HCA 13/72 f.158r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 158 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 12/05/2013 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4643.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
13/05/12 | |
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Edited on 12/05/2013 by Colin Greenstreet |
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To the tenth interrogatory he answereth that he referreth
himselfe to his deposition made to the fifth and sixth
articles And further or otherwise he saith he cannot
To the eleaventh he answereth that the sayd shipp was
in comming from Bristoll to Gravesend nine dayes; That
Abderdee is much neerer unto Bristoll than unto London
by water, And he saith that for three houres time the
wind did on the next day that the sayd shipp arrivd at
Aberdee, blow fare for London, and that then
wind blew quite contrary And further he
knoweth not to answere.
To the twelth Interrogatory he answereth that the storme interrate
happened about 3 weekes before the shipps arrivall at
Aberdee, and that she was as leakie when she arrivd
at Aberdee as shewas at any time after the sayd storme,
And further referring himselfe to his former deposition
he cannot answere./
To the thirteenth he answereth that there were six dayes
betweene the shipps arrivall at Abderdee and her arrivall
at king roade nigh Bristoll, and that within that
time some such provisions of victualls were brought
aboard her, but he saith he knoweth not to what quantity
And further he cannot answere./
To the fourteenth he answereth that he is the very same John
Cobb mentioned in the schedule interrate./
Repeated on the 13th of
October 1657 before Doctor Godolphin./
The 29th of October 1657.
The Lord Protector against the shipp}
the Saint Peter of Ostend, John}
Moret master.}
John Morret of Ostend Mariner late
Commander of the said frigot the Saint Peter
aged 36 yeares or thereabouts sworne before
the right Worshipfull John Godolphin Doctor of
Lawes, one of the Judges of the high Court
of the Admiraltie and examined upon
Interrogatories ministred on his highnes behalfe
saith as followeth.
To the first hee saith that the said frigot the Saint Peter belongeth
to the port of Ostend and came last thense about eight weekes
since on a man of warr voyage to take the ships and goods of
the English and other enemies of the king of Spaine, and
that this deponent was commander of her, and that Martin Claeson
Vander [XXX]a, Paulus da Soutaladr, Cornelius vander [XXX]a, Giles
Vander [XXX]a, all of Ostend and thereabouts in fflanders subiects of
the king of Spaine were and are owners of the said frigot and