HCA 13/68 f.500r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 500 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2016/07/02 |
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The 23th of ffebruary 1653.
The claime of Lewes [?Grulois] of Lisle}
for goods in the [?sedame]. Suckley Budd.}
Examined upon an allegation on
the behalfe of the said [?Grulois]
John François of Lisle in fflanders Marchant
aged 30 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee well
knoweth the producent Lewis Grulois and hath soe donne for theise tenn
or twelve yeares last past, during which time hee hath dwellt in Lile
in fflanders (where this deponent was borne and hath dwellt all his time)
and hath bin and is a subiect of the kinge of Spaine, and was borne as
this deponent hath heard at Oudenard in fflanders in the said kings
dominion, and saith the arlate John van Poulle was and is commonly
reputed alsoe a ffleming, and a merchant stranger in ffrance, and
the factor and coorespondent of the said Grulois there, which said Mr
Grulois hee saith driveth a good trade to and from ffrance for wines
amnd other goods, which hee this deponent knoweth living in the same howse
as aforesaid with him, and thereby taking notice of the premisses they
being both merchants. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the second and third articles of the said allegation and to the schedule
annexed mentioned in the said third article hee saith and deposeth that
in or about the beginning of the moneth of december last, the said
Grulois meeting this deponent on the Exchange in Lisle and
discoursing with him, and knowing that this deponent was alsoe a
dealer into ffrance, asked him this deponent, if he had not
or expected goods from Bordeaux
in the shipp the Usedome, Pasque Alberts Master, bound from
Bourdeaux for dunquirke, and this deponent answering noe, the
said Grulois told him this deponent that hee expected tenn tonnes
of wine therein, which hee had caused to be bought with moneys
(as hee said) which hee caused to be remitted from Saint Sebastians
by his factor there, named Wouter Adams, and being soe concerned
hee was very inquisitive both then and afterwards of this deponent and other merchants
that traded for ffrance if they had any newes of the said shipp, for
as then hee saith there was noe newes come of her seizure, and
withall showed this deponent letters from the said van Poulle
touching the lading the said tenn tonnes of wine for the said Grulois
his accompt, And saith the marke in the margin of the said
allegation was and is the ordinary marke of the said Lewis Grulois
And to the said schedule or accompt annexed hee saith hee this
deponent is well acquainted with the firme of the said van Poulle
having often seene the same, and is thereby well assured that the said accompt
was and is subscribed with the said van Poulles owne hand, And
otherwise hee cannot depose, saving hee hath alsoe seene by the said
van Poulles letters to the said Grulois that hee had received the