HCA 13/68 f.3v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 3 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 01/07/2013 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_115_06_9560.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/07/01 |
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voyage from shoare, and should have there ended her voyage, and so would
have done in case she had not bene hindred. And saith the master and shipps
Companie of the sayd shipp the Hart the voyage in question were and are all
of them Inhabitants of Skadam aforesayd and subiects of the States of the
united Provinces, All which he knoweth being an Inhabitant of Skadam
and one of the sayd shipp of the Harts Companie as he hath declared. And
otherwise he cannot depose.
To the second Interrogatorie This deponent saith and deposeth that the sayd ship
the Hart had att the tyme of the sayd seizure, one hundred and four score
Tonnes of pickled herrings on board her. And saith the sayd
shipp and all her sayd lading did att the sayd tyme of seizure belong to
severall merchants Inhabitants of Skadam subiects of the sayd States of the
united Provinces, The premisses he knoweth being of the sayd shipps
Companie and an Inhabitant of Skadam as aforesayd, and well knoweing
Mr Anthonie of Skadam Bookekeeper for the sayd Owners of the sayd shipp
and goods, the names of which owners in pticular he cannot sett forth.
And otherwise he cannot deppose saving that the sayd Mr Anthonie is a principall
owner of the sayd shipp and goods nemaley of one halfe part of the said shipp and goods
To the third Interrogatorie he saith he doth not know that there were any Bills
of lading Cocquetts, Charterparties or other writings aboard the sayd
vessell the Hart when she was seized, neither doth he know that since
she the sayd vessell came from the Last port any writings have bene
burnt throwne overboard or hid or concealed or altered. And otherwise he
cannot depose.
the marke or firme of [XX XXXX]
William [XX HIS MARKE] Evason [MARKE, RH SIDE]
The same day
Examined upon the sayd Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
Herrick Williamson of Skadam in Holland Mariner
aged fourty yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne
and examined deposeth and saith as followeth. videlicet.
To the first Interrogatorie This deponent saith he was one of the Common Mariners
of the sayd shipp the Harts Companie, and was on board her att the tyme
of seizure by the shipps of this Commonwealth, And saith the sayd shipp
the Hart began her outward voyage from Skadam in Holland, and there
was to have ended her voyage, and so would have done had she not beene
intercepted. and saith the Master of the sayd shipp Peter ffreize and all the
shipps Companie were of Skadam aforesaid and subiects of the States of the
united provinces, which he knoweth being an Inhabitant of Skadam
and one of the sayd shipps Companie as aforesayd. And otherwise cannot depose.
To the second Interrogatorie he saith and deposeth that the lading of the sayd shipp at
the tyme of seizure was one hundred and four score tunnes of pickled
herings or thereabouts. And saith that one Mr Anthonio Libertson of Skadam
is the principall Owner of the sayd shipp and lading, and as this deponent
taketh it, of one halfe part of both the sayd shipp and lading. And saith
that Jacob Symondson, and Jacob Alwinson of Skadam and others whose
names this deponent remembreth not are likewise part owners of the
sayd shipp the Heart and her lading. And otherwise he cannot depose saving
that all the Owners of the sayd shipp and lading were and are Inhabitants
of Skadam and subiects of the States of the united Provinces and so