HCA 13/68 f.9v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.9v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And from Callice went to Rochell in her ballast and brought back to Callice
a Lading of salt for the Accompt of Mounsieur Le Croir a merchant
of Rochell. And goeing back to Rochel in her ballast to fetch salt for
the sayd Owners account and [XXX] for Danzick was in her Course seized by Captaine White as aforesaid
And otherwise cannot depose.

To the third he saith the sayd shipp came last from Callice before she was taken
and came from thence in her ballast and he knoweth of noe other moneyes
aboard her but what was pillaged as aforesaid by the sayd White and Company

To the fourth he saith the sayd White himself tooke from this deponent out of
his pocket the perspective glasses worth 10 s and a [?XXXX] worth 2 s 6 d and 3 duckatts aforesaid. And saith he knoweth
the value of the moneyes and goods plundered being a Mariner and well
versed in things of that nature and otherwise saving his foregoing
depositions he cannot depose.

To the fifth he saith there was sufficient provision aboard the sayd shipp
for three monthes att the tyme of the seizure and otherwise negatively

Sam [?Delafaie] [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]



The same day

Examined upon the said allegations


Gilbert Johnson of Danzyck Mariner Carpenter of the
sayd shipp the Saint John aged five and twenty yeares or
thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined deposeth and
saith as followeth videlicet.

To the first article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith and deposeth that the
arlate Lord Jossoe, Daniel Halfe Ryder, Thomas Galantime, Hans
Turan, Jochim Comeche, Jan Backer, and Jacob Groate all
Inhabitants of dantzyck were and are Owners of the sayd shipp the Saint
John her tackle and furniture and so accounted, and saith the sayd shipp
was built at Colburne in Pomerland about nyne yeares since, and
was from thence brought to Dantzyck, and ever sithence hath belonged
to the Port of datzyck videlicet from her first building which he knoweth
being an Inhabitant [of] Danzyck and Carpenter of the sayd shipp And
otherwise cannot depose

To the second he saith the sayd shipp about this tyme 12 monthes was bound from
Dantzyck to Rye and thence to Callice and tooke in her lading being hempe flax pitch
tar Clapboard and other Eastland goods part att dantzyck and part
at Rye within the [Sondt] and in her course for Callice was taken by
fourteene men of war of Holland and by them broughtor carryed to
Amsterdam where under pretence that she was bound for England the sayd
shipp was deteynedall winter and att last in the Spring last was dismissed
and came to Callice and there discharged her lading. And afterwards in
her Course from Callice to Rochell for salt was taken by Captaine White
a private Man of War And saith the sayd Jacob Groate Master of
the sayd shipp Saint John and his shipps Company did declare to the sayd