HCA 13/72 f.55r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.55r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


truth in this business, and otherwise hee answereth negatively./

To the second hee saith hee was never at Bilbo or Saint Sebastians, and other
wise alsoe negatively.

To the third and 4 hee saith as aforesaid hee was never at Saint Sebastians, and otherwise
cannot answer saving as aforesaid.

To the fourth fifth hee saith hee is master of a shipp, and hath bin a master
theise thirtie yeares last, and somtimes in that space both master and merchant,
and that hee hath now a sute depending for freight due to him from mr
wainewright for a voyage from the East countrey to Ireland, which
sute is depending in this Court, and that his freight demanded is
payable oer tonne.

To the last hee saith that somtimes the gaine is outwards and somtimes
homewards. And otherwise hee cannot answer.

Repeated before Collonel Cock.

Robert Girling [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.

Rp. 2.

William Linses of Limehouse Mariner, aged 26 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and exámined

To the fifth article upon which alone he is exámined hee saith and deposeth
that hee well knoweth the shipp Seaflower arlate and the ports of Southampton
and Saint Sebastians and hath bin at them both, and is a mariner, and well
knoweth that the said shipp going from this port of London to Southampton
and there taking in her lading and delivery of the same at Saint Sebastians performed
(in soe her going and delivering more than halfe her voyage, which was
to goe thense to Southampton, and thense to Saint Sebastians and
thense to retourne to this port, And saith shee set forth from this port on the
said voyage on or about the sixe and twentieth of June 1655, and had bin on the
said voyage till the thirtieth of August, which was the time of her seizure,
and that in all probabilitie (if the said seizure had not happened) shee
might have come from Saint Sebastians (after delivery of her goods) and finished
her voyage in a monethes space after such delivery, and saith that in
his estimation there was two third parts of the time of the voyage over
and past (and consequently of all expenses of wages and victualls)
and the one third part more after such delivery would in all probabilitie
have finished the voyage, And last by hee All which hee knoweth being masters
mate of the said shipp and going the said voyage to Saint Sebastians in her. And saith that the
said Swann well deserved five and thirtie shillings per tonne for freight of his
lading of corne, for going hense and taking the same in at Southampton
and delivering it at Saint Sebastians, and saith hee heard that other shipps
that went hense to Southampton and tooke in corne for Saint Sebastians were to
have three pounds and five shillings per tonne freight upon their retourne
to this port. And otherwise cannot depose, saving the shipp being seized
could not retourne.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee cometh at the instance of the said Swann to speake the truth
in this cause, and otherwise negatively.

To the second hee saith hee was never at Bilbo, nor ever at Saint Sebastians
before this voyage in question, and otherwise referreth him selfe to his foregoeing
deposition and the Charter partie for the said voyage.

To the third and fourth hee referreth himselfe as aforesaid, and otherwise cannot
answer, not having bin at Saint Sebastians but the said voyage.
