HCA 13/72 f.80r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.80r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the said Wells declared himselfe for the king of Scotts, and
having a Commission from the king of Scots beforehand, hee read
the same upon the said seizure upon the deck (in the hearing of this
deponent as hee was bound in his cabbin) for imployment
of the said shipp in the king of Scots his service. And saith
that after the said shipps being soe brought into Saint
Antoniás shee was taken into the possession of the king of
Spaines officers, and soe was and is wholely lost to her
owners, of this deponents knowledge who was carried
thither in her, and sawe her soe seized of by the said officers.
And saith the copie of the protest now shewne unto him is
a true copie of the originall remaining in this deponents
hands, and the contents thereof were and are true./



The 31th of July 1657/ [CENTRE HEADING]

Sanford and Company of the Elizabeth and}
Dorothy against Yarwood./ Cheeke Suckley

Examined upon the sayd allegation and
schedule therein mentioned./

Rp. EA. 3us

Haniball Jenninge of Shadwell in the parish of
Stepney and County of Middlesex Cooper of
the shipp the Elizabeth and Dorothy the voyage in question
aged twenty yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the first article of the allegation hee saith that hee this deponent was
one of the Company of the shipp Elizabeth and Dorothy in and during the voyage in
question and served aboard her as Cooper of her untill the tyme of her
seizure here after specified and thereby knoweth that the arlate William Keeble
(since deceased) the months and tyme arlate in the yeare of our Lord 1656 was master of the sayd shipp the sayd voyage, and tooke upon
him the charge and government of her that voyage as Master of her, and was
(as hee beleeveth) soe made Master of her by the arlate Yarwood and other
her Owners with whose consent and good likeing (as hee beleeveth) hee went Master
of her that voyage which was a voyage from the Port of London to Ireland and
thense to ffrance and back to Ireland againe and thense back to ffrance
againe and thense to London And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the second article of the sayd allegation and the schedule therein
mentioned hee saith that hee this deponent goeing Cooper of the sayd shipp
the sayd voyage, thereby knoweth that the arlate Sandford and Company
whose names are mentioned in the sayd schedule did all serve in the
sayd shipp the sayd voyage in the severalll qualities and places as they
are in the sayd schedule now read to him declared, and saith hee this deponent
was hyred by William Blunt the sayd Keebles Mate, who is alsoe a part
owner of the sayd shipp, and entered into whole pay in October 1656 at
which tyme the sayd shipp set sayle from Gravesend on her intended voyage
And saith that all the parties schedulate (except John Cooper who was shipped
about a fortnight after at Portsmouth) entered into whole pay at the same tyme