HCA 13/72 f.445v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.445v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the fifth Interrogatorie he saieth, That by like advise this deponent
hath also credibly heard, that the said shipp with her said lading of
iron, Lemmons and oranges being in her Course so from Biscay to
this Port of London was mett with surprized and taken by a man of
warr pretending ffrench or Portugall Commission, and were by the
same brought to Roso neere Morlaix in ffrance where the
sizors have dispossessed the master of the said shipp hope both of the
said shipp and of her said homewards Lading, and have unladed the
same And further saieth not to this Interrogatorie./

To the last hee saieth, That hee this deponent cannot judge of the
value of the said iron soe seized as aforesaid, but to the best of
his judgment and observation, the said Lemmons if they had come
safely to their intended port of London, would have yeilded
twelve shillings per hundred, and the oranges nyne or ten shillings
per hundred, and that all the said shipps homewards Lading aforesaid
would at this place have come to a very advantagious and beneficial
markett. And further to this Interrogatorie hee saieth not,/.

Repeated in Court/.



The seaventh day of August. 1658:-

The Clayme of Evert Gislin Abraham)
Vanpeeren Peter Bogart, Daniel Tyson)
Jellison Peter Alteras Vincent Adriansen)
and others of flushing for the shipp the Daniel)
of which Charles Alteras was Master, and
her tackle and furniture and freight lately)
seized at or neere dartmouth. Suckley. Budd./)

Examined upon an Allegation
exhibited on the behalf of the
said Claymers in the high
Court of Admiraltie

Mr: Ar. Beake dt./

John Gill junior of fflushing Merchant aged
28. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse produced
sworne and examined on the part and behalf aforesaid

To the first Article of the said Allegation hee saieth, That hee well
knoweth, That in or about the moneth of May 1654. the producents
Evert Gislin, Abraham van peeren Jacon van Horne Jarvis Br[XXX GUTTER]
and others their partners all Merchants and inhabitants of flushing in
Middleborough in Zeeland well knowne to him this deponent did
cause the shipp the Daniel arlate now claymed to bee built by
them at Rotterdam in Holland, and that the arlate Daniel
Thyson Jellison one of the partners of the said shipp and of the
Claymers in this Cause did on the behalfe of himselfe of the rest
of the said shipps Owners looke after and as Administrator


Primary sources



PROB 11/304/113 Will of John Gill of Richmond, Surrey 27 April 1661
PROB 11/390/253 Will of John Gill, Merchant of London 23 February 1688