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[[HCA 13/72 f.258v Annotate#head-7792b396c165940a2ef3372031f6dbb64b71233e|William Fea(?ter)]] of Saint Catherines neere the Tower of London Mariner Masters Mate of the ''Defence'' (Thomas Rand Commander of her) aged forty five yeares
[[HCA 13/72 f.258v Annotate#head-7792b396c165940a2ef3372031f6dbb64b71233e|William Fea(?ter)]] of Saint Catherines neere the Tower of London Mariner Masters Mate of the ''Defence'' (Thomas Rand Commander of her) aged forty five yeares
[[HCA 13/72 f.198r Annotate#head-7792b396c165940a2ef3372031f6dbb64b71233e|Peter Howard]] of the parish of Saint Katherine neere the Tower of London Waterman aged thirty one yeares
[[HCA 13/72 f.198r Annotate#head-7792b396c165940a2ef3372031f6dbb64b71233e|Peter Howard]] of the parish of Saint Katherine neere the Tower of London Waterman aged thirty one yeares
[[HCA 13/72 f.160v Annotate#head-7792b396c165940a2ef3372031f6dbb64b71233e|Robert Knight]] of the parish of Saint Catherines neere the Tower of London Mariner aged 25 yeeres
====Parish of Saint Dunstans in the East====
====Parish of Saint Dunstans in the East====

Revision as of 12:56, December 22, 2013

HCA 13/72 Deponents - By Geography

Editorial history

Created 22/12/13, by CSG


To list all deponents mentioned in HCA 13/72 by geographic residence


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Antonio da Apo[Xni da Souza] Native of ffarnambuck in Brazeela aged twenty five yeares

Dukedom of Holstein


Thomas Janson of housum in the Dukedom of holstein, aged about 46 yeares
haion Jonson of housum aforesaid Carpenter of the shipp the Peter allegate, aged about 40ty yeares



Thomas Amory of Bristoll Marchant sonne of Thomas Amory the producent, aged 24 yeares
Israel Dennis of Bristol Mariner late masters mate of the shipp the Recovery of Bristoll, aged 33 yeeres
John Dillick of Bristoll Mariner aged forty yeares
Morgan Jones of the Citty of Bristoll Mariner, aged about 34 yeares

Parish of Saint Nicholas in the Citty of Bristoll

Thomas Constant of the parish of Saint Nicholas in the Citty of Bristoll Mariner, aged about 25 yeares



John Edwards of Milbrooke in the County of Cornwall Mariner aged thirty nyne yeares



Lawrence Devenish of Dorchester in the County of dorsett Mariner aged thirty eight yeares


Edward Baynard of Exeter in the County of devon Barber Chirurgeon aged seaventeene yeares


John Bonytho of Plymouth Mariner aged fifty yeares
John Fletcher of Plmouth Mariner aged twenty one yeares
Thomas Hoare of Plymouth Mariner aged forty fower yeares


George Browne of Southwell hall in Essex gentleman aged about 25 yeares


Samuell Church of Writtle in Essex Mariner aged twenty sixe yeares




Jonathan Bigland of Redriff Shipwright, aged 28 yeares


Richard Beswick of hull mariner, aged 27 yeares



James Boord of Deale in the County of Kent Mariner, aged 35 yeeres
Stephen Cranbrooke of Deale in the County of kent Mariner aged 36 yeares


Abraham Clarke of debtford in Kent shipwright Carpenter of the shipp Unitie the voyage in question aged twenty five yeare


Humphrey Bourne of dover Mariner, aged 35 yeares


Robert Burdin of Gillingham in the County of Kent Baker aged fiftie yeares
Thomas Fridd of Gillingham in the County of Kent husbandman aged twenty five yeares
John Grant of Gillingham in the County of Kent Mariner aged forty nyne yeares


William Ballow of Greenwich ferriman, aged 30 yeeres
Marke Bennett of Greenwich in the County of Kent Mariner, aged about 25 yeares
Anthony Deane of Greenwich Shipwright aged 25 yeeres


