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PROB 11/454/366 Will of Roger Paxton, Mariner of Redriffe, Surrey. 04 March 1700<ref>A Rederiff mariner named Roger paxton was deposed in Aprill 1658 on behalf of Dobins. This may be the same Roger Paxton, also of Redriff, Surrey, whose will was proved in March 1700. However, the will may also be that of a relative.  See [[HCA 13/72 f.281r Annotate#head-7792b396c165940a2ef3372031f6dbb64b71233e|HCA 13/72 f.281r]]</ref>
PROB 11/454/366 Will of Roger Paxton, Mariner of Redriffe, Surrey. 04 March 1700<ref>A Rederiff mariner named Roger Paxton was deposed in Aprill 1658 on behalf of Dobins. This may be the same Roger Paxton, also of Redriff, Surrey, whose will was proved in March 1700, which would place him at roughly seventy-two years of age at his death. However, the will may also be that of a relative.  See [[HCA 13/72 f.281r Annotate#head-7792b396c165940a2ef3372031f6dbb64b71233e|HCA 13/72 f.281r]]</ref>
PROB 11/306/348 Will of Gowen Paynter, Merchant of London 26 November 1661<ref>Gowen Paynter was a merchant resident in the Canary islands, who served as correspondent and agent for John Page, and for other English merchants. See, for example [[HCA 13/72 f.335v Annotate#head-7792b396c165940a2ef3372031f6dbb64b71233e|HCA 13/72 f.335v]]</ref>
PROB 11/306/348 Will of Gowen Paynter, Merchant of London 26 November 1661<ref>Gowen Paynter was a merchant resident in the Canary islands, who served as correspondent and agent for John Page, and for other English merchants. See, for example [[HCA 13/72 f.335v Annotate#head-7792b396c165940a2ef3372031f6dbb64b71233e|HCA 13/72 f.335v]]</ref>

Revision as of 06:39, December 16, 2013

Probate Records

Editorial history

Created 11/05/13, by CSG


The Probate Records page is an index to all probate records contained in the MarineLives-Tools wiki. New probate records can be added by users of the MarineLives-Tools wiki who have registered with the MarineLives project team.

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The wikis are the creation of the MarineLives project team, an academic/public history group, dedicated to the transcription, annotation and use of English Admiralty Court records, 1650-1669.

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Wills: Alphabetical: Transcriptions available



PROB 11/324/308 Will of Richard Batson June 16th 1667

PROB 11/325/434 Will of Sir William Batten 22 November 1667

PROB 11/311/477 Will of Alexander Bence of London (the elder) 14 July 1663
PROB 11/351/381 Will of Sir Alexander Bence of Dublin, County Dublin (the younger) 20 July 1676
PROB 11/360/578 Will of Squire Bence, Gentleman of London 12 September 1679

PROB 11/259/491 Will of Jeremy Blackman of Saint Andrew Undershaft 25 November 1656

PROB 11/305/93 Will of William Boeve of Saint Dunstan in the East 10 July 1661

PROB 11/389/1 Will of Christopher Boone, Merchant of London 29 July 1686

PROB 11/229/7 Will of Francis Bretton, Merchant of London 13 April 1653
PROB 11/231/594 Will of Francis Breton 01 September 1653
PROB 11/352/43 Will of John Breton 21 June 1676
PROB 11/392/3 Will of Thomas Breton, Merchant of London 04 February 1688


PROB 11/434/167 Will of Panus Calander of Saint Lawrence Poultrey, 24 September 1696


PROB 11/352/515 Will of Anne Delboe, Wife of London 23 December 1676
PROB 11/352/273 Will of Simon Delboe, Merchant of London 04 November 1676



PROB 11/371/218 Will of Dame Grace Ford, Widow of London 24 October 1682




PROB 11/367/477 Will of Sir Arthur Ingram of City of London 26 September 1681


PROB 11/175/364 Will of Bence Johnson, Mariner of Limehouse, Middlesex 21 November 1637
PROB 11/297/518 Will of Bence Johnson, Merchant of London (the younger) 19 April 1660

PROB 11/362/75 Will of John Jolliffe of London 15 January 1680



PROB 11/390/418 Jacob Lucie will of Saint Katherine Coleman, City of London 12 December 1688
PROB 11/312/250 Will of Luke Luce, of Saint Katherine Coleman, City of London 24 October 1663


PROB 11/290/253 Will of Aaron Mico, Merchant of London 20 April 1659
PROB 11/334/494 Will of Dame Jane Mico, Widow of London 09 December 1670
PROB 11/320/440 Will of Sir Samuel Mico, Mercer of London 24 May 1666


PROB 11/318/92 Will of Dame Elizabeth Noell, Widow of London 06 October 1665
PROB 11/318/84 Will of Sir Martin Noell of London 06 October 1665



