HCA 13/68 f.236v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 236 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2018/01/31 |
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Mr Sukly one of the Proctors of this Court. and further to this Interrogatorie
otherwise then negatively cannot depose.
To the 2d. Interrogatory he saith he knoweth the sayd Henry Baldero and
so hath done for theis 7 yeares now last past: And saith he the sayd Baldero now liveth
in Rotterdam in Holland and there hath lived .7. yeares, of the knowledge of this
Rendent, and for some yeares before he hath heard and further
cannot depose.
To the third Interrogatory he saith the said Henry Boldero as himselfe told this
Rendent gave order by word of mouth for lading the sayd goods for his
owne Accompt to the sayd Jos Vrymont and this deponent did likewise by his the producents order in the moneth of
June aforesayd give order to the sayd Joos Vrymondt to the same
effect in a letter dated from Rotterdam in the sayd moneth of June
1653, or about that tyme. And otherwise cannot depose saving that
the sayd Vrymondt gave this Rendent an Account of the receipt of the sayd
letter and that he had laden the sayd goods according to order given
To the fourth Interrogatory This deponent saith that the sayd stuffes were not
the proceed of any goods sent to the sayd Vrymondt nor payd for to him in ready
coyne by the producent but were payd for and satisfyed to him the sayd
Vrymondt in part by a bill of exchange from London remitted to
the producent payeable att Antwerpe, which bill the producent
indorsed and delivered to the sayd Vrymondt who accepted of it
as by his entry thereof in his booke of accompts which this Rendent
hath done did appeare, and partly in another bill
of exchange by the order of the sayd Vyrmondt made over by the
producent to Robert Caffart an Assigne of the sayd Vrymondt
att Amsterdam. and otherwise cannot depose.
To the fifth Interrate This deponent saith he doth not know or
beleive in his conscience that the sayd serges or any part of them did
or doth really belong to subiects of the States of the united Provinces
or ffrenchmen subiects of the ffrench King, nor that they bore the
hazard and adventure thereof nor that in case the same had bene
lost or miscarryed the same had bene upon their Accompt. but
saith the sayd Henry Voldero did and doth runn the sole hazard
and riske therof. And otherwise cannot depose.
William Cotton [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Repeated before Doctor Clerke
and Doctor Godolphin.}
The 30th of November 1653
The keepers of the Libertie of England}
by authoritie of Parliament against the Saint Paul}
hendrick Luck master.}
Rowe dt.
Hendrick Luck of hamborough
Mariner, master of the said shipp aged
36 yeares or thereabouts, sworne as in the
Acts of Court and examined upon certaine
Interrogatories ministred on th ebehalfe of the State
saith and deposeth as followeth, videlicet.
To the first hee saith that about eight monethes since hee this deponent
for himselfe and other owners bought the said shipp the Saint Paul att
Lubeck (where shee was built and was then [?neare]) of one hendrick
[?Minck] a Lubecker whoe built her, and then and there tooke possession
and hath ever since bin master of her, and was master at the time
of her seizure, and saith that hee this deponent is a hamburger