HCA 13/68 f.119v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.119v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


hee was seized, and 3. other old Colours which hee found aboard the sayd
shipp at Straelsond, one being a Swedish flagg, and the other redd
flaggs, but no hollands Colours at all. And saith his said shipp the Saint
Peter was taken upon the open Seas between Skagen and Norway
by the said Captaine Welch and Companie in his shipp the Mary'
And this deponent saw the said Captaine Welsh his Commission aboard
his man of warr/ And otherwise cannot depose/:-

To the 10th hee saith hee was freighted by Charterpartie made at
Hamburgh by the said Owners which Charterpartie together with the
rest of his papers hee saith hee delivered to the said Captaine Welch
shortly after the seizure. And otherwise cannot depose:-/

Cristofer Peterson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Repeated before Doctor Clarke and
Doctor Godolphin./


The 13th day of October 1653 [CENTRE HEADING]

The sayd Abraham Smith against the sayd Langley and}
others owners of the Shipp the John and Mary (the}
sayd Langley master Clements Smith}

Examined upon the Libell in this cause/

Rp. & p prim.


Thomas Beedham of the parish of Saint Mary
Magdalen in Southwarke mariner Masters
Mate of the shipp the John and Mary aforesayd aged
36 yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet/

To the first and second articles of the sayd libell hee saith and deposeth
that hee beleeveth that the arlate Mr Thorowgood and Mr Mordent and others are Owners of
the shipp the John and Mary arlate and soe have bin during all the tyme arlate
as hee beleeveth And saith that during all the tyme arlate the arlate John Langley
was master of the shipp the John and Mary arlate and soe accompted and
did goe master and merchant of the sayd shipp by the appointment of the sayd
Mr Thorowgood and Mr Mordent and the rest of the owners and imployers of the sayd shipp for a
voyage to be made from the Port of London to Ginney and thence to Barbados
and soe back to London and saith that hee beleeveth that the sayd John Langley did hyre the
Arlate Abraham Smith to goe his cheife mate in the sayd shipp the voyage
arlate and the arlate Maurice Prince to goe as servant to the sayd Smith the
sayd voyage but what wages they were to have hee knowethnot And further
to these articles hee cannot depose./

To the third 4th and 5th articles of the sayd libell hee saith that the shipp the John and
Mary arlate did goe forth upon her voyage towards Ginney upon the [?seventh]
day of January 1651 English style and arrived in Ginney about the 4th of
May following and at the Barbados about the 8th of December next after
and returned safe to London againe in the moneth of August 1653 arlate
during all which tyme the arlate Abraham Smith seved in the sayd
shipp as Masters Mate and that the arlate Maurice
Prince did serve in the sayd shipp from the sayd 7th of January 1651 as a mariner and servant to the sayd
Smith untill hee died in Ginney in the moneth of May
1652 And further saith that this deponent in the harbor of [?XXXX]