HCA 13/68 f.167v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.167v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the Crosse Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the .1. negatively.

To the .2. he saith he hath knowne the producent by corresponencyes 7.
or eight yeares. and he is a Spaniard by common repute having his family
in Madrid where he hath lived by like repute all or most of his tyme
and otherwise he cannot depose.

To the .3. he saith he saw not the sayd woolls bought. and referring himself
to his foregoeing depositions cannot further depose.

To the .4. he saith he was not att Allicant when the woolls were laden. and
otherwise cannot depose, saving that the sayd woolls were laden as is
sett forth in the letter above mentioned by ffrancis Jaspar Mexicha

To the .5. negatively.

To the 6. negatively.

To the .7. he saith he is a native of Lisboa and an Inhabitant of London
and otherwise negatively.

To the .8. 9. 10. and 11th Interrogatories he saith he knoweth nothing thereof.

Repeated before doctor Clarke)
and doctor Godolphin)



The 31:th day of October 1653.

The Clayme of fferdinando Numez merchant)
of Sevill for his goods and merchandizes)
in the shipps the Saint George John Martins)
Captaine, and in the shipp Salvador Christian)
Cloppenbergh Captaine taken by some of)
the Parliament ffleet)
Budd Smith)

Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe
of the sayd fferdinando Numez.


Antonio Estevan de Balderas of Madrid
an Inhabitant of Limma in the Indies
merchant aged thirty eight yeares or thereabouts,
a witnes sworne and examined deposeth and saith
as followeth. videlicet.

To the first and second Articles of the sayd allegation This deponent saith
that the arlate fferdinando Numez a merchant of Sevill well knowne
to this deponent for theise 25 yeares now past or thereabouts in the monethes
of July August and September 1652 was and att present is the Lawfull
Owner and proprietor of the arlate forty six sackes of Lambes woole
unwasht of the first marke in the margent, and of the arlate


one hundred and ten sackes of washed wools of the second marke
in the margent, And that in or about the month of July 1652 the


sayd producent did att Cadiz cause the same to be Laden for his owne
accompt aboard the shipp Saint George whereof John Martinsdorp was
Master to be transported to Ostend and there delivered for his use to
his Agent or Agents there the premisses he knoweth to be true for
that about the beginning of the sayd month of July being att Sevill
he there saw the foresayd woolls in the quiet and peaceable possession
of the producent, and then and there heard him say and declare that
the same were his owne goods and that he would transmitt the same
for his owne Accompt to fflanders, and saw him then putt the same
into barkes to be carryed to Cadiz and there shipped, and afterwards
being att Cadiz saw the foresayd barkes whereon the sayd woolls were putt
safely arrive att the shipp of the sayd Martindorp riding att an anchor
in the bay of Cadiz and hath since seene bills of lading for the
sayd wools firmed with the hands and firme of the sayd John Martinsdorp
with whose character and manner of writing this deponent is well
acquainted. and otherwise he cannot depose.