Edward ffinch of Sandwich in Kent Mariner aged twenty fower yeares


John Fowler of Stroude in the County of Kent. ffisherman: aged 30: yeeres
John Griffin of Stroude in the County of Kent, ffisherman, aged 43 yeeres


Haniball Allen of London Merchant aged thirty two yeares
Haniball Allen of London Merchant aged thirty two yeares
Captaine John Aylet of London Mariner, aged 30 yeeres
Captaine John Aylett now of London Mariner but formerly liveing in New England aged thirty yeares
Thomas Bale of London Merchant aged twenty seaven yeares
Thomas Bale of London Merchant aged 27 yeares
George Barons of London Marchant, aged 31 yeares
Antonio Basso Merchant, a native of Genoa aged 27 yeeres or thereabouts, now living in London
John Bateman Citizen and Pewterer of London aged thirty five yeares
Henry Betts of Three Crane lane in Thamesstreete London Sailor, aged 20 yeares
Richard Bogan of London Merchant aged 40. yeares
Thomas Bonfoy of London Merchant aged thirty seaven yeares
William Bowridge of London Merchant, aged 32 yeares
John Brewer of London Oileman, aged 36 yeares
Peter Browne of London Grocer aged twenty three yeares
Francis Chaplin Citizen and Cloathworker of London aged thirty yeares
George Chappell of London Mariner, aged 56 yeeres
Edward Collier of London Sailer, now lodging at the goat in Cheapside, aged 23 yeares
Augustin Colonell of London Merchant aged twenty three yeares
Augustin Coronel Merchant dwelling in this Citie of London aged 30. yeeres
Augustin Coronel of London Merchant aged 33. yeares
John Crooke of the citie of London Bookeseller, aged 42 yeeres
John Daniel of the citie of London Notary publique aged fourtie yeeres
Manoel de Fonseca of the City of London Merchant aged 21. yeares
Manoel de ffonseca of London Merchant aged 21 yeares
Bertrand diX Dibarbore of London Merchant aged nine and twenty yeares
Bertrand dibarbore of London Merchant aged 29 yeeres
Bertrand Dibarbone of London Merchant aged nine and twenty yeares
Daniel Edwards of London Merchant, aged 42 yeeres
Nicholas de Ferrari of London Merchant aged 56. yeares
Richard fford of London Marchant aged 43 yeeres
Robert Gale of London Merchant aged 46 yeeres
Thomas Grant of London Mariner aged fifty yeares
William Harris servant of Mr Monger Water Bayliff of the citie of London, aged 48 yeeres
Thomas Hicks of London ffishmonger, aged 39 yeeres
?Cord Hilderman of London Mariner aged twenty fower yeares
Courd Hillderman of London Mariner aged twenty fower yeares
Arthur Ingram of London Merchant aged forty one yeares
The sayd Mr Arthur Ingram to the allegation given in on the behalfe of the sayd Blake in the third place and dated the eleventh day of ffebruary 1657
Arthur Ingram of London Merchant aged 42 yeares
Frederick Ixem of London Notary publique, aged 30 yeeres
Frederick Ixem of London Notary Publique
Frederick Ixem of London Notary publique
William Kiffin of London Merchant aged fourtie one yeares

Black ffryers

Christopher Clitheroe of Black ffryers in the City of London Gentleman aged 41. yeares

Little Tower hill

Abraham Barnaby of the little Tower hill one of the Customehouse waiters, aged 30 yeeres

Parish of Allhallowes Barking

John Bellamy of Allhallowes Barking London Winecooper aged thirty nyne yeares
Symon Bo(X)derman of the parish of Allhallowes Barking Ballastman aged twenty five yeares
Robert kilner of the parish of All hallowes Barking London citizen and Marchant Tailer of London aged 27 yeares

