HCA 13/68 f.24v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.24v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the fifth Interrogatorie, he saith the Elizabeth frigot is an able vessell of
40 gunnes and beleiveth that there were about 40 gunnes in the sayd
merchants shipps. And saith, he is not able to depose or guesse what
the event might have bene, in case the sayd merchants shipps had ioyned
with the Hollands men of warr, but beleiveth the Elizabeth could have
sayled and fledd safe from them att the woorst.

To the 6th Interrogatory he saith he hath not so deposed.

To the 7th Interrogatorie he saith that the sayd merchants shipps did submitt
themselves to the Elizabeth without firing any gunnes against her
And otherwise to this Interrogatorie he cannot depose.

Repeated before Doctor Clarke and Doctor Godolphin.



The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the sayd allegation


John Painter of Wincanton in the County of Somersett
Mariner one of the Company of the Elizabeth frigot
in the immediat service of this Commonwealth aged
eighteene yeares or thereabouts, a witnes sworne and
examined deposeth and saith as followeth.

To the first, second, third, fourth fifth and sixth Articles of the sayd allegation
This deponent saith and deposeth, That the Captaine and Companie of the
Elizabeth frigot in or about the beginning of this Instant October about eight
of the Clock in a morning espyed off of deipe, a ffleet of shipps of
about [?28] sayle whereof the shipps schedulate were [?a] part, and about
one or two of the Clock in the afternoone came up with them, And saith that
att the head of the sayd ffleet were two men of warr of Holland
and another to the Leeward, which sayd men of warr before the Elizabeth
came upp for severall howres gave chase to an English privat Man of
warr, and during the Chase of the sayd private Man of warr, the foresayd
ffleet stood off, and on, in the selfe same Course with the Hollands men of
warr. And further saith, that assoone as the Elizabeth came upp with
the Reare of the sayd ffleet, the sayd 2 Hollands Men of warr tacked [?about]
upon the Elizabeth to the Rescue of the sayd ffleet, and the sayd ffleet
thereupon tacked about, and stood the same course in the assistance of the
sayd Hollands Men of warr, who as he saith exchanged some broad
sides with the Elizabeth, and broke her mainmast, foremast, [?bolstsprit]
and slew the master of her, and seeing the Elizabeth beare upon [?them]
fledd through the sayd ffleet to their other Consort to Leeward all [?which]
this deponent knoweth, being one of the Company of the Elizabeth, and
saw, and observed the premisses, and otherwise cannot depose saving [?that]
the sayd Elizabeth frigot the tyme predeposed had and wore out the
Colours of this Commonwealth, and that the foresayd Holland men of warr
had, and wore out the colours of the Hollanders, and were a Convoy of
and for the ffleet aforesayd.

To the seventh, and eighth Articles of the said allegation, This deponent saith
that during the sayd ffight, the foresayd Merchants shipps schedulate
did not [?strike] to the Elizabeth, albeit they were within shot, till the [?Eliza=]
beth fell in upon them, and fired four or five gunns att them, but
saith they tacked about in assistance of the Hollands Men of warr, and



John Major

John Painter of Wincanton in Somerset


Wincanton in Somerset



Elizabeth frigate