HCA 13/72 f.102r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.102r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



The 4th of August 1657/

Tawley and Company of the Recovery against the sayd}
shipp and Barlett the master of her Suckley ffrancklin}

Examined upon the allegation given on behalfe of
the sayd Tawley and others./

A4: / Rp. 3us

Mathew Smith of the parish of Saint Clements danes
gentleman aged twenty one yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet/

To the first second and third articles of the sayd allegation and the
schedule in the sayd first article mentioned hee saith and deposeth that
hee this deponent in the moneth of November one thousand sixe hundred
fifty sixe was at the Barbados as a trader there in the way of Marchandize
and saith that The shipp the Recovery arlate of which the arlate Josuah Bartlett was
then Master and Commander then laye at the Barbados to take a freight
thense for England and this deponent being then desyrous to goe thense
for England, did cause some goods as sugar and ffustick which hee then
had there, to bee laden aboard her, and did agree with the sayd Joshua
Bartlett as Master of the sayd shipp to transporte the sayd
goods upon freight in the sayd shipp for England and did agree with him
to labour in the sayd shipp as a Mariner (for that the sayd Bartlett
stood neede of Mariners some of his Company being dead in a voyage
which hee had made with the sayd shipp to Cape de Verde Islands) for and in
liew of his this deponents passage in the sayd shipp for England, and soe came
on board there in the sayd moneth of November and on the eighteenth day thereof
and thereby knoweth that the arlate Tawley And Christopher ha[?w]le Peter Canaly
Roger haly Edward Chorke[?ys] Gilbert Cult Richard Kingston humfrey Triggs John
Lash George Blowe and hugh Wakes in the sayd schedule named and John
Bond the Gunner in the sayd schedule named and since deceased, and others whose
names hee remembreth not did serve in the sayd shipp as Officers and
Mariners of her according to their severall places, and as hee hath heard
them sayd the Master agreed with them at the severall monthly rates or
wages in the sayd schedule mentioned And further to those articles saving his subsequent depositions hee
cannot depose for that hee knoweth not when they came first aboard hee
coming in her only from the Barbados as aforesayd./

To the 4th 5th and 6th articles of the sayd alleagation hee saith
that hee goeing a passenger in the sayd shipp Recovery in manner
aforesayd from the Barbados for London where shee arrived in the
moneth of June one thousand sixe hundred fifty seaven saith that
the sayd shipp having receaved aboard, her ladeing at the Barbados
departed therewith from thense on the nynteenth day of November one
thousand sixe hundred fifty sixe in Company of the Gilbert arlate
a shipp whereof the arlate Mr Croford was Commander and
saith that the sayd shipp Recovery before her comming from the