HCA 13/68 f.175r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.175r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


have made or taken their Course through the English Channell nor
by the holygolandt or Texell which is as he saith farr about; And
saith he did never soe observe or heard though himselfe have used the
Greenland trade for 14 or 15 yeares, that the sayd ffrench ffleet or shipps
or ?any of them did do or come in those seas towards holygolandt or Texell, or that they
did att any tyme do or use to call or touch att the Texall to take in
Pilotts or for any other cause or reason, but knoweth and hath
seenne and observed that they have from tyme to tyme kept and made
the foresayd course by the North of Ireland in manner above sett forth.
And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the 6. 7. 8. and 9. he saith he knoweth nothing thereof

To the Crosse Interrogatoryes CENTRE HEADING

To the .1. he saith he comes to be a witnes att the Request of Captaine Jacob Reynolds
and expects noe benefit thereby. and further cannot depose

To the .2. he saith he useth noe endeavor to make the Lowisa and ?hunter or
their lading prize. and futher cannot depose.

Repeated in Court)
before the Judges)



The xvth day of November 1653.

The Clayme of Blases da La Pyna)
of Sevill for his goods in the shipp)
the Salvador whereof Christian)
Cloppenbergh is Captaine taken by)
a shipp of the Parliaments fleet)
under the Command of Capt PomXXX)


Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe
of the sayd Blaza da La Pina.


Antonio Estevan de Balderas
of Limma in the West Indies merchant
aged 38 yeares of thereabouts a witnes
sworne and examined deposeth and saith
as followeth. videlicet.

To the first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth and nynth
Articles of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that upon his arrivall
in Spaine from the West Indies in the summer tyme 1652 during such
tyme or within such tyme as the arlate shipp the Salvador did lye att
Cadiz and more particularly about the monethes of August or September
1652 he this deponent being upon the Exchange in Sevill there
mett with the arlate Blaes da La Pina an ancyent acquaintance
of this deponent from his youth, And then and there this deponent
and the sayd Blaze da La Pina falling into discourse whereby he
came to understand this deponent resolution of goeing to fflanders
in some of the shipps then lyeing att Cadiz and bound for Ostend
, hee the sayd Blaes da La Pina thereupon tooke
occasion to acquaint this deponent in theis or the like words. videlicet
I (sayd he) doe likewise send eleven baggs of wooll upon my owne
accompt and Adventure aboard Christian Cloppenburgh to Ostend