HCA 13/72 Cases & Depositions

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HCA 13/72 Cases and depositions

Editorial history

Created 30/04/13, by CSG

144 cases listed as of 06/12/13
282 deponents listed as of 06/12/13

153 cases listed as of 07/12/13
320 deponents listed as of 07/12/13


To list all cases and depositions before the Admiralty Court of England in 1657 and 1658 (HCA 13/72) - CURRENTLY A PARTIAL LIST

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Affidavit touching the George and Angell ex parte ffernandez [examined upon an Interrogatorie ministred on the behalfe of Antonio ffernandez Caravajall, free denizen and subiect of the Commonwealth of England]

- 1a. Manoel de ffonseca of London Merchant aged 21 yeares
- 1b. William Tucker of the same aged 25 yeares

Affidavit: touching the sale of the shipp Jacob of Larwick to Edward Askew and others

- Jacob Larson of Larwick in Norway Mariner aged fiftie seaven yeares
- Abraham Jacobson Larson of Larwick in Norway Mariner, aged 28 yeeres

Affidavit about the sale of the Saint John, and the Peter to Peter Rich of London Merchant and others

- Jacobson Larson of Larwick in Norway Skipper aged about 28 yeares
- 2. Okey Larson of Larwick in Norway Skipper aged about 24 yeares
- 3. Jacobson Larson of Larwick in Norway Skipper aged about 18 yeares

An affidavit taken touching the shipp the ffortune of London

- Cornelius Vanderh(?oeve GUTTER) of London Merchant

The affidavit of Walter John Senser Master of the shipp the King David touching the propriety of the sayd shipp her tackle apparrell and furniture

- Walter Senser Mariner Master of the sayd shipp the King David

A busines of Assurance promoted by Thomas Middleton Commander of the Elizabeth and Mary

- 1. Esiah Isbell now of Wapping but late of Kerrey in Ireland Mariner aged 30 yeares
- 2. George Steward now of Shadwell but late of Invernesse in Scotland Mariner and Carpenter of the Elizabeth and Mary
- 3. Cuthbert Stone of Powderam neere Exeter in the County of devon Mariner Gunner of the Elizabeth and Mary aged thirty eight yeares
- 4. John Barnett of Ratcliff in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner Steward of the shipp Elizabeth and Mary aged sixtie yeares

A businesse of examination of wittnesses on behalfe of daniell ffayrefaxe and Isaack Le Gay and Company Owners of the Shipp Anne Pearcie and of Thomas dethick Richard Browne and Company Owners of the goods in the sayd shipp burnt and destroyed by a shipp called the Saint Antonio whereof one Captaine Re[?e] Morrice a dutchman and subiect of the States of the United Provinces was Captaine and against the sayd Captaine Re[?e] Morrice and Captaine [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Lapper in particular and all others in generall that pretend or take upon them to [?instifie] the sayd Action of destroying of the sayd shipp the Anne Pearcie and her ladeing [Examination on an allegation on the behalfe of the sayd daniell fayrefaxe Isaack Le Gay and Company and of the sayd Thomas dethick Richard Browne and Company]

- 1. John Gillman of Wapping in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Shipp Carpenter aged 36 yeares
- 2. ????
- 3. ????
- 4. Captaine James Cade of Lymehouse Mariner aged 41 yeares

A businesse of Examination of Wittnesses (for the perpetuall memory of the matter) upon Interrogatories ministred on the part and behalf of John Shorter concerning a certaine shipp called the Charity and the goods by him laden on board her

- 1. Salomon Valmussen of Stockholme in Sweden Mariner aged three and twenty yeares
- 2. Peter Pantel of the free Citie of dantsick Mariner aged 24. yeares
3. Hubrechts Woossell of Embden Mariner aged 24. yeares
4. Paul Backman of hamborough late Master of the shipp the Charity of London aged 45. yeares

A busines of exámination of Witnesses on the behalfe of Roger Phillips against one two and thirtieth part of the dover Marchant and against Peter Bultele [Exámined upon an allegation given on the behalfe of the said Phillips]

- 1. Thomas Rodberd of the parish of Saint Buttolphs Bellamsgate London Cheesemonger, aged 48 yeeres
- 2. Richard Batson in the parish of Saint James Garlick hithe London Merchant, aged 56 yeeres

A busines of examination of witnesses for perpetuall remembrance of the matter touching the seuiure of the shipp called the Eastland Merchant of which Captaine Richard Payne was Commander and the goods and Merchandizes therein seized by a Pinke and Pittash of Leghorne under the Command of Captaine
Carsis and others etcetera promoted by John Smithier John Rivett Thomas Taylor and Company the owners of the sayd shipp the Eastland Merchant and the severall goods and merchandizes seized therein against the sayd Cardis and all others that will take upon them

- 1. Andrew Shan of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner Boatswaine of the Eastland Marchant the voyage in question aged forty seaven yeares

A busines or cause concerning an Average for the Anchors and Cables and boy roapes that were lost and cut at the Canaries from the shipp the hope of Which henry Thysen was Master promoted by Luke Lucie and Company the Owners of the sayd shipp against Antonio ffernandez Caravajall and Company the freighters of the sayd shipp and Owners of the goods

- Henry Thysen Master and Com[ander GUTTER] of the sayd shipp the hope liveing at Wapping aged fifty two yeares

A busines of exámination of the to perpetuall remembrance to sett forthe the owner shipp or proprietie of the shipp the Jonathan of Bristoll whereif George Potts was master, and of her tackle and furniture, in order to settling the question touching the same lately depending before the Commissioners in the Portugall busines, promoted on the behalfe of John legg and John Downer

- 1. Rowland Serchfeild of London Merchant

A business of exámination of wittnesses on the part and behalfe of Constant Silvester Andrew henry Colleton and company owners and imployers of the shipp the ffortune whereof George Parris was master and her tackle against John Scroll Captaine and Commander of the shipps the Mary of Amsterdam and Unicorne of Middleborow and against [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Vandergoose and [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Coymans and all others owners and imployers of the said shipps in particular and all others in generall
- aka: Touching the ffortune aforesaid} George Paris Master

- 1. John ffenner of the parish of White Chappell Turner aged 30 yeeres
- 2. Peter Silvester of London Merchant, aged 27 yeeres
- 3. Thomas Middleton of Poplar in the parish of Stepney and county of Middlesex Esquire aged 48 yeeres
- 4. Thomas Clarke of Redriff in the County of Surrie Mariner, aged 42 yeeres
- 5. Thomas Thompson of Wapping Mariner, aged 35 yeeres

A business of examination of witnesses on the part and behalf of Abraham hill, John Gregory henry C?rone, and Company owners of the ship the Olive Branch of London against the Governour and Company of Dutch Merchants trading [GUTTER to] the East Indyes in particular and all others in Generall that will take upon [GUTTER to] Justify the staying of the said ship the Olive Branch from proceeding [GUTTER XXX] into Bantam in the East Indias there to take in her Lading [Examined upon an allegation given in on the behalf of the said Abraham hill and others]
- aka: The Olive Branche

- 1. William Stannard of Rederiff in the County of Surrey Mariner, aged 32 yeares
- 2. Mathew Crouer of Redriff Mariner aged twenty eight yeares
- 3. William Reading of Rederiff wall in the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey in the County of Surrey Mariner Purser of the Olive Branch the voyage in question aged thirty five yeares

A busines in perpetuall remembrance of the matter touching the redemption of the shipp the Content of harwich whereof John Ma[?c]e was late Master promoted by the sayd Ma[?c]e againt Timothy Craving Ralphe heasey Phillip Owen Mathew Collett Samuell Townsend and Thomas Weston [Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd John Ma[?c]e]

