariner, boatswaine of the said shipp the Dolphin, aged 44 yeares
Joos de Waeda of dunkirke mariner Carpenter of the sayd shipp the Dolphin aged 28 yeares
Dirrick Lawrentson of dunkerke mariner one of the Mariners of the sayd shipp the Dolphin aged [?24] yeares
Jacob Janson of Bergen neere dunkerke mariner one of the Company of the Dolphin aged 19 yeares
Anthony Sola of dunkerke mariner one of the Company of the Dolphin aged 23 yeares
William Hovell of Kingsale in Ireland Merchant aged 40 yeares
Marke Heytman of Stralsund in Sweden Marriner, master of the shipp the Saint Marke of Stralesund, aged 50 yeares
John Baptista Buten of Genoa mariner one of the Company of the said shipp the Dolphin aged 27 yeares
Lewis Elze of dunkerke mariner one of the Company of the said shipp Dolphin aged 24 yeares
ffrances de Rousa of dunkerke mariner one of the Company of the Dolphin aged 21. yeares
John Meynerson of Enchusen in holland Mariner master of the said shipp aged 29 yeares
Thomas Corbet of London merchant aged fourtie [?XXX] yeares
Owen LLoid of London servant to his precontest Thomas Corbet aged 26 yeares
Christian Sola of dunquirke Mariner, master of the said shipp the Dolphin, aged 43 yeares


