HCA 13/68 f.12v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.12v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


any money to be payd, or that was payd by any ffrenchman for the same
or any part thereof, neyther did he ever heare of any promise made
by any ffrenchman, for payment of any money for the same, or any
part thereof. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the third Article of that sayd allegation, This deponent saith that att the sayd
shipps lading now in question was laden and putt on board the sayd shipp
the Unicorne att Lisbone in the monthes of December 1652 and
January 1653 new stile or stile used in Portugall, which this deponent
well knoweth being master of the sayd shipp, and -
otherwise cannot depose.

To the fourth Article of the sayd allegation, this deponent saith and deposeth -
that the sayd goods were all laden att Lisbone as aforesayd And saith -
he never saw to the best of his knowledge any, person or persones lade
carry or bring and putt aboard the sayd shipp the Unicorne any of the goods in question or [?deal] with
this deponent, or any other touching the same, but the persons hereafter
mentioned onely, that is to say, Hjeronimo de Casseres arlate, a servant
of the sayd Hjeronimoes whose name he remembreth not, and one [?Nicodemez]
a Broaker, and two Passengers that came along in the sayd shipp this voyage from Lisbone videlicet John Estaye and Lucas Alvarez
and saith that the sayd Hjeronimo de Casseres, and his sayd servant and
Lucas Alvarez aforesayd are by common repute Portuguesee and Inhabitants
of Portugall, And the sayd [?Nicodemez] the Broker is by common repute
a Brabander and an Inhabitant of Lisbone, and the sayd John Estaye
is an Inhabitant of Lisbone, but what countryman he is this deponent -
knoweth not; And saith all the sayd persons are by common repute subiects
of the King of Portugall : And further saith that the sayd Casseres -
his servant and [?Nicodemez] the Broker did carry or putt aboard all -
the merchants goods now in question; saith goods onely excepted; and were [?there]
laden and are claymed in this Court by the aforesayd Passengers John Estaye -
and Lucas Alvarez. And further saith that this deponent and his shipps
Company being most of them Easterlings did likewise lade and putt aboard
the sayd shipp the tyme and place aforesayd severall goods for their owner
Accompt videlicet ten chests of sugar and about thirty thousand oranges and lemmons
And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the last he saith his depositions are true.

See his deposition to the Crosse Interrogatory. lib. NN.

Repeated before the judges in Court.

Claes Albertson [SIGNED RH SIDE]


The twelfth day of October1653

The Keepers of the Liberty et cetera against the}
Golden Starr or Morning Starr}

Examined upon the sayd allegation.

4 .

Martin Bond of Shadwell in the County of Middlesex
mariner masters mate of the Advantage frigot -
aged two and thirty yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne
and examined deposeth and saith as followeth. videlicet.

To the first second third and fourth articles of the sayd allegation This deponent
saith that the arlate shipp the Golden Starr or Morning Starr was upon
or about the 23th day of ffebruary last past taken and seized in