HCA 13/68 f.59v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.59v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 30th day of October 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of Manuel Gomez Arosta merchant}
of Sevile Assentista of his Majestye of Spayne}
and of Anthony Chavez of the same place for}
their respective goods in the shipp the Salvador}
whereof Christian Cloppenbergh is Captaine}
taken by some of the Parliaments ffleet}
Smith Budd.}

Examined upon the sayd allegation./


Antonio Estevan de Balderas of [?XXXX]
an Inhabitant of Limma in the West Indies
merchant aged 38 yeares or thereabouts
a witnes sworne and examined deposeth and
saith as followeth. videlicet.

To the first second and third Articles of the sayd allegation This deponent saith
that he hath knowne the arlate Manuel Gomez de Arosta and Antonio
Chavez .25 yeares respectivley and for all that tyme they have bene and
now are Inhabitants of Sevill and subiects of the King of Spaine and
so accounted, and the sayd Manuel Gomez was and now is an Assentista of his
Majestye of Spaine and so accounted. And further saith that the sayd Manuel
Gomez de Arosta in the monethes of September october and November
was and att present is the lawfull Owner of the arlate 49 sackes of


washed woolls of the first marke in the margent, and of 24 sackes of


like wooll of the second marke in the margent, and that about the [?latter]
end of September or beginning of October 1652 he did cause the [?same]
to be laden for his owne Accompt aboard the arlate shipp the Salvador
Christian Cloppenbergh Master rising then in the bay of Cadiz for his owne
Accompt to be transported to Ostend and there delivered for his use to his
factor there, the premisses he knoweth for that he saw the foresayd [?woolls]
in the possession of the sayd Manuel Gomez in Sevil who acquainted this
deponent that they were his woolls and that his designe as to lade
them att Cadiz upon his owne Accompt for fflanders, and saith he sawe
the sayd woolls embarked at Sevill, and afterwards saw the barkes [?whereinto]
they were putt arrive safely therewith att the sayd shipp in the bay of Cadiz
and hath since the lading thereof seene a bill of lading for the same
under the hand of the sayd Christian Cloppenbergh whose manner of
writing he well knoweth and saith he was told by the sayd [?Anthony]
de Chavez in the sayd moneth of September in Sevill that he the
sayd Anthony had laden aboard the sayd shipp for his owne Accompt
to be transported to Ostend three serons of fine graine or [?Cochineale]
and having since seene a bill of lading for the same doth verily
beleive that the sayd Anthony de Chavez in September 1652 was
and now is the rightfull owner of the arlate three serons of [?Cochineale]


marked as in the margent, and that he did lade the same for his owne
Accompt aboard the sayd shipp in the moneth of September 1652 [?or]
about that tyme to be carryed to Ostend and there delivered for his [?use]
and Accompt. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the fourth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that hee [?hath]
seene a bill of lading in the Registry of this Court of the same [?tenor]
with the bill of lading to the allegation annexed and now shewne him for the foregoeing
woolls, and likewise one other of the same tenor with the bill of lading
for the sayd Cochineale to the sayd allegation likewise annexed and now [?shewne]
him, and knoweing well the Character of the sayd Christian Cloppenbergh [?his]
firme, and the manner and Custome of firming of bills of lading [?for]
theis reasons and the reasons predeposed he saith he doth verily [?beleive]