Parish of Allhallowes Lombarde streete

Samuell Haughton of the parish of Allhallowes Lombarde streete London Scriverner. aged twenty one yeares

Parish of Allhallowes the Greate

Mathew Crouer of Redriff Mariner aged twenty eight yeares

Parish of Saint Andrew Holbourne

William Bourgh of the parish of Saint Andrew Holbourne London Merchant aged 24. yeares
John ffranckland of the parish of Saint Andrew in holborne gentleman, aged about 27 yeares
Thomas Gregg(?s) of the parish of Saint Andrew in holborne London Pewterer aged forty fower yeares

Parish of Saint Andrew Undershaft

John Bushell of the parish of Saint Andrew Undershaft London Merchant aged 39. yeares

Parish of Saint Buttolphs Algate

Cornelius Bringmans of the parish of Saint Buttolphs Algate London Broaker, aged 40 yeeres
John de vos of the parish of Saint Buttolphs Algate London Mariner aged 52 yeeres
Daniel Gates of the parish of Saint Buttolphs Alg[ate GUTTER] London Ship Chandler, aged 20 yeares
Richard Harris of the parish of Saint Buttolphs Algate London Mariner, aged 27 yeeres

Parish of Saint Buttolph Billingsgate

James Baldwin of the parish of Saint Buttolph Bishopsgate London Vintener, aged 56 yeeres
John Booth of the parish of Saint Buttolph Billingsgate London Servant to Thomas hopkins of the same parish Merchant aged 23 yeares
John Cockling of the parish of Saint Buttolph Bishopsgate London Mariner
James Higgs of the parish of Saint Botolph Bolonsgate (sic) London Woodmonger, aged 45 yeares

Parish of Saint Buttolph Bishopsgate

Parish of Saint Cathrines neere the Tower of London

Morrice Briggs of the parish of Saint Cathrines neere the Tower of London Waterman, aged 55
William Fea(?ter) of Saint Catherines neere the Tower of London Mariner Masters Mate of the Defence (Thomas Rand Commander of her) aged forty five yeares
Peter Howard of the parish of Saint Katherine neere the Tower of London Waterman aged thirty one yeares
Robert Knight of the parish of Saint Catherines neere the Tower of London Mariner aged 25 yeeres

Parish of Saint Dunstans in the East

William hobcroft of Saint dunstans in the East Wine Cooper aged forty one yeares

Parish of Saint James Garlick hithe

Richard Batson in the parish of Saint James Garlick hithe London Merchant, aged 56 yeeres

Parish of Saint Katherines Coleman

John Bryson of the parish of Saint Katherines Coleman in ffanchurch streete London Merchant aged 24 yeeres
John Goodman of the parish of Saint Catherin Coleman [XXX GUTTER] London Cooper, aged 34 yeares

Parish of Saint Laurence Jury

Richard Chaundler of the parish of Saint Laurence Jury London citizen and haberdasher of London, aged 46 yeares
James Jauncy of the parish of Saint Lawrence Jury London citizen and Grocer of London aged 34 yeares

Parish of Saint Magnus

John Creamer of the parish of Saint Magnus London ffishmonger aged 29 yeeres

Parish of Saint Margaret Loathburie

Francis Hacker of Saint Margaret Loathburie Cittizen and Salter of London aged forty fower yeares

Parish of Saint Mary at Hill

Richard Brian of the parish of Saint Mary at hill london Wine Cooper, aged 30 yeeres
Henry Carter servant and Apprentice to Richard Brian of the parish of Saint Mary at hill London Wine Cooper aged 20 yeares
Thomas Howard of the parish of Saint Mary At Hill London gentleman, aged 27 yeares

Parish of Saint Michael Cornehill

Leonard Bates of the parish of Saint Michael Cornehill London Scrivener, aged 34 yeares
Jacob Gregory of the parish of Saint Michael Cornehill London Salter, aged 45 yeares

