HCA 13/72 f.14v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.14v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


which weighted about fifteene or sixteene hundred weight and lost alsoe about
two thirds or better of her best bower Cable which was about fowerteene
Inches in cercumference, and little worse for wearing and alsoe about
two thirds of a new hawser of sixe Inches which cable and hawser were cut
in order to the preservation of the sayd shipp and her ladeing and the sayd
shipp (being although gotten off of the rocks and sands there) was brought
to the Cowes in the Isle of Wight and had a new Rudder made and hung on
with which shee went to sea againe and comming againe a ground upon a
place called the horse neere the flatts shee there struck of her second rudder
and brake part of it and most of the Iron worke thereof This hee knoweth
being an eye wittnesse on board and seeing the premisses soe happen and
saith the sayd dammage happened unavoidably by reason of
the fogg and fowle weather and saith hee knoweth not what the repaires of
the dammage done to the sayd shipp and her Rudders and Keeles and mayne post
Tiller and Transom cost the repayring but they could not in this deponents Judgment bee repayred for less than
seaventy five pounds sterling and in his this deponents Judgment her boate
windles and Oares soe broken were worth at the least twenty two pounds of like
like (sic) money and her Anchor soe lost was in this deponents Judgment worth at
least five or sixe and twenty pounds of like money and the two thirds of the Cable soe cut was
in this deponents Judgment worth forty pounds of like money and the two
thirds of the hawser soe cutt was alsoe worth in this deponents Judgment tenn
pounds of like money And further to these Interrogatories hee cannot depose./

Repeated with his precontest
before doctor Godolphin./.

The marke of the sayd
John I B [MARKE] Bennett [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The 24th of June 1657

Lord Protector of the goods in the shipp the hadarene}
taken by the Middleborough ffrigott, and Godfrey and}
others against the same Budd Cheeke}

Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd
Godfrey and Company./

vide ius in Quire B:9


Francis Dickinson of horsedowne in the parish of Saint Olaves
Southwarke Mariner aged 25 yeares or thereabouts a witnes
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that within
the tyme arlate the shipp the Middleburrough ffrigott was in the imediate
service of this Commonwealth and was imployed as a man of warr against
the dutch ffrench and other the enyemyes of this Commonwealth and that
the arlate William Godfrey was Commander of her and hee and his
Company (whereof this deponent was one) did serve this Commonwealth in the
sayd shipp and within the tyme aforesayd and while the sayd Godfrey and Company was
soe in service of this Commonwealth the sayd Godfrey and Company gave chase
to the arlate shipp the hadarene and comming up with her commanded her
to strike sayle and submitt, which shee refused to doe, and did not strike her
top sayle, but held on her course, refuseing to submitt, whereupon the sayd Godfrey
caused two gunnes to be fyred at her to cause her to come by the Lee, but shee still
continued on her course without strikeing sayle or submitting, which the sayd Godfrey
and her company seeing, the sayd Godfreys Lieutenant by order of the sayd
Godfrey (for that there was little winde stirring) manned a boate with men and