HCA 13/68 f.107r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.107r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


in Spaine and the streights till the receipt of her ladeing at Cales
the tyme aforesayd./

To the 17th and 19th negatively/

To the 20th hee cannot depose/

To the 21th hee saith the sayd silver was laden under Command of the ffortresse
of Cales and with licence, which Licence was in the sayd Shipp at the tyme
of the sayd seizure./

To the 22th hee saith the sayd Master having signed the sayd three bills
delivered two of them to the Barkero that brought the sayd silver aboard and
brought the third along in the shipp And otherwise hee cannot answere saving
as aforesayd./

To the 23th hee cannpt depose saving as aforesayd./

To the 24th and 25th hee saith that it is prohibited to lade and exporte plate from
Spaine without licence And in case any be taken that is soe laden without licence
it is confiscate./



The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of the widdow and heyers of}
George de Etton head for their moneys in}
the Morning Starr Michaell Van Lubkin}
Master Smith Budd}

Exained upon the foresayd allegation on the
behalfe of the sayd Claymers./


John Wittigcove of hamborough Mariner
Coxen of the sayd shipp the morning starr
aged 30 yeares or thereabouts sworne and

To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith and
deposeth that in the moneth of January last or thereabouts there were in
the bay of Cadiz laden and put aboard the shipp the Morning Starr arlate
(Michaell Van Lubkin Master) to be transported to dunquirke or Ostend eight


cases or chests of silver marked as in the margin in the name and as
for the use and Accompte of the sayd widdowe and heyres of the sayd George
de Ettenhead who were at the tyme of the sayd ladeing and are commonly
accompted the true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors thereof which hee
knoweth being one of the sayd shipps company and seeing the sayd chests
or cases brought aboard in a barque from Sivil the Master of which barque
brought along with him a dis[?paccie] or licence for the ladeing thereof and
shewed the same And otherwise hee cannot depose/

To the third article hee saith that upon the sayd ladeing the sayd Michaell
Van Lubkin signed bills of ladeing for the sayd silver aboard the sayd
shipp of this deponents sight and knowledge referring himselfe to the sayd
bills and otherwise hee cannot depose saving that the three bills left to be
shewne unto him hee saith were and are three of the sayd bills and subscribed
by the sayd Master the tyme and place aforesayd./

To the 4th hee cannot depose./

To the 5th hee saith that after the sayd ladeing of the sayd eight cases of
silver the sayd shipp departed from Cadiz for dunquirke or Ostend and in her
course thitherwards was seized by some of the Parliaments Shipps at which