Martines thr is '''B . B''' on the backe o … Martines thr is '''B . B''' on the backe of such letters wherby this deponent and his sayd partner<br />
knewe that all such letters concerned the sayd Bibaud and Bardett, and sent them<br />
with the goods which came with them, and for that he never received any letter<br />
from them the sayd Balthazar ad John Martines concerninge any of the goods<br />
in question in eithe rof the sayd shipps the ''Salvadore'' or he ''Pellican'', and<br />
beleiveth that the sayd goods were soe consigned in the sayd bills of ladinge for<br />
that in Spayne of Portugall if it should be knowne that any goods<br />
were consigned to any ffrench men livinge in ffrance, it would be the<br />
confiscation of all the laders goods, and hazard of his life, or liberty, And<br />
this he affirmeth uppon his oath to be true./ Et alr nescit deponere/
Quoad: Johanis Goreau et sociorum pro bonis}<br />
in nave the ''Pellican''./}
'''det mr Yeo'''
Idem '''Edwardus Peters''' as allegationem ex parte dre Goreon et [?sXXXXX]<br />
apud acta [?hXXXX] Curia 7th July instants factam et schedulam suie lras missivas in eadem mentionat<br />
et exhibit dicit et deponit That he verilye beleiveth that the letter in this<br />
article mentioned written in ffrench is subscribed with the proper hand writinge<br />
of Jaques Bibaud and Henry Bardett in the sayd article mentioned, or of one<br />
of them and that all things were soe donne really and trulye as in<br />
the sayd letter is expressed, and that Jaques Bibaud and Henry Bardett in the<br />
sayd article mentioned and Bibaud and Bardett subscribed to the sayd letter<br />
are he same persons, [?X] reddens rationem credentia sue he sayeth that he hath had<br />
correspondence with the sayd Bibaud and Bardett for these two yeares last past<br />
or thereabouts, and within that tyme hath received letters from them almost by<br />
every post of the same hand writinge, and for that he<br />
received the sayd letter on the twellveth day of May last past stile nove and<br />
returned answer therof unto Rochell the fifteenth day of the same moneth<br />
And this he affirmeth uppon his oath to be true. Et alre nescit deponere for that<br />
he hath never seene the persons of the sayd Bibaud and Bardett but hath only had<br />
correspondence with them by letters as aforesayd/
Idem super Interrogatoria
Ad primum rendet That he comethto testifye of his owne accord in this cause to the end that he<br />
may gett restitution of his proncipalls goods, and that he favoureth the sayd<br />
Bibaud and Bardett more then the sayd Clement and company, and would if it laye<br />
in his power give the victorye in this casuse to the sayd Bibaud and Bardett to<br />
whome the goods in question (as he beleiveth) doe reallye belonge/
Ad 2um rendet That he was borne at Antwerpe in Braband within the<br />
dominions of the kinge of Spayne, and whilest he lived there, he was a subiect<br />
to the sayd kinge of Spayne, but he hath dwelte at Dover for these three yeares<br />
and a halfe last past or therabouts, and is nowe and as longe as he liveth there<br />
a subiecte to his Majestye of England/
Ad 3um rendet That he hath heard and beleiveth that the hundred chests of sugers<br />
in question were laden abord the foresayd shipps the ''Pellican'' and the ''Salvadore''<br />
at Lisbone by the interrogate Bastian Johnson who as he hath heard and beleiveth<br />
is a subiecte to the kinge of Spayne. Et alr nescit rendere/
Ad 4um rendet That he well knoweth the interrogate Balthazar and John<br />
Martines and that they are both Inhabitants of Antwerpe and subiectes to the<br />
kinge of Spayne/
Ad 5um rendet That the letter written in the ffrench tongue (now shewed to him) is (as he believeth)<br />
wholye written and subscribed with the proper handwritinge of the foresayd<br />
Bastian Johnson and that the fiftye chests of suger thrin mentioned sent by Henry<br />
Grell mentioned sent by Henry<br />
Grell +