Parish of Saint Olave hartstreete

John Collyns of the parish of Saint Olave hartstreete London Cooper aged twenty fower yeares
Alexander Fowler of the parish of Saint Olave Harte Streete London Wine Cooper aged thirty eight yeares

Parish of Saint Olaves Jury

Robert Archer of the parish of Saint Olaves Jury London, Grocer, aged 45 yeares

Parish of Saint Peter ad Vincula in the Tower

Robert Adlington of the parish of Saint Peter ad Vincula in the Tower London Lighterman aged fifty yeares

Parish of Saint Peters Cornehill

William East of the parish of Saint Peters Cornehill London Merchant Tailor, aged 43 yeares

Parish of Saint Stephen in Walbrooke

James English of the parish of Saint Stephen in Walbrooke London Merchant aged twenty one yeares

Parish of White Chappell

John Cooke of the parish of White Chappell London Merchant, aged 36 yeeres
John ffenner of the parish of White Chappell Turner aged 30 yeeres
Robert Goulding of the parish of Saint Mary Matsellon alias Whitechappell Cordwainer aged forty three yeares
Richard Jones of the parish of Saint Mary Matsellon alias Whitechappell Mariner aged thirty one
Robert Jones of the parish of Saint Mary Maldalen in Surry Marriner, Master of the ship Providence aged 40 yeeres



Gilbert Cornelius of hoxton in the County of Middlesex gentleman aged twenty eight yeares


John Bishopp of Lymehouse in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Cooper aged forty eight yeares
Captaine James Cade of Lymehouse Mariner aged 41 yeares
Robert Cooke of Lymeshouse Shipwright aged 44 yeares
Abraham Graves of Lymeshouse Shippwright aged forty two yeares
Thomas Grimsditch of Limehouse Mariner aged 28 yeares
Captaine John Harris of Lymehowse in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner aged seaventy yeares
Richard Hussy of Lymehouse in the parish of Stepney Mariner late Master of the Saint Lucar Marchant aged sixty yeares


Thomas Anneley of Ratcliffe in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner aged thirty fower yeares
Alexander Barfoote of Ratcliff Cooper, aged 56 yeares
John Barnett of Ratcliff in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner Steward of the shipp Elizabeth and Mary aged sixtie yeares
Brian Blinco(?r) now of Ratcliff in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Cordwainer aged twenty three yeares
Edward Cragg of Ratcliff in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner Master of a ffrigott called the Nantwich ffrigott aged forty seaven yeares
Beniamine Denning of Ratcliff in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex mariner aged twenty seaven yeares
Thomas ffloyd of Ratcliff Mariner, aged 28 yeares

Shadwell (in parish of Stepney)

William Bassett of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Grasier aged forty yeares
Andrew Bowman of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney Mariner, Late Gunner of the ship the Tankervaile aged about 36 yeeres
Henry Harz[?e] of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner aged thirty nyne yeares
Haniball Jenninge of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Cooper of the shipp the Elizabeth and Dorothy the voyage in question aged twenty yeares

Parish of Stepney

Samuel damerel of Stepney Mariner aged 36 yeeres
Henry Damorin of Stepney Roapemaker aged 38 yeeres
John ffitzharbert of the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex gentleman aged sixty one yeares
William Hogg of Stepney in the County of Middlesex Ropemaker, aged 21 yeares


