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'''Peter Cole John Rouse John Soler [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Courtier Peter Cole William Levill Richard hutchinson Martyn [GUTTER No]ell Jacob Millett and Bennett hall and others against Nicholas Trewergye Master and Part Owner of the shipp the Trade Increase'''
'''Peter Cole John Rouse John Soler [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Courtier Peter Cole William Levill Richard hutchinson Martyn [GUTTER No]ell Jacob Millett and Bennett hall and others against Nicholas Trewergye Master and Part Owner of the shipp the Trade Increase'''
- 1. Richard Morris late of the Barbadoes and now of London Chirurgion aged thirty eight
- 1. [[HCA 13/72 f.201r Annotate#head-7792b396c165940a2ef3372031f6dbb64b71233e|Richard Morris]] late of the Barbadoes and now of London Chirurgion aged thirty eight

Revision as of 16:16, December 5, 2013

HCA 13/72 Cases and depositions

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Created 30/04/13, by CSG


To list all cases and depositions before the Admiralty Court of England in 1657 and 1658 (HCA 13/72) - CURRENTLY A PARTIAL LIST

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A busines of Assurance promoted by Thomas Middleton Commander of the Elizabeth and Mary

- 1. Esiah Isbell now of Wapping but late of Kerrey in Ireland Mariner aged 30 yeares
- 2. George Steward now of Shadwell but late of Invernesse in Scotland Mariner and Carpenter of the Elizabeth and Mary
- 3. Cuthbert Stone of Powderam neere Exeter in the County of devon Mariner Gunner of the Elizabeth and Mary aged thirty eight yeares
- 4. John Barnett of Ratcliff in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner Steward of the shipp Elizabeth and Mary aged sixtie yeares

A busines of exámination of the to perpetuall remembrance to sett forthe the owner shipp or proprietie of the shipp the Jonathan of Bristoll whereif George Potts was master, and of her tackle and furniture, in order to settling the question touching the same lately depending before the Commissioners in the Portugall busines, promoted on the behalfe of John legg and John Downer

- 1. Rowland Serchfeild of London Merchant

A business of exámination of wittnesses on the part and behalfe of Constant Silvester Andrew henry Colleton and company owners and imployers of the shipp the ffortune whereof George Parris was master and her tackle against John Scroll Captaine and Commander of the shipps the Mary of Amsterdam and Unicorne of Middleborow and against [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Vandergoose and [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Coymans and all others owners and imployers of the said shipps in particular and all others in generall

- 1. John ffenner of the parish of White Chappell Turner aged 30 yeeres
- 2. Peter Silvester of London Merchant, aged 27 yeeres
- 3. Thomas Middleton of Poplar in the parish of Stepney and county of Middlesex Esquire aged 48 yeeres

Asketlle and others against the Minories and haydon

- 5. Richard Roch of the parish of Saint Trinitie in the Minories London citizen and Merchant tailor of London, aged 60 yeeres


Betts and others against the Prince

- 1. Thomas Sinnet of the parish of Saint Buttolphs Algate Mariner, aged 40 yeares


The claime of Antonio da ffonseca ffranca for his goods in the Virgin Mary and All Saints of Cartagena

The claime of the foresaid Simon Barbosa and others in the Nostra Seniora da Rosario

- 2. George Whitlers of Lisbone Merchant aged 28 yeeres

The claime of the heires of Goncalo da Gambon aforesaid. in the Nostra Señiora da Rosari

The claime of Manoel Garcia aforesaid in the Nostra Seniora da Rosario. George Whiller Comander

- 2. George Whillers of Lisbone Merchant, aged about 28 yeeres

The claime of Egbert Scutt, John da Potter and Company of Amsterdam for the shipp the Morning starr (Claus Willms Master) and goods and for freight

- 1. John Peterson of Amsterdám Marriner Stiersman of the shipp the Morning starr, aged 27 yeeres

Cowse against Leone

- 10. John Maxfeild of the parish of Saint Edmunds the Kinge and Martyr in Lombard Streete London Scrivener aged twenty seaven yeares



Edwards and Whitfeilde against the shipp Negro and Bushell and others

- 1. Thomas Morgan of Rederiff in the County of Surrey Mariner Boatswaine of the sayd Shipp the Negro the voyage in question aged thirty fower yeares
- 2. Thomas Gowen of disert in Scotland Mariner aged thirty yeares
- 3. Henry Man of Enchusen in holland Mariner Carpenter mate of the Negro the voyage in question aged thirty one yeares
- 4. Rogert Worthley of XXell in Norfolke Mariner Gunners mate of the Negro the voyage in question aged forty five yeares

Ewen against Prior

- 1. William Harris servant of Mr Monger Water Bayliff of the citie of London, aged 48 yeeres
- 2. Anthony Deane of Greenwich Shipwright aged 25 yeeres

- 5. Henry Wilson of Greenwich labourer, aged 40 yeeres

Ewen against Prior : Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd Pryor

- 2. Edward Makkettuer of Wapping in the parish of Stepney Lighterman aged fifty three yeares
- 3. Edward Ryder of Shadwell in the parish if Stepney and County of Middlesex Long Cutler aged thirty one yeares
- 4. John Orton of Wapping Wall, Cooke, aged fourtie two yeares



George Margetts and Company against three sixteenth parts of the shipp called the Saint Lucar Merchant lately belonging. to Samuell Wilson the yonger and her tackle and furniture attached by authority of this Court and against the sayd Wilson in particular and all others in generall etcetera

