HCA 13/72 f.159v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.159v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


for the said producents passage, did imbarque himselfe and came passenger
with his said goods, with purpose to dispose thereof at Amsterdam for
his owne accont as hee declared to this deponent, who verily betwixt
the said producent to bee the true, reall and sole owners of the said goods
and to be an Inhabitant of Coningsbergs in Pruussia, and for owner the[reof GUTTER]
hee was and is commonly accounted. And otherwise hee cannot depose

To the third hee saith that the said shipp Morning Starr with the said
goods aboard her was in her course for Amsterdam met with and seized
by the Lizard frigot in the immediate service of this Commonwealth
and brought up to Milford haven, which hee knoweth being master of
her as aforesaid.

See has answers to the Interrogatories in the next following leafe.

Claes Williams [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.

Rp. 2

Adrian Bastianson of Schernmer Horne neere Amsterdam
Mariner one of the company of the said shipp Morning
starr, aged 25 yeares or thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the first second and third articles hee saith hee well knoweth the producent
Daniel Passier alias Daniel Allaman whoe hee saith in or about
March last past at Santa Cruse laded and put aboard the said shipp
the Morning starr to be transported to Amsterdam for his owne account
three and fourtie bull-hides of the marke in the margent and fower


and twentie greate peeces of Camphere Wood, and saith that this lading
of the said goods was soe donne very shortly before the said shipps setting
saile thense for Amsterdam, and that the said producent imbarqued
himselfe in the said shipp to come and XXXXX passenger with his said goods,
which goods hee saith were aboard when the said shipp was seized in her
course for Amsterdam by the Lizard frigot, which happened
in March last as hee remembreth the time, and further that the said [producent GUTTER]
was and is commonly accounted owner of the said goods, and an Inhabitant
of Conningsberg in Prussia, The premisses hee deposeth
being onne of the said shipps company and seeing the said lading of the
said goods, and being aboard when the said seizure happened, and otherwise
3hee cannot depose.



See has answers to the Interrogatories in the next following leafe.

The 27th of October 1657.

On behalfe of John Bruyning}
Samuel Piggot and William Beacham}
and others touching the Sampson and}


Haie Haies of Marquera in ffreezland Mariner, Schipper
of the shipp the Sampson of London, aged 26 yeares or
thereabouts, exámined upon certaine Interrogatories saith and
deposeth by Vertue of his oath, as followeth.

To the first and second Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that the said shipp
Sampson in her last voyage came from Swansound in Norway and
that in her course the said voyage for this port being with her lading of deales come on this [XXXX]
harwich shee was on sunday last was a moneth, seized by one [CarpXXXX]
Titus in a small frigot of this Commonwealth, the name of which f[rigot]
hee knoweth not, but saith it was a man of warr, and had as hee was
informed a Swedes Commission of warr,
and saith that afterwards the said Captaines brother
forced open this deponents chest and tooke thereout three and twenty
pounds and foure shillings sterling money of England, and by force [XXX]
the same away against this deponents will and hath deprived this deponent [thereof]