HCA 13/72 f.105v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.105v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 25th of September 1657.

Russell against Rignall alias}
Clements. Smyth.}

Rp. .j.

9. 2nd in A. 8.

Mathew Wallys of Wapping Wall, Clarke
aged 35 yeares or thereabouts sworne and exámined

To the first and second and third árticles hee saith and deposeth that hee
well knoweth the producent John Russell, who hee saith was the
tyme arlate and is the true and lawfull owner and proprietor of
one small blew callico-bagg, and as hee beleeveth of three pounds (or thereabouts)
of black Amber-grijse, which Amber-grijse was as hee beleeveth within the said
time sealed up in the said callico-bagg; And for and as such
owner and proprietor commonly accounted and reputed
And further that in the arlate moneth of January 1655 the shipp
the Endymion (whereof Alexander Rignols alias Reynolds arlate
was cheife-mate) was in the Straite of Sundra homewards
bound for this port of London; and in the said Straight betweene
the Islands of Java and Sumatra met with the shipp the
Jonathan then going from Madras to Macassar; And this
deponent having bin Minister or Passenger on board the Jonathan went
out of the Endymion (wherein hee came passenger) on board the
Jonathan to see and salute her Captaine and company; which
having donne, and made some stay aboard, and being readie to
retourne on board the Endymion, the said John Russell, who was
cheife mate of the Jonathan, and had
bin formerly acquainted with this deponent, came unto this deponent
and brought the said callico-bagg sealed up, and told this deponent
that there were three pounds of black Amber-Grijse therein
contained, which hee desired to send to his wife living in or neer Wapping
and had a letter readie written unto her, which hee showed to this
deponent, who read it, and found therein mention of the sending
of three pounds of black Amber grijse by him unto her,
in a callico bagg; and then the said Russell sealed up the said lettere
and delivered it with the said bagg of Amber Grijse to this deponent
and desired him being bound for London to convey it unto his wife
and either put it into his owne chest, or els deliver it to some
of the Endymions officers from whom it might be
safely received, that soe it might come to his wifes hands,
and further told this deponent that therefore hee showed him what
hee wrote, because some had bin soe false as to write letteres
mentioning the sending of goods and tokens to their freinds
in England, but in truth did not send such tokens or goods
to the greate abuse of the carriers of the letteres, or to the same effect
And then and there this deponent heard William downes [the GUTTER]
Chyrugeon of the Jonathan say that hee had seen the said



Witnesse on the Endymion

Thomas Bowdler of Shadwell in the County of Middlesex. Marchant, aged 35 yeeres = Purser of the Endymion/Endimion

Captaine Gervase Couchmann = Captaine of the Endymion/Endimion

[Unnamed] Carpenter of the shipp Endimion

John Garrard of Wapping in the County of Middlesex Mariner, aged twenty nine yeeres = First mate of the Endymion/Endimion; Commander of the Endymion/Endimion after death of Captaine Gervase Couchmann

Alexander Rignols alias Reynolds = Chief mate of the Endymion/Endimion) the voyage in question



EEIC Court Minutes, 1650-1654

"[May 7, 1650] There being a great quantity of pepper belonging to different men in the Company's warehouses, and if it is not taken away, no room will be found for the pepper now returned in the Endymion and Blessing, the Court orders notice to be issued that all goods are to be removed within fourteen days, or a warehouse will be hired for the same and the entire cost of removal, etc., charged to the owners of the said goods. Certain Committees are desired to give order for an inventory to be made of all things remaining at Blackwall ; others to see that an inventory is made of what remains in Blount's warehouses, in the custody of Bowen at Leadenhall, in the Exchange Cellar under the care of the Secretary, in the warehouses under the care of Rilston, and also of what there is * in this house '."[1]

EEIC Court Minutes, 1655-1659

"Acknowledge the receipt of his letter of the 6th instant, containing an account of the arrest of the Dutch ship Sprew, and thank him for his care in the matter. The Dutch Ambassador has acquainted the Lord Protector and his Council with the detention of the said vessel and procured an order for her release. Their action was perfectly legal, but if not sufficient to attain their ends they must rest satisfied and await success. Desire him to search the Customhouse, as he did in the case of the Endymion, and ascertain what goods have been entered (and what landed without being entered) from the Mayflower, the names of those to whom they belong, and of those who have entered them."[2]


PROB 11/203/23 Will of John Fisher, Cooper bound for the East Indies in the good Ship called the Endymion of London. 04 January 1648

PROB 11/212/648 Will of John Morris, in the South Seas in the Ship called Endymion. 12 June 1650

PROB 11/267/131 Will of Peter Wynne, Cook belonging to the good Ship called the Endymion. 18 September 1657
PROB 11/267/133 Will of Edward Jones, late in the Endymion coming from the East Indies. 24 August 1657
PROB 11/267/314 Will of John Greene, late Mariner in the Ship Endymion. 09 September 1657
PROB 11/267/373 Will of Henry Forrest, Mariner belonging to the Ship Endymion. 14 September 1657
PROB 11/267/418 Will of William Lurd or Lund, Mariner belonging to the Ship Endymion. 16 September 1657
PROB 11/270/6 Will of Jarvis Couchman, Mariner of Stepney, Middlesex. 02 October 1657

POSSIBLE MATCHED RECORD - PROB 11/280/314 Will of Alexander Reaynols or Reynolds, Mariner of Isle of Scilly, Cornwall. 24 August 1658

Summary of the fact of the legal case involving Enymion at Bantam, 1657 in State Papers of John Thurloe[3]
  1. Jump up 'A Court of Committees for the Fourth Joint Stock, May 7, 1650' (Court Book, vol. xx, p. 53a, in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1650-1654 (Oxford, 1913), p. 40
  2. Jump up 'The Company to John Madock [at Plymouth]', November 17, 1657 (Letter Book, vol. i, p. 369) in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A calendar of the court minutes, etc., of the East India company, 1655-1659 (Oxford, 1916), p. 187
  3. Jump up A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe ...: 1658 to 1660 (London, 1742), p.758, viewed 02/12/13