HCA 13/68 f.222v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.222v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The same day.

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.



Christian Paul Santen of London Merchant
36 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first second and third articles of the said allegation hee
sayeth and deposeth that hee hath well knowne the shipp the Liesde
arlate hendrick Johnson master for theise six yeares last or thereabouts
during which space and longer sgee hath bin and at present is commonly
accompted and reputed to belonge to the port of Embden, and that
Egbert Ewers and company all Embdeners were and are commonly
accompted her owners, and further that in the yeare 1647
this deponents brother in lawe Elias deuf living at Embden
freighted her for accompt of him and of this deponent to come
thence to this port with corne, which shee accordingly did under
the conduct of hendrick Johnson her then and nowe master, and
delivered the said lading of corne to this deponent and further that
in the moneth of June last the said Egbert Evers in name of
himselfe and the rest of her owners wrote unto this deponent that
in case the said hendrick Johnson with the said shipp should happen
to be brought up in England, this deponent should give him assistance
and receive the money for his freight, and then order the said
master being cleared hence to goe for Rochell and loade salt
for the accompt of the said Egbert Evers and company owners
of the said shipp and carry the same for the east countrey, and
accordingly the said shipp being taken by one of the shipps of
this Commonwealth, and restored by order of the Counsell
of State (her lading being as hee hath heard to be dellivered to English men of this
port) this deponent imparted to the said master thae
said order, and the said master went to ffrance to lade salt for the
accompt aforesaid, And this deponent haveing received her freight
made it over to the said owners by bill of exchange. And
lastly saith that where there are many owners, it is usuall for
them to committ the matter of writing letters and orders about a shipp
to some one of them, and hee ususually writes and receives answers
thereabouts to avoide the trouble of many names and severall
addresses which would be confused. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories.

To the first hee saith the master of the said shipp spake to him to
come and speake the truth in this businesse. and otherwise negatively

To the 2. 3 and 4 hee saith hee hath the said letter
in his custody which hee received from the said Egbert Evers
and that the said Egbert writing of the said shipp and shipps did
desire this deponent to give him assistance if hee were brought
up hether and acquaint him with their order of his going for
ffrance foreasmuch as the Interrogatory demannded

To the third hee saith hee verily beleeveth the said shipp and lading
belonge to the said merchants and owners of Emden, and to noe other
person, and otherwise negatively.

All repeated before Doctor
Clarke and Dorctor Godolphin

Christian Paulus Santon [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]