John Allen of Wapping in the County of Middlesex Chirurgeon, aged about 18 yeares
Nicholas Arons of Wapping Mariner, aged two and fiftie yeares
Thomas Browning of Wapping Mariner, aged 35 yeares
Jacob Ceelay of Wapping in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner aged fiftie six yeares
Mathew Clements of Wapping in the parish of Saint Mary Matsellon alias Whitechappell Blockmaker aged 42 yeares
Robert Cooper of Wapping. late Chirurgion of the ship the Valentine, aged 22 yeeres
Marke Cronzy of Wapping Shippwright aged 27 yeares
Thomas Drayson of Wapping in the County of Middlesex, late Purser of the shipp the Gilbert aged about 25 yeares
George Farrow of Wapping Pulley Maker aged twenty two yeares
John Garrard of Wapping in the County of Middlesex Mariner, aged twenty nine yeeres
John Gillman of Wapping in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Shipp Carpenter aged 36 yeares
Thomas Gray of Wapping Boat=swaine of the shipp the Golden ffleece, being produced by Captaine Seaman Captaine of the said Golden ffleece, and being sworne by the right worshippfull John Godolphin Doctor of Lawes one of the Judges etcetera to depose the truth of the whole business as well of the outward as the homeward bound voyages unto Mr David Budd and Mr Ralph Suckley the Referrees appointed to have this busines by the sayd Judge
John Hackman of Wapping mariner, aged 36 yeares
John Harris of Wapping in the County of Middlesex mariner late Boatswaine of the Christopher the voyage in question aged thirty one yeares
Richard Hoare of Wapping Marriner late Carpenters Mate of the shipp the King David aged about 20 yeeres
Francis Hurdidge of Wapping wall Mariner aged fifty seaven yeares [Examined on an allegation given in on the behalfe of the sayd dobbins the 29th of Aprill 1656]
The sayd ffrancis Hurdidge upon the allegation given in on the behalfe of the sayd dobbins the fifteenth of ffebruary 1657
Thomas Hyatt of Wapping Mariner aged thirty yeares


North Yarmouth

William Bawcock of North Yarmouth in Norfolk Mariner aged twenty five yeares



Cathbert Carr of Ipswich in the County of Suffolk Mariner aged thirty fower yeares


Parish of Saint George Southwarke

William Cole of the parish of Saint George Southwarke London Mariner aged 30 yeares

Parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsea/Bermondsey

Martha Ayliff wife of william Ayliff of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsea Carpenter, aged 36 yeares
Giles Baily of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsea Mariner, aged 30 yeeres
Thomas Brookes of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen[?e GUTTER] in Southwarke Marriner aged fiftie yeares
William Croford of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, Master of the shipp the Gilbert, aged about 39 yeeres
Thomas Greene of Mary Magdalen Bermondsey in the Burrough of Southwarke Mariner, aged about 34 yeares

Parish of Saint Mary Overie in Southwarke

Richard Keate of the parish of Saint Mary Overy in Southwarke Mariner aged twenty one yeares

Parish of Saint Olave in Southwarke

Edward Buckley of the parish of Saint Olave in Southwarke Mariner aged twenty nyne yeares
Francis Dickinson of horsedowne in the parish of Saint Olaves Southwarke Mariner aged 25 yeares
William Eves of the parish of Saint Olaves in Southwarke Waterman, aged 26 yeares
Adrian ffranke of horseydowne in the County of Surry Mariner, aged about 40ty yeares
Robert Girling of the parish of Saint Olaves Southwarke mariner, aged 56 yeeres


Henry Berry of Redriff in the County of Surrey Shipwright, aged 28 yeeres
Jonathan Bigland of Redriff Shipwright, aged 28 yeares
William Chamlet of Rederiff in the County of Surrey Mariner Master of the Peter and Anne of London aged fifty yeares
Thomas Clarke of Redriff in the County of Surrie Mariner, aged 42 yeeres
John Cobb of Rederiffe in the County of Surry Mate in the shipp the Gilbert
Mathew Crouer of Redriff Mariner aged twenty eight yeares
Richard Dyricke of Redrith in the County of Surrey citizen and Cloth worker of London, aged 56 yeeres
Humfrey Fleming of Redereff Mariner late masters Mate of the dragon aged thirty two yeares
Captaine Thomas Hare of Rederiff in the County of Surrey Mariner Master of the Anne Pearcie aged 35
Edward Harr[Xon] of Redriff on the County of Surrie Mariner, aged 40 yeares
Robert Hyde of Rederith in the County of Surry Marriner aged 23 yeeres