- 1. Andrew Marten of harwich Mariner aged thirty two yeares
- 2. Thomas Winter of harwich in the County of Essex Mariner aged 25 yeares

A buisinesse of Examination of Wittnesses on the behalfe of Antonio fernandez Carvajal of London Merchant concerning two hundred twenty two Chests of sugar, one hundred and thirteene baggs of shumack and forty Rolls of Tobacco laden on board the shipp the New England Merchant whereof William Parish was Master at Porto Porto in Portugall and there afterwards seized upon by the Officers there and unladen out of her againe

- 1. Richard Bogan of London Merchant aged 40. yeares
- 2. Abraham Rutter of the parish of Saint G[abriel GUTTER] ffenchurch London Merchant aged 35. yeares
- 3. Augustin Coronel of London Merchant aged 33. yeares
- 4. Manoel Rodrigues of the City of London Merchant aged 44 yeares
- 5. Manoel de Fonseca of the City of London Merchant aged 21. yeares

A referense from the Counsell to the Judges examination touching the Conrard ffliboate

- John Gueroult of Roane in ffranse clerke of Jaques Maurice Tabellion a Notary of Roane, aged 22 yeares

Affidavit quoad the hulke

- Frederick Ixem of London Notary Publique

?Amory against hort [Examined upon the libell]
- aka: Amery con hart [Examined upon the fore said allegation. (sic)]

1. Thomas Amory of Bristoll Marchant sonne of Thomas Amory the producent, aged 24 yeares
- 2. William Lane of London Merchant aged 26 yeares

Asketlle and others against the Minories and haydon

- 5. Richard Roch of the parish of Saint Trinitie in the Minories London citizen and Merchant tailor of London, aged 60 yeeres


[GUTTER XXX] h Bake and Company Owners of the shipp Industry) against John Page [Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd
Sydrath Blake and Company]

- 1. Thomas Anneley of Ratcliffe in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner aged thirty fower yeares
- 2. Beniamine Denning of Ratcliff in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex mariner aged twenty seaven yeares

Exámined upon an allegation given in on the behalfe of the said Baldero and others. Greene and others against Baldero Bellamy and others

- 1. Albert Tompson of Delft haven mariner, aged 23 yeeres

Betts and Company ágainst Davies and company [Exámined upon an allegation given in on the behalfe of the said Davies and others]

- 1. Thomas Johnson of Rotterdam Mariner, aged 40 yeeres

Betts and others against the Prince [Exámined upon the libell]

- 1. Thomas Sinnet of the parish of Saint Buttolphs Algate Mariner, aged 40 yeares
- 2. Henry Betts of Three Crane lane in Thamesstreete London Sailor, aged 20 yeares
- 3. Thomas Midwinter of the parish of Saint Olaves in Southwarke Shipp Carpenter aged forty yeares
- 4. ????
- 5. Robert Adlington of the parish of Saint Peter ad Vincula in the Tower London Lighterman aged fifty yeares

Bland Bathurst and Company against the Exeter Merchant and against Woodfin and company [Examined on an allegation dated 5th of August 1658 given in on the behalfe of the sayd Woodfin and Company]

- 1. Abraham Graves of Lymeshouse Shippwright aged forty two yeares
- 2. Robert Cooke of Lymeshouse Shipwright aged 44 yeares
- 3. Thomas Parkins of Ratcliff mariner aged thirty three yeares

The Brazeele Company and others the subiects of the King of Portugall against a certayne shipp called the ffortune whereof Ciprian Pachao was Master) and the tackle apparrell and furniture of the same and against the sugars and other goods remayning aboard the sayd shipp in whose hands soever and against all persons in generall etcetera

- 1. Cipriano Pachao of Peneech[?a] in Portugall Mariner Master of the sayd shipp ffortune aged thirty three yeares
- 2. Nicholas Symonds of Lisbone Mariner aged sixty yeares

The Brazeele Companie and others the subjects of the king of Portugall against a certaine shipp called the ffortune (whereof was master Cipriano Pachero and the tackle apparrell and furniture of the same, and against the Sugars and all other goods remaining aboard the said shipp, in whose hand soever, and against all persons in generall [Examined on the part and behalfe of the said Brazeele Company and others the Subjects of the said
king upon an Allegation on their behalf exhibited in the High Court of Admiraltie of England]

- 1. Cipriano Pachao of Peniche in the kingdome of Portugall Mariner Late Master of the said shipp the fortune, aged three and thirty yeares
- 2. Nicholas Simons of Lisbone in Portugall Mariner late Mariner of the shipp Nostra Seniora da Rosario Saint Gonsalvo aged 60, yeares

The Brazeele company and others all subiects of the King of Portugall against a certayne shipp called the Nostra Seniora do Rosario Saint Gonsaluo (whereof is Master Nicholas Symons) and the tackle apparrell and furniture of the same, and against the sugars and all other the goods remayning aboard the sayd shipp in whose hands soever and agsinst all persons in generall [Examined on an allegation given in on the behalfe of John Martines Cas[?rad]o of Lisbone, for pperpetuall remembrance of the matter]

- 1. Antonio da Apo[Xni da Souza] Native of ffarnambuck in Brazeela aged twenty five yeares
- 2. Ciprian Pachao of Peneech[?o] in Portugall Mariner Master of a Pinke called the [?Nostra] Seniora da [?Remedao] a Portuguese vessell aged thirty two yeares
- 3. Pedro Martines of Pe[nee?]the in Portugall Mariner aged thirty yeares
- 4. Nicholas Symons a Native of holland but liveinge in Lisbone in Portugall Mariner aged sixty yeares
- 5. Symons Perino of Viana in Portugall Merchant aged thirty one yeares

The Brazeele Companie and others the Subjects of the king of Portugall against a certaine shipp called the Nostra Seniora da Rosario Saint Gonsalvo (whereof was Master Nicholas Simons) and the tackle apparrell and furniture of the same, and against the Sugars and all other goods remaining aboard the sayd shipp in whose hands soever and against all persons in generall etcetera [Examined on the part and behalf of the said Brazeel Companie and others the Subjects of the said king upon an Allegation on their behalf exhibited in the high Court of Admiraltie of England]

- 1. Nicholas Simons of the City of Lisbone in the kingdome of Portugall Mariner late master of the said shipp the Nostra Seniora da Rosario Saint Gonsalves aged 60. yeares
- 2. Cipriano Pachao of Penniche in the kingdome of Portugall Mariner late Master of the shipp the fortune of Lisbone, aged 33. yeares

William Browning and Company Owners of the Plaine dealing against William Bulkley [Examined on an allegation given in on the behalfe of the sayd Bulkley]

- 2. Pendaruts of London Marchant aged twenty fower yeares

Browning against Bulkeley aforesayd

- 4. James Boord of Deale in the County of Kent Mariner, aged 35 yeeres

Robert Browning against Tilley and others [Exámined upon the Libell]

- 1. Thomas Browning of Wapping Mariner, aged 35 yeares


Joseph Cawswell and Company against Alexander [Examined on an allegation on the behalfe of the sayd Bence]

- 1. Lewis Pridith of the parish of Saint Andrew hubbard in Buddolph lane London Cooper aged forty three yeares
- 2. John Tuffley of the parish of Saint Olave hartestreete London Cooper aged twenty one yeares

Charity of London George Prince Master

- George Prince of London Merchant Mariner, aged 30 yeeres

The claime of Augustin Rosetti of Genoa Merchant for his goods in the Morning Starr of Amsterdam. Claus Williams Master [Exámined upon the allegation given in on the behalfe of the said Rosetti]

