The 29th day of … '''[?26.]'''
The 29th day of May <u>.1655:-</u> [CENTRE HEADING]
A businesse of Ensurance on the behalfe of Samuel}<br />
Warner Merchant concerning a Losse susteyned in the}<br />
shipp the ''Angell'' of London}
Examined upon Interrogatories on the behalfe<br />
of the said Samuel Warner:-/
'''Rp. jus./'''
'''Thomas Penryn''' of Garlick hill in the Citie of<br />
london servant to the said Samuel Warner aged<br />
21. yeares or thereabouts, sworne before the Right<br />
Worshipfull William Clarke doctor of Lawes on eof the Judges of<br />
the high Court of Admiraltie of England a<br />
Wittnesse sworne and examined saith as followeth
To the first Interrogatorie hee answereth and saith, That hee well knew the shipp<br />
the ''Angell'' of London interrate, and went in her a passenger from this Port<br />
of London, shee being bound and designed for Virginia in or about the last<br />
of October last past. And further answereth not/
To the second Interrogatorie hee answereth and saith, That while the said shipp<br />
did lye and remained in this Port of London bound upon a Voyage for<br />
Virginia as aforesaid, there were laden aboard her the goods and<br />
Merchandizes following, That is to say, eight hogsheads, nine barrells,<br />
two firkins, one sugar Chest, one small sugar Chest, one small bayle<br />
all being marked and numbred as followeth videlicet: '''W.S. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.'''<br />
hogsheads. '''7. and 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.''' barrells, '''19. 21.''' firkins. '''20'''<br />
small Chest, '''22.''' sugar Chests, '''8.''' small baile, and conteyning severall<br />
sorts of goods wares and Merchandizes proper and serviceable for those parts<br />
videlicet: strong waters, linnen Cloath, bodies, pewter, Slap-sellers-ware<br />
suites of cloathes, fruit and spieceries and other goods and merchandizes the<br />
particulars whereof this rendent cannot at present exactly call to mind<br />
And saith That all the said goods and Merchandizes were so laden for<br />
and upon the proper accompt and adventure of the said Samuel Warner<br />
The premisses hee well knoweth, for that hee this rendent was at<br />
the time of the lading of the said goods Servant and Apprentice to the<br />
said Samuel Warner and thereby had particular knowledge of the said<br />
Samuel Warners transactions as to the premisses, and having seene and<br />
perused bills of lading for the said goods, which were filled up with the<br />
handwriting of his said Master, and firmed by Roger [?horner] the Master<br />
of the said shipp, And further hee cannot depose./
To the 3. hee saith, That the said shipp the ''Angell'' departed from this<br />
Port of London about the last of October last past bound directly for<br />
Virginia, and saith that as hee understood and remembreth the said shipp<br />
in such her Course upon or about the 20th day of december last past<br />
by meanes of a strong and violent wind lost her maine mast<br />
and [?misaine] mast, and afterwards upon or about the 25th day of the<br />
said moneth (about the degree of 35. as this rendent then was informed, there arose a very stormy and tempestuous weather<br />
which continued about 2. or 3. daies, in which shee remained at Sea and<br />
being not longer able to continue at Sea by reason of the extremity of<br />
weather and the said shipps insufficiency, they were forced for the<br />
(preservatione forced for the<br />
(preservation +