HCA 13/72 f.228r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.228r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


A . 15 .

The 14th day of January 1657 English style/

Edward Thompson Randall Oston Nicholas)
Cowell and Robert Thompson against the)
shipp the Goodhousewife of which)
William Stribly is Master and against the sayd Stribly in speciall and all others in
generall etcetera Cl[XXXX])

Rp. jus

Henry Hare of Shadwell in the parish of
Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner aged thirty
nyne yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the sayd allegation hee saith that hee being a Mariner and liveing at
Shadwell neere to the place where the arlate shipp the Goodhousewife now lyeth
knoweth that shee was about five moneths since graved in order to make
her fitt to goe to sea, but after wards was moored at a place neere Shadwell
dock where shee now lyeth and hath layne for these fower moneths last past,
saving that sometymes shee brake losse from her mooreings And saith
that by such her breakeing loose she broke one of her cables and lost an
Anchor and brake her head and receaved other losse and dammage
both in her rigeing masts and hull, and for these five weekes last past and
more shee hath bin and is in such a perishable condition that the Oakeham
workes dayly out of her seames and at full tyde shee is wett and at
ebbing water drye soe that by reason thereof her mayne mast is risen
from the stepp it stood upon, and her rigging and her hull and deck
doth dayly perish and decay and if shee bee not speedily repayred shee
will ere longe be little or nothing worth the premisses hee deposeth of
his owne sight and knowledge seeing her dayly and being one of those
who helped to bring her a ground againe when shee soe brake loose
from her mooreings And ?Ensomuch is alsoe knowne to this deponents
Contest John Martin a Mariner living alsoe neere this deponent in
Shadwell and who hath alsoe of this deponents knowledge dayly taken notice
of the sayd shipps perishing condition as hee and this deponent passed to
and fro by her, and such her persihing condition is a thing well knowne and taken notice of by divers
other able and experienced mariners liveing neere thereabouts And further
hee cannot depose/

the marke of the sayd
henry H [MARKE] hare/ [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The same day

Examined on the sayd allegation

Rp. 2

John Martyn of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and
County of Middlesex Mariner aged twenty five yeares or
thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth

To the sayd allegation hee saith the arlate shipp the Goodhousewife hath for
these fower moneths last past or thereabouts layne at a place neere Shadwell
dock a little belowe the same and still lyeth there but saith that in that tyme by
reason other shipps have made fast to her and shee to them and there being little