- 1. Francisco Carvallo of Port a Port in Portugall Marchant aged 34 yeeres
- 2. Bernardo Medici Merchant native of Genoa but now living in London, where hee hath lived theise tenn monethes last or thereabouts, aged 22 yeeres
- 3. Antonio Basso Merchant, a native of Genoa aged 27 yeeres or thereabouts, now living in London
- 4. Sebastian Garcia of Cadiz Merchánt, aged 33 yeeres

The claime of Antonio da ffonseca ffranca for his goods in the Virgin Mary and All Saints of Cartagena

- 1. Antonio Martinis da Mesa of Sevile Merchant aged thirtie two yeares
- 2. Diego de la Baton of Sevile Master of the said shipp the Virgin Mary and All Saints of Cartagena, aged 33 yeeres

The claime of the foresaid Simon Barbosa and others in the Nostra Seniora da Rosario

- 2. George Whitlers of Lisbone Merchant aged 28 yeeres

The clayme of Robert Britton of London Merchant English man and subiect of the Commonwealth of England for five pipes of Canarie wynes laden first aboard a certayne shipp called the Mary and Joyce (whereof Phillipp Stafford was Master) and afterwards the same being taken by the Enymies of the Commonwealth of England were taken out of the sayd Shipp and put aboard a certayne shipp called the Elizabeth (whereof Isaack Michaelson is Master) and since retaken by the Bryar ffrigott in the imediate service of the State an Commonwealth of England [Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd Robert Britton]

- 1. Courd Hillderman of London Mariner aged twenty fower yeares
- 2. Phillip Stafford of the parish of Saint Olave Southwarke Marine Master of the shipp Mary and Joyce aged 34 yeares

The claime of Vincent delabarr Thomas delaval, Michaell da haze, henry Reig[?n]ier, and company for the Vincent now called the Elizabeth etcetera [Examined upon an allegation given in on the behalf of the said dela Barr and others the fourth instant]

- 1. Humphrey Bourne of dover Mariner, aged 35 yeares

The claime of the heires of Goncalo da Gambon aforesaid. in the Nostra Señiora da Rosario [Exámined upon the foresaid allegation]

- 7. Manoel Alverez of the New Market neere Covent Garden Steward of the Portugal Ambassadour, aged 36 yeares

The claime of Manoel Garcia aforesaid in the Nostra Seniora da Rosario. George Whiller Comander

- 2. George Whillers of Lisbone Merchant, aged about 28 yeeres

The Clayme of ?Evert Gislin Abraham Vanpeeren Peter Bogart, daniel Tyson Jellison Peter Alteras Vincent Adriansen and others of flushing for the shipp the daniel of which Charles Aetoras was Master, and her tackle and furniture and freight lately seized at or neere dartmouth [Examined upon an Allegation
exhibited on the behalf of the said Claymers in the high Court of Admiraltie]

- John Gill junior of fflushing Merchant aged 28. yeares

The claime of hendrick Matthias of Amsterdam for his goods in the Morning starr, Claes Williams Master taken by the shipps of this Comonwealth

- Claes Williams of Amsterdám mariner, aged 38 yeeres

The claime of Parkin and company in the Two Brothers and the Lawrence [Examined upon an allegation given in on the behalfe of the said claimer]

- 1. Augustin Costa of Genoa (but now dwelling at Santa Cruse) Merchant aged nineteene yeares

The claime of Daniel Passier alias John Daniel Allerman for his goods in the Morningstarr, Claes Willms Master [Exámined upon the claimers allegation]

- 1. Claes Williams of Amsterdam master of the said shipp Morningstarr, aged 38 yeares
- 2. Adrian Bastianson of Schernmer Horne neere Amsterdam Mariner one of the company of the said shipp Morning starr, aged 25 yeares

The Clayme of Lewis Scarletti an Italian Merchant resident at Lisbone for five Chests of white sugar fower half chests of white sugar and three Chests of muska=vadoes of the first marke, seized in the shipp the Nightingale whereof henry Classaw was Master, and of Anthonio Maria da Coule Italian Merchant resident at Lisborne for two bales of Cinnamon and one half Chest of sugar of the second marke, and of Gregorio Diaz of Lisbone Merchant for five chests of white sugar and five chests of muskavadoes of the third marke and underwritten all seized in the said shipp by some of the shipps of this Commonwealth [Examined upon an Allegation given on the behalfe of the said Claymers]

- 1. Francis Pardini of London Merchant aged 36. yeares
- 2. Nicholas de Ferrari of London Merchant aged 56. yeares

The claime of Egbert Scutt, John da Potter and Company of Amsterdam for the shipp the Morning starr (Claus Willms Master) and goods and for freight

- 1. John Peterson of Amsterdám Marriner Stiersman of the shipp the Morning starr, aged 27 yeeres

The claime of John Sommers Englishman for a certaine shipp formerly called the Cane Merchant, retaken by the Preston frigot

- 1. Thomas Grimsditch of Limehouse Mariner aged 28 yeares
- 2. William Bawcock of North Yarmouth in Norfolk Mariner aged twenty five yeares
- 3. Edward ffinch of Sandwich in Kent Mariner aged twenty fower yeares

The clayme of Phillip Stafford etcetera [Examined on the allegation on behalfe of the sayd Phillipp Stafford]

- 3. William Searle late of the parish of Allhallowes Barking and now of the parish of Saint Leonards Shoreditch London Mariner aged twenty one yeares

The clayme of John Walker William Wall Thomas Slater and John Walgrave for their wynes first laden aboard a certayne shipp called the Mary and Joyce (whereof Phillip Stafford was Master) and afterwards the same being by the enymyes of the Commonwealth seized, were put aboard a Certayne shipp called the Elizabeth (whereof Isaack Nicholson was Master) and were afterwards retaken by the Bryar ffrigott, in the imediate service of the State and Common=wealth of England [Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd Walker Wall Slater and Walgrave]

- John Thackston of Wapping Mariner Boatswaine of the Mary and Joyce aged 24 yeares
- 2. Hugh Tre(?v)anion of Allhallowes Barking London Marchant aged 17 yeares
- 3. Bartholomew Moline of London gentleman aged nyneteene yeares
- 4. Phillip Stafford of the parish of Saint Olave Southwarke Mariner Master of the Shipp Mary and Joyce aged 34 yeares
- 5. Francis Molina of Teneriff one of the Canarie Islands Merchant aged 24 yeares

The clayme of the sayd Thomas Warren for 150 pipes of Canarie wines etcetera [Examined on an allegation given in by the sayd Thomas Warren]

- 2. Thomas Warren of London Merchant aged twenty one yeares
- 3. Hugh Trevenian of Allhallowes Barkeing London aged seaventeene yeares
- 4. Phillip Stafford of the parish of Saint Olave Southwarke Mariner Master of the shipp Mary and Joyce aged thirty fower yeares
- 5. William Searle of the parish of Allhallowes Barkeing London Mariner aged twenty one yeares

The Claime of Giles Wigoner and Company owners of the ship the Bachelor of Colchester Rescued by some of the shipps of this Comonwealth

- Richard Rudstone of Colchester in the County of Essex Mariner Master of the ship Bachelor aged 30 yeeres
- 2. John Hunt of Colchester, Mariner, a foremast man of the Ketch the Bachelor, aged 21: yeeres

The clayme of Thomas Wilde William Scapes Richard huntington James Cheney and Christofer Greene all of Yarmouth and subiects of the Commonwealth of England for a certayne shipp called the Phenix (whereof Christopher Greene was Master) and the tackle apparrell and furniture and the Coales laden aboard the same taken by}
a Dunkirke Man of Warr, and Rescued from the sayd Man of Warr by some of the shipps in the imediate service of the Commonwealth of England

