HCA 13/68 f.30v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 30 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2016/11/26 |
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evident and easily demonstrable that It is a neerer passage by the
North of Ireland from Greenland to Rochell than by the Texell
or Holygolandt by neere 150 leagues. And for this cause this deponent
for his part beleiveth that the Greenland ffleet of ffrance doe usually
and commpnly make their course both outward and homeward by the
North of Ireland and not by the Holygolandt or Texell, and that
the same Pilotts who guide and pilott them out may and doe goe
and pilott them home againe. And otherwise cannot depose.
To the 6. 7. smf 8. he saith he knoweth nothing thereof.
To the Crosse Interrogatories.
To the .1. he saith he comes to be a witnes in this cause att the Request
of Captaine Jacob Reynolds who as he heard tooke the shipp Lewis and
further otherwise than negatively he cannot depose.
To the .2. he saith he useth noe endeavour to procure the Lewise [?Hanter
or eyther of them or eyther of their lading to be condemned prize.
and further cannot depose.
Roboert Mester [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Repeated before Doctor Godolphin}
and Doctor Clarke}
The tenth day of November 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]
Captaine Isaac Philips against the Vessell}
called the Leopard of which Michael vander
Kerkhoven was master and her tackle and}
furniture, and Daniell Thyson comeing in}
for his interest. Smith Suckley.}
Examined upon an allegation made and
admitted in the Acts of Court on the behalfe
of the sayd Daniell Thyson.
Michael vander Kerkhoven of Ostend in
fflanders mariner Master of the sayd shipp
the Leopard aged 33 yeares or thereabouts
a witnes sworne and examined deposeth
and saith as followeth videlicet.
That he this deponent about .4. monethes now past came from Ostend by
the order and direction of the allate Daniel Thyson to Dover purposing
to take possession of the sayd shipp the Leopard as Master of her which as the sayd Thyson
acquainted this deponent he had by his correspondent Mr Arnold
Beake of this Citty merchant caused to be bought for his the sayd
Thysons use. And saith that since his comeing to Dover he hath there heard
that the sayd shipp the Leopard was formerly called and knowne by the
name of the Blackbusse, and that it was a prize shipp and was bought
of and from the SubCommissioners of prize goods att Dover by Thomas
Dawke allegat, who have made him a bill of sale for the same which
this deponent hath seene; And that the sayd Thomas Dawkes did transfer
the propriety of the same to the sayd Daniel Thyson by vertue of a bill of
sale of the same made to his Contest Joris Johnson but in trust or
to the use of the sayd Daniel Thyson which bill of sale this deponent
hath likewise seene:. And moreover saith That in or about the moneth
of August last past he this deponent after his arrivall att Dover
tooke possession of the sayd shipp as Master of her in the name and [?XX]
and on the behalfe and by the e order of the sayd Daniel Thyson [?XX]
there videlicet att Dover continued in like possession thereof quietly and
peaceably severall weekes, andupon or about the second day of
October last past sett out to sea with the sayd shipp and meeting [?with]