PROB 11/465/40 Will of Thomas Papillon of London 03 June 1702

PROB 11/344/529 Will of Martha Pennoyer, Widow of London 29 July 1674
PROB 11/240/592 Will of Samuell Penoyer, Merchant of London 12 May 1654
PROB 11/335/241 Will of William Pennoyer of London 13 February 1671



PROB 11/340/70 Will of Andrew Riccard of Saint Olave Hart Street 19 September 1672
PROB 11/352/363 Will of John Riccard of Portesham, Dorset 21 November 1676

PROB 11/331/110 Will of Sir William Ryder of Stepney, Middlesex 02 October 1669


PROB 11/324/309 Will of Abraham Sayon of Merchant 26 June 1667
PROB 11/258/527 Will of Francis Sayon, Merchant of London 29 October 1656
PROB 11/355/335 Will of Judith Sayon, Widow of London 01 December 1677

PROB 11/324/368 Will of Sir George Smith 06 July 1667

PROB 11/195/154 Will of William Spurstowe of Saint Stephen Coleman Street 4 February 1646


PROB 11/351/63 Will of Maurice Thomson of Haversham, Buckinghamshire 09 May 1676

PROB 11/381/501 Will of George Torriano, Merchant Tailor of London 02 December 1685


PROB 11/332/115 Will of Anthony Upton of Seville 25 January 1670



PROB 11/213/418 Will of Philip Williams of Livorno 22 August 1650

PROB 11/274/558 Will of Nathan Wright of Saint Olave Hart Street, City of London 27 April 1658




Wills: Alphabetical:Transcriptions needed



PROB 11/429/27 Will of John Bateman, Pewterer of Milton next Gravesend, Kent 06 March 1695[1]

PROB 11/331/324 Will of Thomas Bonfoy of Hammersmith, Middlesex. 10 November 1669[2]


PROB 11/270/6 Will of Jarvis Couchman, Mariner of Stepney, Middlesex. 02 October 1657[3]


PROB 11/318/517 Will of John Daniel, Notary Public of London 18 November 1665[4]


PROB 11/305/435 Will of Jenkin Ellis, Cordwainer of Saint Katherine London 21 September 1661[5]



PROB 11/312/248 Will of John Grant, Mariner of Gillingham, Kent. 24 October 1663[6]

PROB 11/373/6 Will of Thomas Gregg, Pewterer of Saint Andrew Holborn, Middlesex 02 May 1683[7]


PROB 11/315/282 Will of Joseph Hamond, Merchant and Salter of City of London. 19 November 1664[8]




PROB 11/267/429 Will of Roger Kilvert, Merchant of London 17 September 1657[9]



PROB 11/355/34 Will of Lawrence Martel, Merchant of Saint Gabriel Fenchurch, City of London. 05 March 1677
PROB 4/8681 Engrossed Inventories Exhibited from 1660. Martel, Laurence, of St Gabriel Fanchurch, London, merchant 5 June 1679

PROB 11/340/502 Will of Thomas Middleton of London. 16 December 1672

PROB 11/282/242 Will of Robert Mollen, Pewterer of London 28 September 1658[10]




PROB 11/454/366 Will of Roger Paxton, Mariner of Redriffe, Surrey. 04 March 1700[11]

PROB 11/306/348 Will of Gowen Paynter, Merchant of London 26 November 1661[12]



PROB 11/328/520 Will of John Rayment, Ropemaker of Stepney, Middlesex. 21 December 1668[13]

PROB 11/394/378 Will of Robert Richbell, Merchant of Southampton, Hampshire 16 March 1689[14]


PROB 11/295/231 Will of Mathew Sherley, Mariner of Poplar, Middlesex 13 September 1659[15]

PROB 11/392/393 Will of Sir John Shorter, Lord Mayor of the City of London 19 September 1688[16]

PROB 11/273/208 Will of Peter Silvester, Merchant of Saint James Dukes Place, City of London. 11 February 1658[17]

PROB 11/336/340 Will of Ambrose Smith, Vintner of London. 01 July 1671[18]


PROB 11/286/108 Will of Thomas Taylor, Shipwright of Wapping, Middlesex. 10 January 1659[19]

PROB 11/381/328 Will of Isaac Tillard, Merchant of Plymouth, Devon 03 November 1685[20]



PROB 11/341/455 Will of Adrian Poest otherwise Adrian Vander Poest, Merchant and Mercer of London 07 April 1673[21]


PROB 11/404/104 Will of Armiger Warner, Mariner of London 16 March 1691[22]

PROB 11/331/210 Will of John Watson, Merchant Tailor of London 22 October 1669

PROB 11/370/423 Will of William Wescott, Pewterer of Saint Botolph without Aldgate London 04 August 1682[23]

PROB 11/371/158 Will of William Wheatley, Grocer of London 11 October 1682[24]

PROB 11/359/336 Will of Richard Wild, Merchant of the City of Canaria of City of London 10 March 1679[25]




Inventories: Transcriptions available











PROB 4/8072 Inventory of John Jolliffe, 1676 (scroll)