The clayme of Ninian Williamson etcetera

- 2. James English of the parish of Saint Stephen in Walbrooke London Merchant aged twenty one yeares

The claime of Christofer Wouters and company and others severally specified in the description of the allegation for their goods in the Golden King of Middleborow, Govert Udemans master [Examined upon an allegation given in the 29th of July by ffrancklin on the behalfe of the sayd Wild and others the Claymers]

- John Scapes of Yarmouth Merchant aged twenty two yeare

- 1. Govert Udemans of Middleborow [Mariner GUTTER] Master of the said shipp, aged 30 yeares

Joseph Cawswell and Company against Alexander Bence

-1. Lewis Pridith of the parish of Saint Andrew hubbard in Buddolph lane London Cooper aged forty three yeares

Cob, Jennings and others, against keate and company [Exámined upon an allegation given in on the behalfe of the said keate and company]

- 1. John Upson of Rederith in the County of Surrey Mariner, Masters mate, of the shipp the Gilbert aged 49 yeeres
- 2. William Croford of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, Master of the shipp the Gilbert, aged about 39 yeeres
- 2.2. Morgan Jones of the Citty of Bristoll Mariner, aged about 34 yeares
- 3. Thomas Drayson of Wapping in the County of Middlesex, late Purser of the shipp the Gilbert aged about 25 yeares,

John Cobb, Mathew Jennings and others Mariners of the said shipp the Gilbert (whereof William Croford is Master) against the sayd shipp and against Gilbert Keate, Jonathan Keate and Company [Upon an articulate allegation given in and admitted on the behalfe of the sayd John Cobb, Mathew Jennings and others the parties agents]

- 1. Luke Lilly now of the parish of Saint Austin by Pauls London gentleman late Passenger in the shipp the Gilbert from the Barbados (whereof the sayd William Croford was Master)
- 2. Marke Bennett of Greenwich in the County of Kent Mariner, aged about 25 yeares
- 3. William Ricks of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney aged about 40ty yeeres
- 4. John Cobb of Rederiffe in the County of Surry Mate in the shipp the Gilbert

[GUTTER XXXXXX] against Keate and others [Examined on an allegation given in on the behalfe of the said Keate and others]

- 1. Thomas Woodfall of the parish of Saint Olaves Southwarke Mariner aged forty six yeares
- 2. Jacob Ceelay of Wapping in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner aged fiftie six yeares
- 3. Bartholomew Wells of the parish of Saint Olave Southwarke Mariner aged thirty seaven yeares

Peter Cole John Rouse John Soler [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Courtier Peter Cole William Levill Richard hutchinson Martyn [GUTTER No]ell Jacob Millett and Bennett hall and others against Nicholas Trewergye Master and Part Owner of the shipp the Trade Increase [Examined on an allegation given in on the behalfe of the sayd Nicholas Tre[w]orgye]

- 1. Richard Morris late of the Barbadoes and now of London Chirurgion aged thirty eight

Thomas Cowell and company against the Tobaccoes brought to this port in the Successe
- aka: Cowell and Company against the Tobaccoes in the Successe aforesaid

- Richard Harris of the parish of Saint Buttolphs Algate London Mariner, aged 27 yeeres
- 2. Captaine Zachary Browne late Commander of the shipp the Successe in the immediate service of this Commonwealth
- 3. Abraham Barnaby of the little Tower hill one of the Customehouse waiters, aged 30 yeeres

Cowse against the Golden ffortune and against fo[uds [Exámined upon an allegation on behalfe of the said Cowse given in the 16th instant]

- 1. Giles Baily of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsea Mariner, aged 30 yeeres
- 2. Adrian ffranke of horseydowne in the County of Surry Mariner, aged about 40ty yeares

Cowse against Jones [Exámined upon the foresaid allegation]

- 3. Richard Symonds of London Marchant, aged 23 yeeres

Cowse against Leone

- 10. John Maxfeild of the parish of Saint Edmunds the Kinge and Martyr in Lombard Streete London Scrivener aged twenty seaven yeares

Cowse and Cowse against Read and Jones [Examined on an allegation on the behalfe of the sayd Read and Jones]

- 1. John Watson of Saint Catherine neere the Tower of London Cittizen and Merchantaylor of London aged thirty fower yeares
- ?Cord Hilderman of London Mariner aged twenty fower yeares

Cox against Norbrooke [Exámined upon an allegation made in the ácts of Court 21 instant on behalfe of Norbrooke]
- aka: Exámined upon the foresaid allegation in the ácts on the behalfe of the said Norbrooke.

- 1. Edward Peachy of Gosport in the County of Southampton Mariner, aged 26 yeares
- 2. John Hackman of Wapping mariner, aged 36 yeares
- 3. Robert Knight of the parish of Saint Catherines neere the Tower of London Mariner aged 25 yeeres
- 4. Captaine Christofer Myngs commander of the Marston Moore frigot in the immediate service of this Commonwealth, aged 32 yeeres

Cox against Norbrooke [Exámined upon an allegation given in on the behalfe ofthe said Cox the 28th instant]

- 1. John Morris of the parish of Saint Buttolphs Algate London Sailor; aged 19 yeares
- 2. Edward Collier of London Sailer, now lodging at the goat in Cheapside, aged 23 yeares


Davies against Johnson [A Libell]

- 1. James Baldwin of the parish of Saint Buttolph Bishopsgate London Vintener, aged 56 yeeres

- 3. Samuell Thomson of London Bookseller, aged 40 yeeres
- 4. John Crooke of the citie of London Bookeseller, aged 42 yeeres

dell against Corral

- 1. Daniel Gates of the parish of Saint Buttolphs Alg[ate GUTTER] London Ship Chandler, aged 20 yeares

Judith dixford against the hulke the Elizabeth [An Allegation]

- 1. Henry Berry of Redriff in the County of Surrey Shipwright, aged 28 yeeres
- 2. Jonathan Bigland of Redriff Shipwright, aged 28 yeares


Edwards and Whitfeilde against the shipp Negro and Bushell and others

- 1. Thomas Morgan of Rederiff in the County of Surrey Mariner Boatswaine of the sayd Shipp the Negro the voyage in question aged thirty fower yeares
- 2. Thomas Gowen of disert in Scotland Mariner aged thirty yeares
- 3. Henry Man of Enchusen in holland Mariner Carpenter mate of the Negro the voyage in question aged thirty one yeares
- 4. Rogert Worthley of XXell in Norfolke Mariner Gunners mate of the Negro the voyage in question aged forty five yeares

Ewen against Prior [Exámined upon the libell given in this cause]
- aka: parte Ewen

- 1. William Harris servant of Mr Monger Water Bayliff of the citie of London, aged 48 yeeres
- 2. Anthony Deane of Greenwich Shipwright aged 25 yeeres
- 4. William Ballow of Greenwich ferriman, aged 30 yeeres
- 5. Henry Wilson of Greenwich labourer, aged 40 yeeres

Ewen against Prior [Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd Pryor]
- AKA: ex parte Prior

- 2. Edward Makkettuer of Wapping in the parish of Stepney Lighterman aged fifty three yeares
- 3. Edward Ryder of Shadwell in the parish if Stepney and County of Middlesex Long Cutler aged thirty one yeares
- 4. John Orton of Wapping Wall, Cooke, aged fourtie two yeares
- 6. Gregory Parbury of Lambeth Lighter man aged 50 yeares



Gold and others ágainst Dobbins [Examined upon an allegation given in
on the behalfe of the said dobbins the 15th of ffebruary 1657]

