Tools: Week Four Autumn
Week Four goals
(1) Practice transcription skills
(2) Make use of online glossaries and other transcription support tools in the online Project Manual
Sunday Group Skype call
The week four group Skype call will be held at 15.30 UK time/10.30 Eastern Standard time on Sunday November 1st
Colin and Philip will co-facilitate the call, which Colin will initiate
Agenda for Skype call
(1) Feedback from each participant
- what is going well for you?
- What are you finding difficult?
- what tips can you give other participants?
(2) Transcription practice as a group
We have selected five pages to look at from the deposition of John Mexia de Herrera of Lima in Peru about the claim of Paulus Cobrisse as the subject for our practice on today's call.
We plan to dip in and out of pages, rather than working on all the words - We will transcribe some paragraphs together, but Colin will summarise whole paragraphs to move us forward. The objective is to give participants a sense of the structure and flow of a whole deposition, and also to get a sense of what content can be mined by a historian to add to a larger picture. And of course to get more transcription practice.
HCA 13/69 Silver 8 f.11v - start at beginning of John Mexia de Herrera deposition
HCA 13/69 Silver 8 f.12r
HCA 13/69 Silver 8 f.12v
HCA 13/69 Silver 8 f.13r
HCA 13/69 Silver 8 f.13v - end at end of John Mexia de Herrera deposition
Biographical profiles of deponents and other persons mentioned in the Silver Ship litigation can be found at Silver Ship Witnesses - by Geography
Short profile of John Mexia de Herrerya
John Mexia de Herrera [alt. Juan Mexia de Herera; John Mexia da Herreya; John Mexia do Herera] - living in Limma in Peru; born at Temblick in the territories of the Archbishop of Toledo, Spain; merchant; aged thirty-four in May 1653[1]; witness and ?claimant; travelled with Antonio Stephen da Bolderas from Lima in Peru to Panama and then to Porto Bello, where they both "imbarqued themselves in the Vice Admirall of the gallions for Spaine"[2]; passenger on the Saint George; in May 1653 de Herrera stated "hath his most usuall residence at Lima in Peru in the West Indies where hee hath dwelt these twelve yeares last in respect of his place of habitation"[3]
John Mexia de Herrera is identified in depositions in another case in HCA 13/73 as assistant to John Moller (alt. Mollar) in the Santa Maria. The Santa Maria was alleged to be a Dutch ship, and was seized by the English with alleged goods in it from San Domingo in the island of Hispaniola. He is described in March 1659 by John Van Lienen, the thirty seven year old commander of the Santa Maria, as "a Spaniard and subiect (as this deponent taketh it) of the king of Spaine, borne at Toledo and a batchelour, but saith this examinate hath seene a burger brief, whereby it appeared that the said Mexia was a burger of Amsterdam"[4]; Jan Van Lienen's description of John Mexia de Herrera as a Spaniard, born in Toledo, matches de Herrera's self-description in his deposition in the Silver Ships litigation, in which he is described as "John Mexia de Herrera borne at Temblick in the Territories of the [?Archbishop] of Toldeo in Spaine living for the most part at [?Lima] in the West Indies aged thirty yeares"[5]
Short profile of Paulus Cobrisse
Paulus Cobrisse [alt. Paul Cobrisse; Paul Cobrysse; Pauwels Cobrysse] - living in Bridges in fflanders; "merchant aged eight and thirty yeares"[6]; deponent; stated he was personally in Cadiz in 1647 and saw the Sampson arrive there "then a new shipp"[7]; Pedro Calvo and Pedro Navarro were factors for Paulus Cobrisse at Cadiz; Nicholas Carasso dias was a Cadiz based correspondent of Cobrisse.[8]; Juan de Losa Barrona was factor for Paulus Cobrisse at Lima in Peru; John Mexia de Herrera corresponded with Cobrisses's agents in Spain, but not directly with him.
