HCA 13/68 f.164r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 164 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/08/04 |
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To the second hee saith, That the goods so laden at Diepe by his premisses
for the use afoesaid were all in trunkes boxes and packs made up and
tiede with Cords, and locked as hee beleeveth.
To the third, hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition, And further cannot
depose, saving that the said ffather director and some of the said Nunnes
at Diepe acquainted this deponent that severall of the goods mentionned in the
schedule anneyed to the Allegation were in the bailes and trunkes then laded
aboard the said shipp.
To the 4th hee saith, That at such time as by vertue of a Commission from this
Court the goods interrate were searched at Dover, this deponent being present
saw about two whole pieces of linnen, some whole peeces of sattin and taffetas
which as this deponent hath been severall times informed both by the said ffather
director and others of the Religious persons were for the use and accompt of the said
King and Queene and for their domestiques, and for the use and ornament
of the Chappell of the said Religious psons:-
To the 5th hee saith, hee knoweth not nor beleeveth that any thing plundered out
of the said vessell is restored, And otherwise referring himselfe to his foregoing
sepon hee saith heee cannot depose:
To the 6th hee saith by vertue of his oath, hee dooth not know nor beleeve, that
any of the goods laden on the said Vessell were for the accompt of ffrenchmen
or ffrenchwomen, subjects of the King of ffrance, the said Religious persons
being all of them Subjects of the King of Spaine or Duke of Savoye; And saith
this deponent knoweth not nor beleevth that any thing in the said shipp was to bee
transported in the quality of Merchandize:-
To the 7th hee saith hee this deponent is Native of Chambery in Savoye, and
a Subject to the Duke of Savoy, and hath lived at Chambery a foresayd as a Traveller and Student at
Turin, in Piemont, and other places in Italy and Paris in ffrance for theise ten yeares last past or
Repeated with his precontest before Doctor Clarke
and Doctor Godolphin:-
The 24:th day of October. 1653:-
Examined upon the sayd Allegation
John Pieterson Griep of Hambourough, Mariner Master of the said shipp the Saint
George aged 43 yeares or thereabouts sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth vizelicet
That in the moneth of August last past this deponent entred into a Contract of Charterpartie
with his precontest George Dattivort ffactor to his majesties of Poland; Which sayd ffactor
freighted this deponents said shipp at Diepe in ffrance for the transportation of
certain religious persons ffryers and Nunnes and their Attendants from thence
to Dantzick, And that all the said shipps lading (except a parcell of about
sixtie Cases of glasse, and five tonnes of Vinegar belonging to this deponent
and Mariners of his said shipp most of which glasse is broken and spoyled
by the seizors of the said shipp as this deponent hath credibly heard consisting of severall bailes and trunkes