- 3. Captaine Isaac Woodgreene of Wapping Mariner aged 40 yeares

Gold Roach and others against dobbins [Examind upon an Allegation given in by Mr Smith the tenth of december on the behalf of the same Gold, Roch and others CHECK

- 3. Augustin Coronel Merchant dwelling in this Citie of London aged 30. yeeres
- 4. John Bushell of the parish of Saint Andrew Undershaft London Merchant aged 39. yeares
- 5. ????
- 6. Thomas Grant of London Mariner aged fifty yeares
- ????
- 8. John Whaley of North Cray in the County of Kent gentleman aged 65 yeares
- 9. Roger Paxton of Referiff Mariner aged thirty yeares
- 10. The sayd Roger Paxton to the allegation given in on the behalfe of the sayd dobbins the fifteenth of ffebruary 1657
- 11. Richard Peachie of Redriff in the County of Surrey Mariner aged twenty sixe yeares [Examined on the sayd allegation given in the 29th of Aprill 1656 on behalfe of the sayd dobbins]
- 12. The sayd Richard Peachie to the allegation given in on the behalfe of the sayd dobins the fifteenth of ffebruary 1657
- 13. Francis Hurdidge of Wapping wall Mariner aged fifty seaven yeares [Examined on an allegation given in on the behalfe of the sayd dobbins the 29th of Aprill 1656]
- 14. The sayd ffrancis Hurdidge upon the allegation given in on the behalfe of the sayd dobbins the fifteenth of ffebruary 1657

The Governour and Company of English Merchants trading to east India and others against the Governour and Company of Merchants of the United Netherlands, thither trading [Examined upon an allegation given in on the behalfe of the said English East Indies Company on the 28th of October last]

- 1. John Garrard of Wapping in the County of Middlesex Mariner, aged twenty nine yeeres

Greene against ffisher [Examined upon an allegation given in on the behalfe of the said Greene]

- 1. Thomas Markland of the parish of Saint Andrews Undershaft London Grocer, aged 50 yeares
- 2. George Webb of the parish of Saint Leonard Shoreditch London haberdasher, aged 30 yeares

William Greene Master of the shipp the Sixe Brothers against [GUTTER William] ffisher Merchant

- 1. Thomas Greene of Mary Magdalen Bermondsey in the Burrough of Southwarke Mariner, aged about 34 yeares
- 2. William Venus of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen[e GUTTER] Bermondsey in the County of Surry Ship wright, aged about 42 yeares


Hárbin ágainst Wills and others

- 1. Nicholas Saunders of Truroe in Cornewall Merchant, aged 28 yeeres

Kendrick hughes Master of the shipp the ffalcon and the rest of the Owners of the sayd shipp'against Samuell Ca?mbye [Examined on an allegation on the behalfe of the sayd Kendrick hughes and the rest of the sayd Owners]

- 1. Henry Maru[?en] of deptford in Kent Mariner aged 40 yeares

Henry Martin and Company Owners of the ship the Welcombe against henry Loades [Examined on an allegation on the behalfe of the sayd Martyn and {Com}pany]

- 1. Henry Mudde of Wapping in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner Masters Mate of the Welcombe aged twenty two yeare
- 2. Henry Kyne of Wapping in the parishe of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner aged nynteene yeares

His Highnesse the Lord Protector against a certaine Fly boate named (as it is said) the Saint John of Amsterdam, Peter Johnson alias [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Master in reference to certaine goods in the shipp lately taken by the dartmouth frigatt named (as it is said the Love whereof Garrard [?Cr]abb is Master)
[Examined upon Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe of his Highnesse the Lord Protector]

- Henry Hendricksen of Meppin in the Jurisdiction of Munster in Germania Mariner aged 22. yeares
- 2. John Hebling of Shire in fflanders Mariner aged 19. yeares


Interrogatories for perpetuall remembrance of the matter touching the shipp the Isaack whereof William Thomas was Master, and her ladeing cast away by meanes of a certayne shipp called the Saint Jacob (whereof John Clason was Master) her running fowle upon the Isaack at Sea

- 1. John Bonytho of Plymouth Mariner aged fifty yeares
- 2. George Meade of Plymouth Mariner aged fifty eight yeares
- 3. John Fletcher of Plmouth Mariner aged twenty one yeares
- 4. Thomas Hoare of Plymouth Mariner aged forty fower yeares


John Jefferies and Robert Lewellin against Jacob Moulson [Examined upon the allegation given in on the behalfe of the sayd Moulson]

- 1. Robert Oldfeild of Spalding in the County of Lincoln gentleman aged twenty two yeares
- 2. Samuell Church of Writtle in Essex Mariner aged twenty sixe yeares
- 3. Abraham Clarke of debtford in Kent shipwright Carpenter of the shipp Unitie the voyage in question aged twenty five yeare

Joseph of London Vincent Ruslet Master

- (1a.) John Shorter of London Merchant aged 33
- (1b.) William Warren alsoe of London Merchant, aged 34 yeeres



Lord Protector of the goods in the shipp the hadarene taken by the Middleborough ffrigott, and Godfrey and others against the same

- 2. Francis Dickinson of horsedowne in the parish of Saint Olaves Southwarke Mariner aged 25 yeares
- 3. Richard Keate of the parish of Saint Mary Overyin Southwarke Mariner aged twenty one yeares
- 4. Richard Megin of Ratcliff in the parish of Stepney Mariner aged thirty two yeares

The Lord Protector against the Hope of Amsterdam, wherof don Juan was Commander [examined upon certaine Interrogatories ministred on behalfe of his highnesse the Lord Protector]

- Simon To(?u)son Bleau of Amsterdam, Sailor, aged seaventeene yeeres

The Lord Protector against Lemmon and Tuffnell [1. Exámined upon the Libell annexed to the Commission; 2. Examined on an allegation given in on the behalfe of his highnesse the Lord Protector/ ]

- Stephen Cranbrooke of Deale in the County of kent Mariner aged 36 yeares
- 2. Godfrey Reader of Stepney in the County of Middlesex Mariner aged twenty seaven yeares

The Lord Protector against a certayne ship or vessell called the Nicholas whereof one Claes Johnson was Master and her tackle and furniture and whatsoever goods wares and merchandizes [GUTTER XXXXX] certaine Varinas Tobaccoe allready [GUTTER XXXXX] and condemned in this Court for lawfull prize) taken and seized in her by certaine shipps in the imediate service of this Common=wealth and against all and every person and persons whatsoever having or prestending any right tytle or interest in the sayd shipp the Nicholas or any of the goods etcetera [Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the Lord

- 1. Lawrence Peet of Wapping in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Shipp Carpenter aged forty yeares
- 2. Richard Jones of the parish of Saint Mary Matsellon alias Whitechappell Mariner aged thirty one
- 3. Captaine John Aylett now of London Mariner but formerly liveing in New England aged thirty yeares

The Lord Protector against the shipp the Saint Peter of Ostend, John Moret master

- John Morret of Ostend Mariner late Commander of the said frigot the Saint Peter aged 36 yeares
- 2. Anthony Colard of Ostend Mariner late one of the company of the said frigot the Saint Peter aged 36 yeeres
- 3. John Pryenaer of Ostend Mariner aged 44 yeares

Lowe and company against Townsend and others: Examined upon an allegation yesterday given in on behalfe of the said lowes and company touching the 6 Brothers

- 1. Thomas Greene of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsea Mariner, aged 34 yeeres
- 2. William Venus of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsea Shipwright, aged 42 yeeres


George Margetts and Company against three sixteenth parts of the shipp called the Saint Lucar Merchant lately belonging. to Samuell Wilson the yonger and her tackle and furniture attached by authority of this Court and against the sayd Wilson in particular and all others in generall etcetera [Examined upon an allegation given in on the behalfe of the sayd Margetts]

