HCA 13/72 f.171v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.171v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second hee saith that as the said ship King David was
prosecuting her intended voyage to Dr[XXXXXn] aforesaid shee was
taken and seized together with her Lading aboard her by an
Oastend man of warr off Lewes in the back side of Scotland as Prize to a place called
Grine, in the King of Spaines Dominions, which seizure hee
saith was made on or about the 5.th of August last, which hee
knoweth being aboard the said ship at the time of her seizure.

To the 3d hee saith hee well knoweth the Interrogated John Broughton
of London Merchant, and the Interrogated John Abbot Master of the
said Vessell, who hee saith had aboard the said
shipp for their owne account (as this Deponent verily beleeveth
at the time of her seizure aforesaid a quantity of Hydes, Pipe staves, Slatts. and a quantity of
Gold, and Silver (but howe much hee knoweth not,) which
were laden at Carrick Vergus aforesaid by the
said John Abbott, and were to be carryed
to Dr[unXXin] aforesaid and there to be delivered, All which goods were
aboard the said ship at the time of her seizure aforesaid
and utterly lost to the said Broughton and Abbot without
any restitution or satisfaction of or for the same which
hee knoweth being Carpenters Mate as aforesaid, And otherwise
hee cannot Answer:/:

To the 4th: hee saith hee well knoweth that the said John
Broughton and John Abbot were the true and lawful
owners of part of The said ship, Namely the said Broughton of [XX]
parts of the said shipp, and the said Abbot of six sixteenth parts
of the same, and of her tackle and furniture proportonably
which Parts hee saith were utterly lost to them by meanes of
the Surprizall aforesaid, The Premisses hee deposeth
for the reasons aforesaid, and for that hee hath nowe
seene the bill of sale for the said parts,
And further cannot Answer:/:

The marke of the said
Richd [XXXre]:/. [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The same day:

Rp. 2us

Randall Wilkinson of Ipswich Mariner
late fforemast mann of the said ship King David
aged about 23 yeeres sworne and Examined as aforesaid.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee well knew the shipp King David
of London whereof the Interrogated John Abbot was Master evere since
her departure from Gravesend on this last voyage; and that
Carrick Vergus was the last Port the said ship was at before her
seizure and departed from thense on the beginning of August last bound for D[XXXX]
in Norway which hee knoweth being a Common man of the said