HCA 13/68 f.203r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.203r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


predeposed for his part



The 12th of December 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]


Symon Pargents of Cadiz in Spayne Merchant
aged 27 yeares or thereabouts a witnesse produced annd
examined in this cause deposeth as followeth

To the first second third and 4th articles of the said allegation and the schedule
or bill of Ladinge therein mentioned beinge shewen unto him att the time
of his examination hee sayeth and deposeth That hee knew the producent
John denholme for the space of a moneth next procedinge this deponents
and the said producents imbarqueing themselves on the shipp the [?Rosario]
of Lubeck arlate wherein he sayeth in or about the moneth of June last
past he this deponent came in company with the foresaid John [?dXXXhelme]
the producent and an other Scotchman whose name was Henry from Cadiz in Spayne where this deponent liveth bound
for Saint Malloes in ffrance where they arrived safely in or about the
moneth of July last past And sayth That the said producent att
his cominge from Cadiz brought with him a great quantity of silver in
peeces of eight in baggs but the certayne number thereof he
cannot tell but sayeth That uppon the said producents arrivall with
the said money att Saint Malloes the said producent did [?XXXX] the same in
Lynen and [?XXX] but how many bales of Lynen he bought therewith he cannot particularly
depose but sayeth That of this deponents sight and knowledge the said
producent caused to be Laden an Hamborough vessell being the 3 Kings [?XXXX] lying then near
Saint Malloes arlate the said Bales of Lynen and certayne quality of
wheate which as he remembreth was about tenne tonnes which Lynnen and wheat
he sayeth was to have beene transported from Saint Malloes afforesaid
[?XXXX] in Spayne and there to be delivered to him the said [?producent]