- 1. Richard Hussy of Lymehouse in the parish of Stepney Mariner late Master of the Saint Lucar Marchant aged sixty yeares
- 2. Haniball Allen of London Merchant aged thirty two yeares

Mitchell and Clements against the Roger and Edmond and against John Corbin Master and against [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT]}'[BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT]'coming in for their Interest[Examined on an allegation on the behalfe of Mitchell and Clements]

- 4. George Farrow of Wapping Pulley Maker aged twenty two yeares
- 5. William Stiff of Lymehouse Blockmaker aged twenty seaven yeares

Moone against the shipp the ffrancis and against Ruskins and Butcher

- 1. Henry Carter servant and Apprentice to Richard Brian of the parish of Saint Mary at hill London Wine Cooper aged 20 yeares

Moone against the shipp the ffrancis and against Ruskins and Butcher [Exámined upon an allegation made in the acte of Court 15th instand on behalfe of the said Moone]

- 1. John Moore of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsea Mariner, aged 32 yeares



The office of the Judges promoted by daniell [?d]essell and others against Jenkin Ellis

- 1. Morrice Briggs of the parish of Saint Cathrines neere the Tower of London Waterman, aged 55
- 2. Peter Howard of the parish of Saint Katherine neere the Tower of London Waterman aged thirty one yeares
- 3. ???
- 4. James Nuthall of the precinct of Saint Katherine neere the Tower of London gentleman aged thirty two yeares
- 5. ????
- 6. John Ward of the precinct of Saint Katherine neere the Tower of London aged fifty yeares

The office of the Judges promoted by daniell Roswell and others against Jenkin Ellis [Examined on an alleagtion given in and admitted on the behalfe of the sayd Jenkin Ellis]

- 1. Brian Blinco(?r) now of Ratcliff in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Cordwainer aged twenty three yeares
- 2. Robert Goulding of the parish of Saint Mary Matsellon
alias Whitechappell Cordwainer aged forty three yeares

On the behalfe of John Andrew Zanardi, touching a losse in the Peter in a busines of Assurance

- Samuel damerel of Stepney Mariner aged 36 yeeres

On the behalfe of Mr Aldington touching the Valentine

- 3. Robert Cooper of Wapping. late Chirurgion of the ship the Valentine, aged 22 yeeres

On behalfe of the Assurers in the Peter

- Daniel Edwards of London Merchant, aged 42 yeeres

On the behalfe of John Benning Richard Jennings, Robert Dunn William Dickers touching the losse of the ship Thomas of Ipswich

- John Wiley of South Sheilds in the Bishoprick of Durham Mariner, aged 46 yeeres
- John Makins of Dantzick Mariner aged 43 yeeres

On the behalfe of John Broughton of London Merchant and John Abbot of London Mariner touching a losse in the King David [Examined upon Certaine Interrogatories ministred on the behaléfe of John Broughton and John Abbot]

- 1. Richard Hoare of Wapping Marriner late Carpenters Mate of the shipp the King David aged about 20 yeeres
- 2. Randall Wilkinson of Ipswich Mariner late fforemast mann of the said ship King David aged about 23 yeeres
- 3. George Wilkinson of Ipswich in Suffolk Marriner late fforemast man of the said ship King David aged 18 yeeres

On behalfe of John Bruyning Samuel Piggot and William Beacham and others touching the Sampson and Lading

- Haie Haies of Marquera in ffreezland Mariner, Schipper of the shipp the Sampson of London, aged 26 yeares

On the behalfe of Richard ffitz Gerald of Waterford Merchant, touchinge a loss in the Martin frigot

- Mathew Paine of Wapping in the County of Middlesex Mariner, late master of the shipp the Martin ffrigot of Waterford, aged 29 yeeres

On the behalfe of Nicholas holway of Bristoll, Merchant

- (1.) Israel Dennis of Bristol Mariner late masters mate of the shipp the Recovery of Bristoll, aged 33 yeeres

On the behalfe of John howell and Ambrose Smith touching a losse in the Endeavour of Arundell

- 1. Robert Hartley of Bright Hamson in the County of Sussex Mariner, aged 31 yeares
- 2. Peter Smith of Bright Hampson in the County of Sussex Sailor, aged 23 yeeres

On the behalfe of kendall and others touching the Shepard

- 1. Richard Chaundler of the parish of Saint Laurence Jury London citizen and haberdasher of London, aged 46 yeares
- 2. William Whittington of the County of Northampton in GUTTER Virginia Mariner, master of the shipp formerly the Shepard but now the Northampton, aged 40 yeeres

On the behalfe of Catherin kil[?v]erth against the Providence

- 1. Hezekiah Usher of Boston in New England Stationer aged 42 yeares

On the behalfe of Albert Lemmerman and others of Amsterdam touching the Saint Jacob, Arent Marinis master

- (?1.) John Harris of Rie in the County of Sussex Mariner, aged 60 yeeres

On the behalfe of Robert Lucas and others touching a losse in the Teneriff Merchant, in a busines of Assurance

- 1. Francis Robinson of the parish of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate London Merchant, aged 36 yeares
- 2. Thomas Hicks of London ffishmonger, aged 39 yeeres
- 3. Hugh Powell of Dukes Place London Merchant aged 49 yeares

On the behalfe of Jacob Luce and Charles Corsellis of London Merchants touching the shipp the Black horseman

- (1a.) John Daniel of the citie of˺ London Notary publique aged fourtie yeeres or thereabouts, Samuel Vernon of the same citite Merchant aged 44 yeeres or thereabouts and John Weekes of the same citie servant of Laurence Martel of the citie afore said Merchant aged twenty yeeres
- (1b.) Samuel Vernon of the same citie Merchant aged 44 yeeres
- (1c.) John Weekes of the same citie servant of Laurence Martel of the citie afore said Merchant aged twenty yeeres

On the behalfe of James Nappar of Waymouth Merchant touching a losse of the shipp the Lyon of London Affidavit

- Richard Biles of Weymouth Merchant aged 31 yeeres

On the behalfe of John Newland touching the death of Benjámin Clarke in the Bridgewater ffrygot

- 1. John Bryson of the parish of Saint Katherines Coleman in ffanchurch streete London Merchant aged 24 yeeres
- 2. Robert Hyde of Rederith in the County of Surry Marriner aged 23 yeeres

On behalfe of the owners of the shipp Patience

- 1a. Hendrick Hendrickson of Larwick in Norway mariner aged 32 yeares
- 1b. Tomis Barents[?e] of Skane in Norway Mariner aged 37 yeeres

On the behalfe of Thomas Sherwill of London and henry Crew of dartmouth touching a losse in the shipp the Suckley [certayne Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe of the said Thomas Sherwill and henry Crew]

- 1. Charles Pullen of East Cowes in the Ile of Wight Marriner, aged 34 yeeres
- 2. John Keylock servant and Apprentice of Edward Poultney of the parish of Saint Michaels in Cornehill London Scrivener, aged 19 yeeres

On behalfe of the State touching tobaccoes taken in the Nicholas
- aka: Lord Protector against the Tobaccoes in the Saint Nicholas aforesaid.

