HCA 13/68 f.61r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.61r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The fourth day of November 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of Manuel Gomez}

Examined upon the sayd allegation.


Antonio da Ponte of Teneriffa in the Canary Islands
merchant aged twenty eight yeares or thereabouts a witnes
sworne and examined deposeth and saith as followeth.

To the first Article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the arlate
Manuel Gomez da Arosta and Anthony da Chavez whom he hath knowne
respectively for about 7 yeares are Spaniards merchants and Inhabitants
of Sevill and subiects of the King of Spaine and so accounted And otherwise
cannot depose.

To the second article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that in the monethes of
September October and November 1652. the arlate Manuel Gomez da
Arosta was and att present is the true and lawfull Owner of .73.sackes
of washed wooll arlate videlicet of 49 sackes of washed woolls of the first


marke in the margent. and of 29 sackes of washed wooll of the second


marke in the margent. And that att the tyme aforesayd the sayd Anthony
Chavez was Owner and Proprietor of the arlate three [?Sevons] of fine
Graine or Cutchineale marked with the third marke in the margent


which he knoweth for that he sawe the sayd woolls in the
possession of the sayd Arosta att Sevill, and the sayd Cutchineale in the sayd Chavez possession in Cadiz and heard them say they were their owne goods
and that they intended to send the same to fflanders from Cadiz, and this
deponent afterwards saw the sayd woolls laden for the Accompt of the
sayd Arosta, and heard that the sayd Cochineale was laden for the Accompt
of the sayd Anthony da Chaves. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the third article of the sayd allegation, This deponent saith and deposeth that
in or about the moneth of October 1652. the sayd Manuel Gomez
da Arosta did for his owne Accompt att Cadiz lade aboard the sayd
shipp the Salvador Christian Cloppenbergh Master by his factor the aforesayd
73 sackes of wooll to be transported to Ostend and there delivered to
his Agents for his use, which he knoweth for that he saw the sayd
woolls embarked and passe off towards the sayd shipp, and hath
since seene bills of lading for the same in the Registry of this
Court. And heard the sayd Anthony Chavez say that he had laden
aboard the sayd shipp the foresayd se[?rons] of fine grayne for his
owne Accompt to be transported for his use to Ostend, and beleiveth
that the same were really so laden for that he hath seene bills of
lading for the same in the Registry of this Court. And otherwise
he cannot depose.

To the fourth article of the sayd allegation he saith that having well veiwed
the two bills of lading to the allegation annexed which are as he saith
firmed with the handwriting of the sayd Christian Cloppenbergh
with whose hand and manner of writing he is well acquainted,
and having likewise seene two other bills of the same tenor respectively
abiding in the Registry of this Court he is well assured that the sayd
Christian Cloppenbergh after the lading of the sayd goods did signe
three bills of lading of one tenor for the sayd woolls, and three bills
of lading of one tenor for the sayd fine graine, and that they were
firmed att or neere [?Cadiz], and that .2. of the sayd bills of each tenor
[?XXX] came along with the sayd goods, and that the contents of the sayd
bills were and are true and not colourable. And otherwise referring
himselfe to the Acts of this Court he cannot depose.