HCA 13/73 f.477r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/73 |
Folio | 477 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/06/16 |
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The twentieth of december 1659. [CENTRE HEADING]
[GUTTER XXX XXXX ?Maere] account by}
[GUTTER XX] of doctor Walker, and without}
Gerbrand Sas Doctor of Lawes sworne in the high Court of
the Admiraltie of England (as in the Acts thereof) and
examined upon certaine Interrogatories ministred on the
behalfe of this Commonwealth, saith as followeth, videlicet
To the first and second Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that hee was
heretofore Commissionated as Advocate of his late highnes for the
People of the Commonwealth of England within the countries and places
of the Lords the States Generall of the United Netherland Provinces, and
in that qualitie hee did often endeavour to get released and restored
English shipps and goods, surprized by Spanish or fflandrian private
men of warr, brought into the harbours or ports of the said Netherlands,
and there some of them partly, some others totally sold, and bulke
broken accordingly. And particularly the shipp the love and ffriendshipp of Burlington (William Jarret Master) the shipp the Successe of Walderwich,
John Pickering master, The Rabbet of hull, John dobson master, A
certaine ketch brought into [?GXXX], whose name hee doth not remember,
Alsoe an English ketch brought in at harling. Six English Cole
shipps in August 1658 brought into fflushing. The [?Encrease] of
hull, The William and Elizabeth of Ipswich, the Libertie of
Plimouth, Josias Picc[?as] master, The Societie of Leith in Scotland,
The Mary of Ipswich, The Rebecca of Ipswich, The Allexander
of London, John Oma[X] Master, The ffortune, and the T[?inne]
both of Yarmouth, A certaine shipp belonging to Captaine
Anthony Lilbourne, (the name of which shipp hee knoweth not) And saith that above mentioned
shipps, some few (by greate endeavours of the English Resident
and this deponents with the said States, and infinite greate charges to the
owners) were restored. But of fore score more which (before the tome
of this deponents said Imployment) were without any interuption sold
in Zealand [?alone], none were restored as hee hath bin credibly informed.
To the third Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth That such endeavours
as were (before sale of English shipps and goods soe brought up) used
and donne to hinder such sale, were used by the English Resident Mr
To the fourth hee saith hee doth not remember that any subiects
of the States generall tooke Spanish or ffrench Commissions against the English, but
before the time of this deponents said Imployment, some subiects of
the said States tooke such Commissions, and tooke English shipps, whereof
hee remembers the shipp the Libertie, taken by a frigot called the Cupid{?e],
set out by a Lowe Countreyman in Zeland, and the William and Elizabeth
taken by one Peter Verstelle according to his best remembrance of his name,
who hee saith lived then with his familie at Middleborow as hee hath
bin credibly informed.