- 1. Edward Phillips of debtford Sailer, one of the Company of the Maidstone frigot in the immediate service of this Commonwealth, aged 24 yeeres
- 2. Charles Bradick Master of the Maidstone frigot aged 53 yeeres
- 3. Captaine John Aylet of London Mariner, aged 30 yeeres

On the behalfe of Nichola Warren and others touching losses by the Spaniards [exámined upon certaine Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe of Nicholas Warren John Báncks, John Jermyn, George Toriano, Richard Westcombe, Walter Tuckfeild, William Lee, George Lee and George Webber]

- 1. William Lee of London Merchant aged 28 yeeres
- 2. George Webber of London Merchant, áged 29 yeeres
- 3. Richard Wilde of London merchant, aged 19 yeeres

On the behalfe of Mr Sam: Wilson and Company touching the Vosse

- (?1.) Frederick Ixem of London Notary publique


Page and others against Basse and others [Exámined upon an allegation given in on the behalfe of the said Basse and others]

- 1. Henry Carter servant and Apprentice to Richard Brian of the parish of Saint Mary at hill London Wine Cooper aged 20 yeares
- 2. William Ward servant and apprentice of Samuel Page of the parish of Saint Dunstans in the East London Wine Cooper aged 19
- 3. Richard Brian of the parish of Saint Mary at hill london Wine Cooper, aged 30 yeeres

Page and others against Cole

- 1. Samuell Haughton of the parish of Allhallowes Lombarde streete London Scriverner. aged twenty one yeares

Paine and company against Cooke [Exámined upon the libell]

- 1. Nathaniel Paine of Shadwell Mariner, aged 23 yeares
- 2. Roger Whitfeild of Wapping Mariner, aged 42 yeeres

Paul and Company ágainst Wilmot and Pardini [Exámined upon an allegation given in by mr Clements]

- 1. Edward Paul of Limehouse Mariner, áged 30 yeeres

Pitt and Company against Mayer

- 1. Gregory Westcombe of London Merchant aged thirty five yeares
- 2. William Westcombe of London Merchant aged thirty yeares

Poole against Paris and company [A Libell]

- 2. John Webber of Lime house Mariner, aged 35 yeares



Robert Browning against Tilley and others

- 1. Thomas Browning of Wapping Mariner, aged 35 yeares

Russell against Rignall alias Reynalds

- 1. Mathew Wallys of Wapping Wall, Clarke aged 35 yeares


hugh Salisbury and Company late Owners of the Shipp the Christopher of Portsmouth against William Trevill Merchant in a cause of substraction of ffreight [Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd hugh Salisbury and Company]
- aka: Salisbury and Company Owners of the Christopher against Trevill

- 1. Joseph Smith of debtford in the County of Kent Shipp Wright aged twenty two yeares
- 2. John Harris of Wapping in the County of Middlesex mariner late Boatswaine of the Christopher the voyage in question aged thirty one yeares

humfrey Sandford and Company Mariner of the shipp the Elizabeth and dorothy of London (whereof William Keeble was late Master) against John Yarwood and Company Owners of the sayd shipp
- aka: Sanford and Company of the Elizabeth and} Dorothy against Yarwood [Examined upon the sayd allegation and schedule therein mentioned]

- 1. John Worke of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner aged sixty yeares
- 2. James Massey of Ratcliff in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex mariner aged forty one yeeres
- 3. Haniball Jenninge of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Cooper of the shipp the Elizabeth and Dorothy the voyage in question aged twenty yeares

Saunders and others owners of the Isaack against the Saint Jacob and John Claeson Master of her
- aka: Saunders and others owners of the Isaack against the Saint Jacob and John Clason Master of her

- 5. William Westcot of Saint Buttolphs Algate London Pewterer aged forty two yeares
- 6. Robert Moulins of Saint Margaret Lothbury London Pewter aged thirty yeares
- 7. Thomas Gregg(?s) of the parish of Saint Andrew in holborne London Pewterer aged forty fower yeares
- 8. John Bateman Citizen and Pewterer of London aged thirty five yeares
- 9. Francis Chaplin Citizen and Cloathworker of London aged thirty yeares
- 10. Francis Hacker of Saint Margaret Loathburie Cittizen and Salter of London aged forty fower yeares
- 11. Theophilus Reuell of Saint Magnus London Grocer aged twenty five yeares
- 12. William Wheatley of the parish of Saint Brides London Grocer aged thirty yeares
- 13. John StacXX of the parish of Saint Buttolphe by Billingsgate London Grocer aged thirty yeares
- 14. Stephen Sikes of the parish of Saint Bottolph Billingsgate London Grocer aged thirty yeares

Simonds, hamond and others against the Peter of Bristoll and against Yeomans, Bowen and Company Owners of the sayd shipp intervening for their interest [Upon an arlate allegation given in and ádmitted on the behalfe of the sayd William Simonds]

- 1. Thomas Constant of the parish of Saint Nicholas in the Citty of Bristoll Mariner, aged about 25 yeares

Wm Simons the Master and others the Mariners of the shipp the Peter of Bristoll against William Yeomans John Bowen and Company owners of the sayd shipp coming in for their} Interest in a cause of subtraction of wages [Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd Symons and others]

- 1. Christopher Stribling of Bristoll M[ariner GUTTER] aged forty yeares
- 2. Edward North of Wapping in the parish of Stepney Mariner aged 50 yeares
- 3. John Dillick of Bristoll Mariner aged forty yeares

Smith against the Golden Winefatt and against a parcell of deale boards}
laded aboard the same

- 1. Richard Rich of London Merchant aged 22 yeeres

Soanes against John Bormer Thomas [XXXX] and William Buck

- Lawrence Devenish of Dorchester in the County of dorsett Mariner aged thirty eight yeares
- 2. William Cole of the parish of Saint George Southwarke London
Mariner aged 30 yeares

Sowden against haddock [exámined upon an allegation made in the acts the second session of this terme in behalfe of Sowden, and an exhibit]

- 1. Gregory Peake of the Middle Temple London [gentleman GUTTER] aged 39 yeeres
- 2. Richard Price servant of his precontest Gregory Peake

ffrancis Sumers of London Merchant against James Powis about the ship the Saint Jacob of Lubeck Hans Clauson Master

- Henry keene of Westminster Gentleman aged 35

Swann again{st} Whittle [Exámined upon an allegation given in on the behalfe of the said Swann the 25th of June 1656]

- 1. Robert Girling of the parish of Saint Olaves Southwarke mariner, aged 56 yeeres
- 2. William Linses of Limehouse Mariner, aged 26 yeare

Swann against Whittle [Exámined upon the allegation given in on
the behalfe of the said Whittle]

- 1. John Wheake of London Marchant, aged 32 yeeres
- 2. George Barons of London Marchant, aged 31 yeares

William Swyer and Company Owners of the shipp the Consent whereof the sayd Swyer was and is master against the shipp the Phenix whereof Robert Church was Master and against the sayd Church and company Owners of the sayd shipp and all others etcetera [Examined upon a libell given in on the behalfe of William Swyer and Company]
- aka: Swyer and company of the Consent against the Phenix and Robert Church her Master and Company owners of her

- 1. Henry Tiddiman of Rederiff in the County of Surrey Mariner Master of the shipp the Exchange aged fifty fower yeares
- 2. Alexander Markeham of Rederiff Mariner aged thirty yeares

Swyre and others against Church and others [Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd Church]

- 1. James Jackson of Ipswich in the County of Suffolke Mariner aged fifty three yeares
- 2. Cathbert Carr of Ipswich in the County of Suffolk Mariner aged thirty fower yeares


Tasker against the Elizabeth and against Guy

- 1. Captaine Alexander Twiddy of Westminster aged 45 yeares
- 2. Richard Dyricke of Redrith in the County of Surrey citizen and Cloth worker of London, aged 56 yeeres
- 3. Martha Ayliff wife of william Ayliff of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsea Carpenter, aged 36 yeares