James Stanier, Paylus Cobrisse's London correspondent stated that "Paulus Cobrisse was by common repute borne in fflanders, and for these 12 yeares last past of the knowledge of this deponent being his correspondent hath bene a merchant of great accompt living att present in Bridges, and so hath done five or six yeares now past and before that for six or 7 yeares he lived in Spaine and was and is a subiect of the King of Spaine"[9]
John Mexia da Herreya ws resident in Limma in Peru and deposed in September 1653 that "he hath knowne the arlate Paulus Cobrisse for about five yeares last past for all which tyme he hath had his agents factors and correspondents in Cadiz Saint Lucar and the Indies arlate, by whom he hath trucked and bartered in the sayd places merchanises of fflanders and other parts for moneyes sylver and plate, which hath bene in that tyme procured for him by them and sent to him in fflanders where he liveth being by common reputation a merchant and inhabitant of Bridges"[10]
Juan de Losa Barrona had spent much of his forty year life in Lima in Peru and had been a correspondent of Paylus Cobrisse from Lima for the last eight years when he deposed in support of Cobrisse in October 1653. He ststed that "Paulus Cobrisse was and is a fflandrian borne and a merchant of Bridges, and there hath lived for twenty yeares and upwards and indeed by common repute for all his tyme, and is a subiect of the King of Spaine and a merchant of good ranke and account and so reputed, And for these 8 yeares now past of this deponents knowledge hath driven a constant trade in merchandizeing betwixt fflanders Cadiz, Saint Lucar and other places in Spaine, and likewise to the Indies, and hath had his Agents and Correspondents in the sayd places respectively"[11]; Juan de Losa Barrona described receiving in Lima in Peru stuffs of English manufacture from Pedro Calvo, Cobrisse's agent in Cadiz: "these sayd English manufactures in the yeare 1650. the sayd Calvo sent to the Producent in Limma for the same Accompt, and there and parts of Peru adiacent this Reneden did convert the same into sylver, whereof the sylver now claymed was and is a part, and was brought by this rendent from the Indies to Cadiz and there delivered to the sayd Pedro Calvo"[12]
According to modern genealogical sources, Paul or Paulus Cobrisse (also known as Don Paulo) was the son of Joost Cobrisse and Anna Boels, and married Anna de Meulenaere on April 7th 1660 in the church of St Donaes, Brugge. The marriage date of 1660 looks to be an error since a daughter "Joanna Maria Cobrisse" is stated by the same source to be "geboren circa 1650 te Spanje".[13]
An extensive genealogy of the Cobrysse family of Bruges was published in 1864.[14] According to this source, Paul's father Josse or Joost Cobrysse was born in 1557 in Bruges, married Anne Boels in 1603, and died in 1642. The same source states that Paul was their fourth child and gives a short profile: "PAUL COBRYSSE, seigneur d'Aerzeele, fut chef-homme de la ville de Bruges en 1653, conseiller en 1654, échevin en 1657, 58, 60, 65, 72, et bourgmestre en 1662, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, gouverneur de l'école Bogaerde en 1651 et en 1665 tuteur de l'hôpital de la Potterie où voit son portrait. Il éposa en Avril 1660 ANNE DE MEULENAERE, dite van Belle, fille de Pierre, seigneur de Kemps et maïeur héréditaire d'Alost, et de Marguerite van Volden (tome IV, page 61). PAUL COBRYSSE mourut selon les uns en 1665 et selon d'autres le 9 Octobre 1675 ou le 9 Octobre 1677 d'après un manuscrit concernant sa famille, et fut enterré en l'église des Pauvres Claires. Il ne laissa qu'une fille bâtarde Jeanne-Pauline, aliis Françoise Cobrysse, née en Espagne et mariée à Charles Cobrysse, fils de Jean et de Jacqueline de Smidt. PAUL COBRYSSE fit un testament par lequel il légua une bourse de mariage à tous les descendans tant du nom de Cobrysse que de celui de sa mère Anne Boels. Nous trouvons à ce sujet, dans un manuscrit concernant la famille Cobrysse, ce qui suit...Ce testament fut signé le 30 Septembre 1675 en présence de Jean Heyns et de G. de Ham."[15]
(1) Each participant in the autumn programme is to transcribe two pages from the Silver Ship depositions
- Allocated pages
Jonathan Dent:
Ross Keel:
Jo Pugh:
Mia Ridge:
Oliver Tanner:
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 5 f.3r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 5 f.3v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 5 f.4r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/73 f.150r
- Jump up ↑ [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2576]
- Jump up ↑ [IMG_117_07_1903]
- Jump up ↑ [IMG_117_07_1903]
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 10 f.9r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 11 f.2r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 8 f.11v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 10 f.6r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 10 f.7v
- Jump up ↑
- Jump up ↑ Jean Jacques Gailliard, Bruges et le Franc ou Leur magistrature et leur noblesse, avec des données historiques et généalogiques sur chaque famille, vol. 6 (Bruges, 1864), pp.349-375
- Jump up ↑ Jean Jacques Gailliard, Bruges et le Franc ou Leur magistrature et leur noblesse, avec des données historiques et généalogiques sur chaque famille, vol. 6 (Bruges, 1864), pp.258-362