HCA 13/72 f.41v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.41v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


as the Interrogatorie requireth) hee saith, hee is noe lowe water
man, nor imployed for takeing up of Ballast, nor hath any share in
any lighters nor is any way related to any of the Interrogate Pryors lighters
or any other lighters And saith the sayd Jones and Marketure are low watermen and lighter
men who are usually imployed in takeing up of ballast And further
cannot answere./

To the 2 Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively for his part
and verily beleeveth and is perswaded in his conscience that noe lowe
water man nor ballast man nor labourer workeing in lighters which
are imployed to that use nor any but the producent doth beare any
part of the charge of this suite. And further hee cannot answere/

the marke of the sayd
Edward E R [MARKE] Ryder/ [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The nineth of June 1657.

Ewen against Prior.}

ex parte Ewen.}

examined upon the fore said allegation.

Rp. 5

Henry Wilson of Greenwich labourer, aged 40 yeeres
or thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the first hee saith hee well knoweth the producent Mrs Ewen
and the wharfe and bancke arlate, whereof hee saith shee hath bin and
is commonly accounted the owner, yeelding a [XXXXX], for that hee by
times for theise seaven yeeres hath used to worke as a
Labourer upon the said wharfe and about the same.

To the second and third and fourth árticles hee saith that hee alsoe well knoweth
the arlate Richard Prior, who was and is a low water man and for
such commonly reputed, And saith that about eight monethes since there
being severall lighters at worke in an undue manner in the River of
Thames taking up ballast neere the said wharfe and bancks, and making
severall pitts and holes to the greate dammage of the said wharfe.
the said Mris Ewens caused one of them, namely that lighter which
was next and neerest her wharfe to be stopt or staid, to the end of
getting some satisfaction towards the said dammage, and being soe stopt
hee saith the said Prior came and owned and demanded the same, in
the presence and hearing of this deponent, who as one that assisted
in making the said stay, and sawe the said lighters soe at worke. By
which working of lighters there and making holes and pitts, there are
severall bancks or hills arisen betweene them to the hinderance and
much endammaging the passage of vessells and boates that way. And
further that at the time of of the said stay the said Priors men said that
hee had two other lighters at worke or to worke when hee pleased to
take up ballast, and this deponent then taking notice of the hole where
the said lighters soe claimed by the said Prior wrought, did shortly after
measure the same and found it foure foote deep, and two hundred and
odd foote from the said wharfe. And since the premisses this deponent