John Tawley and others in the schedule annexed to the allegation mentioned Mariners of the Shipp the Recovery of which Joshua Barlett is Master against the sayd shipp and Master [Examined upon an allegation and the schedule therein mentioned given in the 22th of July aforesayd on behalfe of the sayd Tawley and Company]
- aka: Tawley and Company of the Recovery against the sayd shipp and Barlett the master of her [Examined upon the allegation given on behalfe of the sayd Tawley and others]

- 1. Zacharie Welch of London yeoman aged twenty sixe yeares
- 2. Richard Symonds of London Merchant aged twenty three yeares
- - 3. [WWW]Mathew Smith of the parish of Saint Clements danes Marchant gentleman aged twenty one yeares

- 3. Mathew Smith of the parish of Saint Clements danes Marchant gentleman aged twenty one yeares

Taylor and company against Seaman

- Thomas Gray of Wapping Boat=swaine of the shipp the Golden ffleece, being produced by Captaine Seaman Captaine of the said Golden ffleece, and being sworne by the right worshippfull John Godolphin Doctor of Lawes one of the Judges etcetera to depose the truth of the whole business aswell of the outward as the homeward bound voyages unto Mr David Budd and Mr Ralph Suckley the Referrees appointed to have this busines by the sayd Judge

Wm Thomas against the shipp the John of Barkesheire and against Edmund halle[XX] and his part thereof [Examined on a libell on behalfe of the sayd William Thomas]

- 5. William Bassett of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Grasier aged forty yeares

Edward Thompson Randall Oston Nicholas Cowell and Robert Thompson against the shipp the Goodhousewife of which William Stribly is Master and against the sayd Stribly in speciall and all others in generall etcetera

- 1. Henry Harz[?e] of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner aged thirty nyne yeares
- 2. John Martyn of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner aged twenty five yeares

Maurice Thompson of London Merchant of forty baggs of pepper lately laden aboard the Shipp Reformation whereof Nicholas Terick was Master attached by authority of this court as belonging to the sayd Maurice Thompson and against all persons having or pretending to have interest therein [Examined upon an allegation given in on the behalfe of the sayd Maurice Thompson]

- William Wight of London Broaker aged forty yeares
- George Papillon of London Merchant aged thirty five yeares

Touching the Anne and Mary

- 1. Nicholas Lorson of Timsborough in Norway Marchant aged 31 yeeres or thereabouts sworne before the right Worshipfull John Godolphin doctor of Lawes, and of the Judges of the high Court of the Admiraltie of England, and exámined upon certaine Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe of Edward Ascough and others, owners of the shipp the Anna and Mary
- 2. Richard Beswick of hull mariner, aged 27 yeares

Touching the ffortune

- Bertrand di(X) Dibarbore of London Merchant aged nine and twenty yeares

Touching the ffortune aforesaid George Paris Master

- 4. Thomas Clarke of Redriff in the County of Surrie Mariner, aged 42 yeeres
- 5. Thomas Thompson of Wapping Mariner, aged 35 yeeres
- 6. John Cooke of the parish of White Chappell London Merchant, aged 36 yeeres

Touching the Golden hart of London

- 1a. Richard fford of London Marchant aged 43 yeeres
- 1b. Robert Richbell of Southampton Merchant aged fifty yeeres

Touching the Hope of London, hance Matson master now at Norway

- William Warren of Wapping Esquire

Touching the Little Lyon

- Paul Heyn of Christiansand in Norway Mariner Master of the shipp called the Little Lyon now of London, aged 43 yeares or thereabouts and Thomas hanson of the same Mariner, Stiersman of the same vessell aged 24 yeares or thereabouts

Touching the ship the Maline, Olave Peter Master

- Peter Split of the parish of Saint Buttolphs Algate London Mariner aged 33 yeeres

Touching the Mary of London, Peter Matson Master now at Norway

- 1a. William Warren of Wapping Esquire
- 1b. Caleb Veren of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsea Merchant
- 1c. Peter Rich of Lambeth Merchant

Touching the shipp the Oake Tree Thomas Courtman Master

- William Sommers of College Hill London Merchant aged 33 yeares

Touching the Poppekerk

- 1. Frederick Ixem of London Notary publique, aged 30 yeeres

Touching the shipp Providence Robert Jones Master

- 1. Robert Jones of the parish of Saint Mary Maldalen in Surry Marriner, Master of the ship Providence aged 40 yeeres
- 2. Richard Parke of Rederith in the County of Surry Mariner aged 32

Touching the contempt of William Richmond

- Thomas Thorneton of Barking in Essex Mariner aged forty yeares

Touching the shipp the Tyar (sic) Claus ffrancke Master

- 1. John Peterson of the citie of Bristoll Merchant aged 43 yeares

Touching the shipps Victory and the Saint John

- (1) Bertrand Dibarbone of London Merchant aged nine and twenty yeares

Touching Tobaccoes taken out of the Virgin Mary prize Da Rosar for the State

- George Crapnell mariner, Master of the Essex frigot in the imediate service of this Commonwealth

Touching the shipp the white dove: Samuell Winter Master

- John Peterson of the citie of Bristoll Merchant aged 43 yeares

Affidavit: Touching goods laden aboard the shipp Victory John Gaultier Commander

- Bertrand dibarbore of London Merchant aged 29 yeeres

[GUTTER ?Towers] against Barton

- 3. Tamca S[Xviman] of Morlais in ffrance Mariner aged thirty two yeares



Vanbroughs and Nicholas against the Abrahams Offering and Rois

- 1. Baldwin Mathewes of Middleborowe Merchant aged 37 yeares
- 2. John Godsalve servant and Apprentice of John Niclas one of the producents, aged 18 yeeres
- 3. Ephraim Paine of the parish of Saint George Buttolph Lane London Cloth worker. aged 55

'Van Cassell against the Armes of Brill of the dutchesse of
Cureland [Exámined upon the foresaid allegation ex parte Van Cassell]

- 2. John Johnson of Madenblick in holland Mariner aged 24 yeares


Jonas Walters and others mariners of the Lady ffrigott against John hosier Commander of her and against the sayd ffrigott [Examined on an allegation apud acta made by Suckley on behalfe of the sayd Walters and others]

- 1. Humfrey Fleming of Redereff Mariner late masters Mate of the dragon aged thirty two yeares
- 2. William Fea(?ter) of Saint Catherines neere the Tower of London Mariner Masters Mate of the Defence (Thomas Rand Commander of her) aged forty five yeares

[GUTTER ?Warn]er against Watson and howe [Examined on an allegation dated the nynth day of december 1657 given in on the behalfe of the sayd Warner]

- 1. Mathew Clements of Wapping in the parish of Saint Mary Matsellon alias Whitechappell Blockmaker aged 42 yeares
- 2. George Shan of Tower wharfe within the liberty or parish of Saint Peter ad Vincula within the sayd Tower aged 51 yeares

Warren against Watson and how [Examined upon an allegation made in the Acts on behalfe of watson and howe]

- 1. Simon Messinger of Shadwell in the County of Middlesex Cooper aged 40 yeeres
- 2. ????
- 3. ????
- 4. Mathew Travis of the parish of Saint John Evangelist London citizen and salter of London aged 50 yeeres



david Younge and Company against david Bonnell [Examined on an allegation on the behalfe of the sayd david Younge and Company]

- 1. William Smith of Wapping Mariner Masters Mate of the shipp the Catherine of London aged thirty nyne yeares
- 2. Edward Buckley of the parish of Saint Olave in Southwarke Mariner aged twenty nyne yeares

David Young against david Bonell [ Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd david Bonnell dated the 5th of August 1658]

- 1. William hobcroft of Saint dunstans in the East Wine Cooper aged forty one yeares
- 2. John Collyns of the parish of Saint Olave hartstreete London Cooper aged twenty fower yeares