HCA 13/68 f.122r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.122r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


which hee knoweth having in all theise voyages bin implyed as a merchant in her
businesses here in the behalfe of her owners, by the meanes and order of the
said Thomas and Andrew tailer his correspondents, who hee saith with
others of Conningsborough were and are commonly accompted her owners, And
otherwise hee cannot depose, saving that one of the said owners of Coningsborough
named ffrederick Callow was here at London about three monethes since, and was
frequently in company of this deponent

Richard [?Moores] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 26th of October 1653/ [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe of the sayd
Hazard and Company./

Edmond Scarburgh of Attamack
in Virginia where hee hath lived for these
twenty two yeares last past, but borne in London
aged 34 yeares or thereabouts a witnes
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as
followeth videlicet.

To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith and
deposeth that hee well knoweth that in the yeare 1652 the arlate henry
hassard and company did obteyne a Comission of Reprizall or
letters of Marque under the seale of this Court for the seizing of
such shipps and goods of the ffrench King of his Subiects and of the States of the
United Provinces and their subiects and makeing prize of them as Enimies
to the Commonwealth of England this hee knoweth haveing seene and
perused the sayd Commission under seale And alsoe knoweth that the sayd
hassard and Company did accordingly fitt and furnish the sayd shipp for the
sayd voyage which arrived in virginia arlate under the conduct and
Command of the arlate Captaine Peter Wrexall in the moneth of
december 1652 and after such the sayd Wreall his arrivall in
Virginia hee the sayd Wrezall and his shipps Company did with a small Pinnance which hee then imployed seize upon
and surprize in the River of Rappahanncock arlate a dutch vessell
(belonging to the dutch West India Company and their Associates videlicet to Peter [?Stevinson] generall for the dutch att New Amsterdam Paulus Lenderson a dutchman [?XXX] inhabiting and the ffiscall of the same place, with diverse others of the same place called the hope
alias the hopewell alias the Portugall prize, alias the New Amsterdam, being laden
with the severall Merchandizes arlate the premisses hee the better
knoweth being present on board the sayd Pinnace imployed by the sayd Captaine
wrexall in the seizure of the sayd dutch shipp and goods and seeing the same
soe seized and viewing and peruseing the papers taken on board the sayd shipp. and
by reason of his this deponents longe inhabiting in those parts well knoweing
the persons above specified. And further to these articles hee cannot depose/