HCA 13/72 f.458r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.458r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The second day of August 1658

Examined on the sayd allegation

Rp. 5us

Francis Molina of Teneriff one of the Canarie
Islands Merchant aged 24 yeares or thereabouts
a wittnesse sworne and examined saith and deposeth
as followeth videlicet./

To the first and second articles saving his subsequent deposition hee
cannot depose./

To the 3: 4th and 5th articles hee saith saving his subsequent
deposition hee cannot depose

To the 5th 7th and 8th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith
that hee being an Inhabitant of the Island of Teneriff at
the same tyme knoweth that there were some linnen Cloath and
other goods in the yeare 1657 about the latter end of January that yeare brought thither from the port of London
in the Golden Sunne consigned to the arlate don Alonso da Molyna y Marina for
Accompt of the arlate John Walgrave who was and is reputed
A merchant of London tradeing to that Island of Teneriff and
this deponent saw the sayd Linnen Cloath and other goods at Teneriff
delivered to the sayd don Alonso da Molyna y Marina for Accompt
aforesayd, to bee by him the sayd don Alonso factor of the sayd
John Walgrave for his Accompt invested in wynes, And saith
that the sayd don Alonso did therewith accordingly
provide and cause to be laden aboard the Mary and Joyce arlate in the Roade
of Oratava in the Moneths of ffebruary or March 1658 (new
style) two pipes of Canarie wine of the marke in the margent to be


transported for London for the sayd Walgraves Accompt
and there delivered to him or his Assignes this hee knoweth for that
hee is brother to the sayd don Alonso and was told by the sayd don
Alonso that hee had bought and laden the sayd wynes aboard the
sayd shipp under the marke aforesayd and that they were for Accompt of the sayd Walgrave
And further hee deposeth not./

To the nynth hee saith hee cannot of certayne knowledge depose
not being present at the signeing of any bills of ladeing for
the sayd two pipes of wyne, but beleeveth there were severall bills
of ladeing all of one tenor signed for the sayd two pipes of wine and that the
bill of ladeing arlate now shewed to him is one of them for
that hee is very well acquainted with the hand writing of the



John Walgrave


Primary sources

