HCA 13/72 f.164r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.164r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


was dated at the Barbadas the first of July last, and hee hath alsoe
received other letters to the same effect, and that hee had
seene went the voyage in question in the said shipp, And otherwise referring
himselfe to the ordinary course of calculation, hee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee cometh required by the said Edmund Cowse to be
a witnes in this court wherein hee is noe wayes concerned, nor was hee
in the shipp or voyage in question, and hath often gonne to sea in theise
30 yeares space, but never had command of any shipp.

To the second hee answereth negatively for his part, and did not belonge to
the shipp ffortune.

To the third it concerneth him not.

To the 4th negatively for his part.

To the 5th and 6 they concerneth him not.

Repeated with his precontest before doctor Godolphin.



The 12th of November 1657.

Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.

Rp. 3 2

Leonard Bates of the parish of Saint Michael Cornehill
London Scrivener, aged 34 yeares or thereabouts sworne
and exámined.

To the second árticle of the said allegation and the schedule in parchment
thereunto annexed and now shewed unto him hee saith and deposeth that the
said schedule was and is the true and originall Charter partie for the
voyage therein mentioned, and that on or very shortly after the day of the
date thereof being the 5th of January 1656 this deponent was present
at his shopp in Cornehill London and did see the arlate James
Reade) (whom hee the well know) subscribe, seale, and
deliver the said charter partie as his act and deed, in all things as
is therein contained, which being soe donne this deponent
and his servants Thomas Wilmer and Thomas ffelton as witnesses set their
names on the back thereof as now appeareth. And
that upon or presently after the 14th of January last the said Reade
alsoe signed, sealed and delivered the other schedule in paper
annexed to the Charter partie, in the presence of this deponent
and his said two servants, And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving
the arlate James Cowse was present at such sealing, and
delivery, and ás hee thinketh, Edmund Cowse was alose then
and there present.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin:/:

Leonard Bates./ [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]



Leonard Bates

The London merchant, John Paige, signed sealed published and declared his last Will and Testament on April 5th, 1689, in the presence of "Thomas Langham Clement Kettell Leonard Bates Scrivener." (PROB 11/397/549 Will of John Paige of London 30 December 1689)