HCA 13/68 f.163r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 163 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/08/04 |
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To the Interrogatories.
To the first hee saith, That hee cometh to bee a Wittnesse in this Cause by
the meanes and pswasion of Monsieur Levesqrues of Paris and Madam des Escarts
to declare the trueth of his knowledge on the behalfe of the said King and
Queene of Poland touching their interest in the goods in question; and saith
hee is a Protestant, and otherwise negatively:-
To the second hee saith the goods schedulate were all in trunks boxes and
bailes marked as in the schedules, and made up with Cords, and the
trunkes locked up as hee beleeveth
To the third hee saith hee was present at and gave order for the lading of all
the said respective parcells aboard; but saw not the packing of them up they
being sent ready packed up from Paris and Roane to this depent at Diepe, together
with a List of the goods, according to the schedule annexed to the allegation:-
To the 4th hee referreth himself to the said schedule. And saith that the
silkes interrate were for the use of the said King and Queen,
and for some of their Court. And otherwise cannot depose:-
To the 5th hee saith hee was not present at the seizure of the said shipp or
at the time of the plunder interrate, and therefore cannot depose:
To the 6th hee saith, That all the goods schedulate were laden for the accompt
of the King and Queene of Poland, and were to be used by them their
domestiques and the religious persons aforesaid, and were not at all to be
transported as Merchandizes, but as goods designed as aforesaid
To the 7th hee saith, hee is a Native of Amsterdam, but departed thence
in his infancy. and hath lived at Roane for 20. yeares last and upwards, and
is a Subject to the King of ffrance.:-
The same day:-
Examined upon the same Allegation:-
John Conyet of Chambory in Savoye
Gentleman aged 26 yeares or thereabouts a
Witnesse sworne and examined saith and deposeth
as followeth, Videlicet
That in or about the moneth of August last past the shipp the Saint
George allegate was freighted at Diepe by this deponents precontest, ffactor
to the King and Queene of Poland for the transortation of certaine Religious
persons ffryers and Nunnes and their attendants into Poland and some servants belonging to the Queene aforesaid With severall
bailes of goods, and truncks packed up, with divers necessaries for the use
of the said religious persons being such things as were requisite for their
vestments relligious habits utensills and ornaments for a Religious House and
a Chappell appointed for them in Poland by the King and Queene aforesaid
who as this deponent then understood by the ffather director of the said religious
persons had all of them beene bought by the especiall direction of the said King
and Queene for their owne use or for their domestique servants, and for the use