PROB 5/840 ff. 1-27, Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666




PROB 4/18483 Pennoyer, Mrs. Martha, of the Citty of London, widdow, 1674




PROB 4/18073 (scroll) Inventory of Judith Sayon, 1676 or 1679








  1. John Bateman, a thirty-five year old citizen of London and pewterer, was deposed in March 1658, regarding a shipment of tin from Plymouth, which had been lost on the Isaack. See HCA 13/72 f.273r
  2. Thomas Bonfoy, a thirty-seaven year old London merchant was deposed in June 1658 regarding the Canary wine trade. See HCA 13/72 f.337r
  3. See HCA 13/72 f.105v
  4. John Daniel, a forty year old Notary publique of the city of London, was a deponent in HCA 13/72 f.16v
  5. Jenkin Ellis was the subject of extensive litigation over his wharf between Saint Catherine's dock and Saint Catherine's stairs. See for example: HCA 13/72 f.350r
  6. John Grant was a forty-nine year old mariner of Gillingham, Kent, when he was deposed in June 1658 in the case of Henry Jolfe, late master of the hoy the Thomas and Katherine against its owners for his wages. See HCA 13/72 f.319r
  7. Thomas Gregg, a forty-four year old pewterer of the parish of Saint Andrew in holborne, London, was deposed in March 1658 regarding the loss of tin sent in the Isaack from Plymouth. He was still resident in Saint Andrew Holborne when his will was proved in 1683, putting him at ca. sixty-seven when he died. See HCA 13/72 f.272v
  8. Joseph Hammond was one of the owners of the Packet frigot (alt. Parker frigot), together with John Ray, William Cockcroft, and James Drawater See HCA 13/72 f.334r
  9. A suit was brought in the HCA in March 1658 against the ship the Providence by Catheine kilverth. The suit, in which Hezekiah Usher of Boston, New England, was deposed, mentions Roger Kilvart and Company. On the assumption that this Roger Kilverth was a London merchant and was deceased, this is a probable match with the will of Roger Kilvert, merchant of London, which was proved in September 1657. See HCA 13/72 f.273v
  10. Robert Moulins, a pewterer of Saint Margaret Lothbury London, was deposed in March 1658 regarding the l;oss of tin sent from Plymouth on the Isaack. He may be the same man whose will was proved later that year, in September 1658, suggesting he died an early death at around the age of thirty. Alternatively the will may have been of an eponymous relative. See HCA 13/72 f.272r
  11. A Rederiff mariner named Roger Paxton was deposed in Aprill 1658 on behalf of Dobins. This may be the same Roger Paxton, also of Redriff, Surrey, whose will was proved in March 1700, which would place him at roughly seventy-two years of age at his death. However, the will may also be that of a relative. See HCA 13/72 f.281r
  12. Gowen Paynter was a merchant resident in the Canary islands, who served as correspondent and agent for John Page, and for other English merchants. See, for example HCA 13/72 f.335v
  13. John Rayment, a Ratcliff ropemaker, was just twenty-two years old when he was deposed in the case of Edward Bartlet against the ship the Edward and Richard Rooke and Company. See HCA 13/72 f.322v
  14. Robert Richbell was a deponent in HCA 13/72 f.9v
  15. Mathew Sherley, mariner of Poplar, was forty years old in March 1658 when he was deposed on behalfe of Zachary Browne, the late commander of the ship the English ship of war, the Hercules the case of HCA 13/72 f.308v
  16. John Shorter (later Sir John Shorter) appears in partnership with William Warren. See HCA 13/72 f.104v
  17. Peter Silvester was a deponent in HCA 13/72 f.25r
  18. Ambrose Smith mentioned as a merchant and part-owner of the Endeavour of Arundell. See HCA 13/72 f.110v
  19. Captaine John Taylor, a shipwright of Wapping, was fifty-six years old when he was deposed in July 1658 in the case of Warner against Matson and how. See HCA 13/72 f.321v
  20. Isaack Tillard, a merchant of Plymouth, was the correspondent of the Saint Brides London grocer William Wheatley, as acknowledged in Wheatley's deposition in HCA 13/72 f.307r
  21. Adrian Vanderpost, Joseph Tilley, Robert Cordell and company were the owners of the fortune in 1654 and 1655, which was sent to Salley and Santa Cruse in Barbary, an then put in at Cadiz in Spain due to foul weather. See HCA 13/72 f.17r
  22. See HCA 13/72 f.336v
  23. William Westcot (or Wescott), a forty-two year old pewterer of Saint Buttolphs Algate London, was deposed in March 1658 regarding the loss of tin sent from Plymouth in the Isaack. His will records him in the same parish when it was proved in 1682, when he was ca. sixty-six years of age. See HCA 13/72 f.271v
  24. William Wheatley, a thirty year old grocer resident in the parish of Saint Brides in 1658, was deposed in HCA 13/72 f.307r
  25. Richard Wilde, a 19 year old London merchant, was deposed in HCA 13/72 f.12v in a case concerning Canary wines