HCA 13/72 f.90v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.90v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


On the 22th of September 1657.

On the behalfe of James}
Lordell and company Owners}
of the shipp the Peter of}
howsum (whereof Richard}
hauson was Master and John}
ffreeman and Company}
Owner of her lading concerning}
the stranding of the sayd}
shipp etcetera}

Rp. 1

Thomas Janson of housum in the Dukedom
of holstein, aged about 46 yeares, being
sworne before the right worshippfull John Godolphin
Doctor of Lawes one of the Judges of the high
Court of Admiralty, he deposeth and
saith as followeth

To the first article of the allegation given in on the behalfe of
the sayd James Lordell and company and John frreeman and
Company he deposeth that the arlate James Lordell and
Company were and are the true and lawfull Owners and
Proprietors of the arlate shipp the Peter of howsam and
of her tackle, apparrell and furniture, The premisses he
deposeth for that he the deponent was not onely for the voyage
arlate wherein she was stranded, but in two former
voyages stiersman of the sayd shipp.

To the 2d article he deposeth that there were laden aboard the
arlate shipp the Peter at Dram in Norway about August
last past for the accompt of the arlate Master John ffreeman
and Company to the number of above (as he beleeveth)
three thousand deales, and about eighty great peeces of timber
besides some other balkes and [Xses], All the which were
to be transported in the shipp Peter of Howsam unto the
port of London for proper use and account of
the arlate Mr freeeman and Company, The premisses
he deposeth for that he having bin Stierseman in all the
three last voyages of the sayd shipp did thereby come to
well know the sayd Mr ffreeman, and that the sayd
goods were consigned to him./

To the third article he deposeth that in the sayd shipp the
Peter he came from Dram towards London she did with
her sayd lading on or about the 11th of September 1657
the night time strike uppon the Sand northward of Yarmouth
and that therby she became leakie and that thereupon
the next morning the Master and Company did for the preservation
of the sayd shipp and her lading and their lives runne the sayd shipp
and goods on shoare at Cromer arlate, and that they
videlicet the shipps Company did all three come safe ashoare, and
he deposeth that the Inhabitants of or about Cromer rann dow[ne GUTTER]
to the sayd shipp and cutt her sayles tackle and furniture
and carryed away a great part of the sayd shipps goods and
alsoe her furniture, The which they did by force and vio[lence GUTTER]
in the sight of this deponent, And further he cannot depose

To the last he saith his former deposition is true.

The marke [MARKE] of Thomas Janson. [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]