Gold and others ágainst Dobbins

- 3. Captaine Isaac Woodgreene of Wapping Mariner aged 40 yeares

Gold Roach and others against dobbins

- 6. Thomas Grant of London Mariner aged fifty yeares


Hárbin ágainst Wills and others

- 1. Nicholas Saunders of Truroe in Cornewall Merchant, aged 28 yeeres

Henry Martin and Company Owners of the ship the Welcombe against henry Loades

- 1. Henry Mudde of Wapping in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner Masters Mate of the Welcombe aged twenty two yeare
- 2. Henry Kyne of Wapping in the parishe of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner aged nynteene yeares



John Jefferies and Robert Lewellin against Jacob Moulson

- 3. Abraham Clarke of debtford in Kent shipwright Carpenter of the shipp Unitie the voyage in question aged twenty five yeare



Lord Protector of the goods in the shipp the hadarene taken by the Middleborough ffrigott, and Godfrey and others against the same

- 2. Francis Dickinson of horsedowne in the parish of Saint Olaves Southwarke Mariner aged 25 yeares
- 3. Richard Keate of the parish of Saint Mary Overyin Southwarke Mariner aged twenty one yeares
- 4. Richard Megin of Ratcliff in the parish of Stepney Mariner aged thirty two yeares


Moone against the shipp the ffrancis and against Ruskins and Butcher

- 1. Henry Carter servant and Apprentice to Richard Brian of the parish of Saint Mary at hill London Wine Cooper aged 20 yeares



On the behalfe of John Benning Richard Jennings, Robert Dunn William Dickers touching the losse of the ship Thomas of Ipswich

- John Wiley of South Sheilds in the Bishoprick
of Durham Mariner, aged 46 yeeres

On the behalfe of John howell and Ambrose Smith touching a losse in the Endeavour of Arundell

- Robert Hartley of Bright Hamson in the County of Sussex Mariner, aged 31 yeares

On behalfe of the Assurers in the Peter

- Daniel Edwards of London Merchant, aged 42 yeeres

On the behalfe of Richard ffitz Gerald of Waterford Merchant, touchinge a loss in the Martin frigot

- Mathew Paine of Wapping in the County of Middlesex Mariner, late master of the shipp the Martin ffrigot of Waterford, aged 29 yeeres

On the behalfe of Albert Lemmerman and others of Amsterdam touching the Saint Jacob, Arent Marinis master

- (?1.) John Harris of Rie in the County of Sussex Mariner, aged 60 yeeres

On the behalfe of Jacob Luce and Charles Corsellis of London Merchants touching the shipp the Black horseman

- (1a.) John Daniel of the citie of˺ London Notary publique aged fourtie yeeres or thereabouts, Samuel Vernon of the same citite Merchant aged 44 yeeres or thereabouts and John Weekes of the same citie servant of Laurence Martel of the citie afore said Merchant aged twenty yeeres
- (1b.) Samuel Vernon of the same citie Merchant aged 44 yeeres
- (1c.) John Weekes of the same citie servant of Laurence
Martel of the citie afore said Merchant aged
twenty yeeres

On the behalfe of Nicholas holway of Bristoll, Merchant

- (1.) Israel Dennis of Bristol Mariner late masters mate of the shipp the Recovery of Bristoll, aged 33 yeeres

On the behalfe of Robert Lucas and others touching a losse in the Teneriff Merchant, in a busines of Assurance

- 1. Francis Robinson of the parish of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate London Merchant, aged 36 yeares
- 2. Thomas Hicks of London ffishmonger, aged 39 yeeres
- 3. Hugh Powell of Dukes Place London Merchant aged 49 yeares

On the behalfe of John Newland touching the death of Benjámin Clarke in the Bridgewater ffrygot

- 1. John Bryson of the parish of Saint Katherines Coleman in ffanchurch streete London Merchant aged 24 yeeres
- 2. Robert Hyde of Rederith in the County of Surry Marriner aged 23 yeeres

On the behalfe of Mr Sam: Wilson and Company touching the Vosse

- (?1.) Frederick Ixem of London Notary publique


Page and others against Basse and others

Peter Cole John Rouse John Soler [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Courtier Peter Cole William Levill Richard hutchinson Martyn [GUTTER No]ell Jacob Millett and Bennett hall and others against Nicholas Trewergye Master and Part Owner of the shipp the Trade Increase

- 1. Richard Morris late of the Barbadoes and now of London Chirurgion aged thirty eight



Robert Browning against Tilley and others

- 1. Thomas Browning of Wapping Mariner, aged 35 yeares


Simonds, hamond and others against the Peter of Bristoll and against Yeomans, Bowen and Company Owners of the sayd shipp intervening for their interest

- 1.Thomas Constant of the parish of Saint Nicholas in the Citty of Bristoll Mariner, aged about 25 yeares


Touching the ffortune

- 4. Thomas Clarke of Redriff in the County of Surrie Mariner, aged 42 yeeres
- 5. Thomas Thompson of Wapping Mariner, aged 35 yeeres
- 6. John Cooke of the parish of White Chappell London Merchant, aged 36 yeeres

Touching the Little Lyon

- Paul Heyn of Christiansand in Norway Mariner Master of the shipp called the Little Lyon now of London, aged 43 yeares or thereabouts and Thomas hanson of the same Mariner, Stiersman of the same vessell aged 24 yeares or thereabouts

Touching the shipp Providence Robert Jones Master

- 1. Robert Jones of the parish of Saint Mary Maldalen in Surry Marriner, Master of the ship Providence aged 40 yeeres

Touching the shipps Victory and the Saint John

- (1) Bertrand Dibarbone of London Merchant aged nine and twenty yeares

Touching goods laden aboard the shipp Victory John Gaultier Commander

- Bertrand dibarbore of London Merchant aged 29 yeeres



Vanbroughs and Nicholas against the Abrahams Offering and Rois

- 1. Baldwin Mathewes of Middleborowe Merchant aged 37 yeares