HCA 13/68 f.27v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.27v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The same day [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the sayd allegation


William Summers of Chichester in the County of Sussex
Mariner one of the Company of the Elizabeth frigate
aged thirty yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworned
and examined deposeth and saith.

To the 1. article of the sayd allegation he saith that about the third day of October 1653
now instant Captaine [?Mynns] Commander of the sayd 'Elizabeth frigot and Company
having espyed a ffleet att sea off of Deepe about 7 or 8 [leagues]; of about
23 [sayle], most whereof [videlicet] the shipps schedulate and here specifyed
were merchant men that is to say. The fflora Boyes Peterson master. The Hope Martin
Minders master. The Hope [Henry Caven] master. The Hope Hendrick Martin master. The Hope John Peterson
master. The Gideon [Gerdt ffalcas] master. The Mercury Jan [?Deterre] master. The Brewer Claus [van]
[?Reden] master. The fortune [Barnds] van [Danke] master. The ffortune Joachim [Dowke] master. The
King David Weil Weittensen master. The King David Jacob Young master. The Salvator [Henry]
[?Doder] master. the Saintt Anthony Zacharia [?Mild] master. the fortune Arient Gallentine master.
The Matthew Claus [??Billiot] master. The Golden Butt Joans [Cla?eson] master. The [?Carfanger] [Berndt]
[Carfanger] master. The Golden Starr Peter [Eppen] master. The Prophet Elias Simon
[Cornelius] master
[gave] chase to them from nine of the Clock in the morning till about
two in the afternoone which he knoweth being then aboard the Elizabeth and
otherwise cannot depose.

To the second article he saith there was 2 Hollands men of warr att the head
of the sayd ffleet, and one Hollands man of warr to their Leeward and
nere a convoy of and for the sayd [merchnats] shipps, which he knoweth
and beleiveth for the reasons [ensuing] and otherwise cannot depose.

To the third article he saith that of his [sight] the foresayd fleet with their sayd
convoy did not [pursue] and chase a private mann of warr of Dover whereof
Captaine [Allington] was Commander, for the space of 4 or 5 howres. And
otherwise he cannot depose.

To the 4th article he sath that when the Elizabeth came upp with the sayd ffleet
she wore out the Colours of this Commonwealth and the sayd Hollands men of
[warr] wore out the Hollands Colours, of the deponents sight and knowledge and
otherwise he cannot depose.

To the 5th article he saith that upon the approach of the Elizabeth towards the
[Reare] of the sayd fleet their foresayd Convoy att their head lacked upon
the Elizabeth to the [rescue] of their merchants, and the merchant men
[tacked] about allso and stood with them in the assistance of their sayd Holland
Convoy this deponent being an eyewitnes thereof. And otherwise cannot

To the 6th article he saith the sayd 2 Hollands men of warr being [weatherly] of
the ffleet came upp with the Elizabeth and fought with her as is arlate [could write "articulated as expansion]
and [slew] her maister and shoot here mainmast, and afterwards bore upp
into the ffleet and fledd to the Leeward, this deponent seeing and well
observing the premisses, and otherwise cannot depose.

To the 7 he saith that most of the sayd merchants shipps were within shott att
the tyme of the sayd fight, but they did not strike to the Elizabeth nor put
out any colours till after their convoy was fledd and the Elizabeth [fell]
in among them and made severall shotts att them, which he knoweth for
the reasons aforesayd and otherwise cannot depose.

To the 8th article he saith the sayd Merchant shipps were [taken] by the Elizabeth
in Company and under convoy and conduct of the sayd Hollands men of



William Summers, of Chichester in the County of Sussex, Mariner one of the Company of the Elizabeth, aged thirty yeares or thereabouts
Captaine Mymes, Commander of the Elizabeth frigot and Company
Boyes Peterson, master of the Fflora
Martin Minders, master of the Hope
[?Henry Caven], master of the Hope
Hendrick Martin, master of the Hope
John Peterson, master of the Hope
[?Gorde Fflacas], master of the Gildeon
Jan [?Doterre], master of the Mercury
Claus [?Reden], master of the Brewer
[?Barde] van [?Danke], master of the Fortune
Joachim [?Dowle], master of the Fortune
Weil Weittensen, master of the King David
Jacob Young, master of the King David
[?Jeremy Doder], master of the Salvator
Zacharia Mils, master of the Saint Anthony
Arient Gallentine, master of the Fortune
Claus [?Billiot], master of the Matthew
Joans [?Clawson], master of the Golden Butt
[?Bard Carfanger], master of the Carfanger
Peter [?Epper], master of the Golden Starr
Elias Simon [?Cornetine], master of the Prophet Elias

Captaine [?Ellington], Commander of [?]




King David
Saint Anthony
Golden Butt
Golden Starr