Robert Hartley of Bright Hamson in the County of Sussex Mariner, aged 31 yeares
John Humphreys of Bright Hampson in the County of Sussex Mariner, aged 27 yeares


John Harris of Rie in the County of Sussex Mariner, aged 60 yeeres


Edward Briggs of Shoreham in the County of Sussex Mariner, aged 40 yeeres or thereabouts Master of the said Barke the Willing Minde


Henry keene of Westminster Gentleman aged 35



Anthony Colard of Ostend Mariner late one of the company of the said frigot the Saint Peter aged 36 yeeres


John Hebling of Shire in fflanders Mariner aged 19. yeares


Peter ffourdin of Callice Marchant aged 25 yeeres
John Gueroult of Roane in ffranse clerke of Jaques Maurice Tabellion a Notary of Roane, aged 22 yeares



ffrancis du Pont alsoe of Canne Mariner, one of the said Barkes company, aged 30 yeares
Jaques Ennet of Cane in Normandy Mariner, master of the Barke the Magdalenn of Cann, aged 45 yeares


Antonio Basso Merchant, a native of Genoa aged 27 yeeres or thereabouts, now living in London
Augustin Costa of Genoa (but now dwelling at Santa Cruse) Merchant aged nineteene yeares



Henry Hendricksen of Meppin in the Jurisdiction of Munster in Germania Mariner aged 22. yeares


Paul Backman of hamborough late Master of the shipp the Charity of London aged 45. yeares



Esiah Isbell now of Wapping but late of Kerrey in Ireland Mariner aged 30 yeares


Thomas Burton of Passage nigh Waterford in Ireland Merchant, aged about 54 yeares



Stephen Christoforsan of berghen in Norwary Mariner, aged 32 yeares


Paul Heyn of Christiansand in Norway Mariner Master of the shipp called the Little Lyon now of London, aged 43 yeares


Hendrick Hendrickson of Larwick in Norway mariner aged 32 yeares


Tomis Barents[?e] of Skane in Norway Mariner aged 37 yeeres


Magnus Alexanderson of Tonsborough in Norway Mariner, master of the shipp the Hope late of Tonsborough nowe of London


Port a Port

Francisco Carvallo of Port a Port in Portugall Marchant aged 34 yeeres



Thomas Gowen of disert in Scotland Mariner aged thirty yeares



Sebastian Garcia of Cadiz Merchánt, aged 33 yeeres


Antonio Martinis da Mesa of Sevile Merchant aged thirtie two yeares
Don Diego de la Baton of Sevile Master of the said shipp the Virgin Mary and All Saints of Cartagena, aged 33 yeeres

United Provinces

Simon Claeson of S[?ordam] Mariner, one of the company of the said shipp the Nicholas, aged 23 yeares
Haie Haies of Marquera in ffreezland Mariner, Schipper of the shipp the Sampson of London, aged 26 yeares


Thomas Johnson of Rotterdam Mariner, aged 40 yeeres


Adrian Bastianson of Schernmer Horne neere Amsterdam Mariner one of the company of the said shipp Morning starr aged 25 yeares
Simon To(?u)son Bleau of Amsterdam, Sailor, aged seaventeene yeeres
ffrederick Claeson of Amsterdam mariner, boatswaine of the said shipp the Morning starr aged 30 yeeres
George Gosyde of Amsterdam Mariner, aged 30 yeares


John Johnson of Madenblick in holland Mariner aged 24 yeares



Andries Andriessen of fflushing in Zeeland Mariner age 35. yeares
Cornelius Bastianss(on) of fflushing Mariner, aged 25 yeares
Cornelius Bastiaenss of fflushing Mariner, master of the said shipp the Saw Mill, aged 26 yeares
John Gill junior of fflushing Merchant aged 28. yeares

Location unclear

Augustin Costa of Genoa (but now dwelling at Santa Cruse) Merchant aged nineteene yeares