HCA 13/68 f.231r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.231r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and saith that the said Witt is alsoe one of this deponents owners, and in the Springe last
before the said shipp finishingg and proceeding from Lubeck this deponent had speech
with the said Peter Mayer John Witt, Joachim Baltenhagen and hendrick Vanter
and heard them say that they together with the said detlefson were the sole owners
of the said vessell tackle and furniture, And further hee saith they were and are
commonly accompted and reputed. And further that hee this deponent hath well
knowne the said Peter Mayer, John Witt Joachim Baltenhagen and hendrick
Venter for theise twenty yeares last and upwards during which space they have
lived and live at present in Lubeck and were and are Burghers and Subiects
of that free state and for such they and the said detlefson were and are commonly
reputed, which hee knoweth being alsoe an Inhabitant and burgher there and
having soe bin for above twenty yeares last. And otherwise hee cannot

To the Interrogatories.

To the first hee saith hee sawe the said shipp at Lubeck as aforesaid in the Springe
last before shee was quite finished, but hath not since seene her this deponent
then departing thence on a voyage, but hath mett and severall times lately seene
her said master here, who saith shee lieth nowe at Dover. And otherwise hee cannot
answer saving as aforesaid.

To the second hee saith the said master is a lubecker borne, and hath lived all
or the most of his time there, and hath bin married there about a yeere and a
halfe last to one of the same towne, And otherwise hee cannot depose saving
as aforesaid.

To the last hee saith hee beleeveth the contrary referring himselfe to his
foregoing deposition.


Repeated with his precontest before the three
Judges in Court.


The 16th of November 1653.

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.


John Groobe of Lubeck Mariner master of a shipp of that port
nowe lying at Dover aged 42 yeares or thereabouts sworne and

To the first and second articles of the said allegation gee saith that hee
well knoweth the shipp the Hope arlate (Hendrick Venter master) and her owners arlate
Peter Meyer David Detlefson, John Witt, Joachim Baltenhagen and the said
Hendrick Venter, and saith the said shipp was built at Lubeck about a yeere
since by the said owenrs of this deponents sight and knowledge, living there
and seeing the said worke goe on by their ordering, whereof this deponent came to
take the more notice being a master of a shipp of that same port, and the said Venter
was put master of the said shipp by the said owners, and for the true and
sole owners thereof the said persons were and are commonly accompted, and saith
that this is her first voyage. And further that the said Peter Meyer and all
the said other owners predeposed were and are Inhabitants of the citie of
Lubeck and subiects of that free state and for such commnly reputed,
which hee knoweth being alsoe Inhabitant and a subiect there. And otherwise
hee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories.

To the first hee saith hee sawe the said shipp building at Lubeck as aforesaid
and about tenn dayes since hee sawe her at Dover, whether shee is brought
up by a private man of warr, and well knoweth her to be the same having
as aforesaid seene her at Lubeck both in building and finished.
