The twentieth of december 1659. [CENTRE HE … The twentieth of december 1659. [CENTRE HEADING]
[GUTTER XXX XXXX ?Maere] account by}<br />
[GUTTER XX] of doctor Walker, and without}<br />
'''Gerbrand Sas''' Doctor of Lawes sworne in the high Court of<br />
the Admiraltie of England (as in the Acts thereof) and<br />
examined upon certaine Interrogatories ministred on the<br />
behalfe of this Commonwealth, saith as followeth, videlicet
To the first and second Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that hee was<br />
heretofore Commissionated as Advocate of his late highnes for the<br />
People of the Commonwealth of England within the countries and places<br />
of the Lords the States Generall of the United Netherland Provinces, and<br />
in that qualitie hee did often endeavour to get released and restored<br />
English shipps and goods, surprized by Spanish or fflandrian private<br />
men of warr, brought into the harbours or ports of the said Netherlands,<br />
and there some of them partly, some others totally sold, and bulke<br />
broken accordingly. And particularly the shipp the ''love and ffriendshipp'' of Burlington (William Jarret Master) the shipp the ''Successe'' of Walderwich,<br />
John Pickering master, The ''Rabbet'' of hull, John dobson master, A<br />
certaine ketch brought into [?GXXX], whose name hee doth not remember,<br />
Alsoe an English ketch brought in at harling. Six English Cole<br />
shipps in August 1658 brought into fflushing. The [?''Encrease''] of<br />
hull, The ''William and Elizabeth'' of Ipswich, the ''Libertie'' of<br />
Plimouth, ''Josias Picc[?as] master, The ''Societie'' of Leith in Scotland,<br />
The ''Mary'' of Ipswich, The ''Rebecca'' of Ipswich, The ''Allexander''<br />
of London, John Oma[X] Master, The ''ffortune'', and the ''T[?inne]<br />
both of Yarmouth, A certaine shipp belonging to Captaine<br />
Anthony Lilbourne, (the name of which shipp hee knoweth not) And saith that above mentioned<br />
shipps, some few (by greate endeavours of the English Resident<br />
and this deponents with the said States, and infinite greate charges to the<br />
owners) were restored. But of fore score more which (before the tome<br />
of this deponents said Imployment) were without any interuption sold<br />
in Zealand [?alone], none were restored as hee hath bin credibly informed.
To the third Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth That such endeavours<br />
as were (before sale of English shipps and goods soe brought up) used<br />
and donne to hinder such sale, were used by the English Resident Mr<br />
To the fourth hee saith hee doth not remember that any subiects<br />
of the States generall tooke Spanish or ffrench Commissions against the English, but<br />
before the time of this deponents said Imployment, some subiects of<br />
the said States tooke such Commissions, and tooke English shipps, whereof<br />
hee remembers the shipp the ''Libertie'', taken by a frigot called the ''Cupid{?e]'',<br />
set out by a Lowe Countreyman in Zeland, and the ''William and Elizabeth''<br />
taken by one Peter Verstelle according to his best remembrance of his name,<br />
who hee saith lived then with his familie at Middleborow as hee hath<br />
bin credibly hath<br />
bin credibly informed. +