HCA 13/68 f.245r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.245r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


On the behalfe of Ambrose}
Pomeroy touching a lighter}
damnified by a hull mann}


John Burr of the parish of Allhallowes Barking Waterman
servant to Humphrey Davies waterman, aged 23 yeares or thereabouts
sworne in Court before the three Judges saith and deposeth as

That a shipp of Hull wherof the name of the Master is Mr Perry, but the
name of the vessell hee knoweth not heaving off from Porters key neare
the Custome house about a moneth since, came fowle of a close lighter
laden with hemp named the Margaret belonging to Ambrose Pomrey lying at the said key
aboard the which lighter there was a dutchman to looke to and keepe her
fast, who having his anchor downe, the masters mate of the said hull
shipp called out to him to let his cable goe, which the said dutchman
not willing to doe least his lighter should be runn upon the bridge, the
said masters mate being in the boate of the said shipp catched hold on the said
cable and pulled the same, and bidd the dutch man who held it
aboard lett it goe; whereupon the said dutchman letting the cable goe, the
said masters hawled it out, soe that the said Lighter ran upon the bridge
and sate upon the starlins or bottome of the arch
in a very dangerous condition, wherby hee verily beleeveth shee receied
dammadge, which hee deposeth and knoweth because hee was close by the
said lighter in his boate and sawe the premisses soe donne.



The 6th day of December 1653.

A matter Of Examination of witnesses to the}
perpetuall remembrance heereof on the part and}
behalfe of Thomas Smith against 1/16th part of the}
ship the Hamborough Merchant belonging to}
John Glinne and against the said John Glyn in}
particular and all others in generall}

Examined upon the Allegation given on the bahalfe of
the said Smith.



Henry Smith of the parish Of Saint
Mary Alderman Bury London Merchant aged 30
yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined

To the first and second articles of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth That
in the yeares of our Lord 1650 and 1651 the arlate John Glynne (a aperson
well knowne to this deponent for and by the space of these tenne or twelve yeares
last past) was the ffactor or Agent of the producent Thomas Smith)
of this Citty of London att Hamborough where he did act and doe his busines
for him the said producent as his factor. And saith that both before and within
the said tyme hee the said Thomas Smith did at severall tymes send
over unto the said John Glynne att Hamborough diverse Woollen Clothes
and other goods wares and merchandizes there vendible to the vallew of 5000 li
sterling and upwards there to bee by him the said Glinne sould and bartered away
for the use and advantage of him the said producent, the returnes whereof hee
was to have made to him thE said producent againe, which said Woollen
Cloaths had other goods hee the said Glynne accordingly received and undertooke
to dispose of the same and make returnes thereof accordingly, Howbeit hee saith the said John Glynne
to this tyme (of this deponents knowledge) hath not made according as by