HCA 13/72 f.162v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 162 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4652.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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13/04/25 | |
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Edited on 29/04/2013 by Colin Greenstreet |
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The 7th of November 1657
Van Cassell against the Armes}
of Brill of the dutchesse of}
Exámined upon the foresaid allegation
ex parte Van Cassell
Rp. 2.
vide jus B15
John Johnson of Madenblick in holland Mariner
aged 24 yeares or thereabouts sworne and exámined [XXX GUTTER]
To the first 2. 3 and 4th and 5th article hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth
the producent arlate John Brands and the shipp the Armes of the
Dutchesse of Courland, whereof hee saith the said John Brand the
time arlate was Master, and had the charge and gouvernance thereof committed
and unto him and exercised that command all the time arlate, and for master thereof
hee were commonly accounted and reputed. And saith that in the moneth
of August 1654 this deponent being at the Barbadas in another
shipp (whereof hee was master) saw the arivall there of the said
Brands and company in the said shipp the Armes of the Dutchesse of Coureland
bound thence for Tobago, and well knoweth that the said shipp the
Armes of the Dutchesse of Courland was then in want of severall provisions
namely of beefe, porke, bread and other provisions, without the
supplie whereof the said master could not prosecute his voyage
and proceede from the Barbadas, whereupon hee spake to and
desired the arlate Mathias van Cassell to furnish him with
such provisions as hee soe stood in neede of or wanted to buy them and upon his
request the said vom (sic) Cassell (then resident at the Barbadas
and well knowne to this deponent) did furnish him the said
Brands with three hundred and sixtie gilders worth of
beefe, porke, bread and other provisions for the use and furniture
of the said shipp and for her provisioning and enabling her
to proceede in her voyage, all which hee knoweth being present
and seeing both such want of the said provisions for the said shipp
(this deponent goeing aboard her) and hearing him the said Brand
make the said request, and the said van Cassell consent thereunto
and afterwards hearing the said Brands acknowledge the receipt of
the said provisions aboard upon and by the furnishing of the said von
Cassell, And then and there (for the reimborsing or satisfying
the said vom Cassell for the said provisions or moneys
advanced by the said van Cassell for providing and buying the
same) this deponent sawe the said Brands give the said vom Cassell
and acknowledgement and bill of exchange for 360 gilders under his hand
but as hee hath heard the money thereupon could never be receaved
soe that the said van Cassell is as hee beleeveth still unsatisffied for
the said provisions soe fournished to the said shipp at the [XXXX]
of the said Brands, with out which his shipp could not have
proceeded on her voyage from the Barbadas, and saith the said
bill was drawne upon one hendrick Momann a factor at
Amsterdam for the duke of Courland, owner of the said shipp. And
otherwise hee cannot depose, saving the said 360 gilders is about [XXX]
and thirtie pounds sterling.
To the 6th hee cannot depose
Repeated before doctor Godolphin