HCA 13/70 f.407r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 407 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/11/28 |
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The 29th day of May .1655:- [CENTRE HEADING]
A businesse of Ensurance on the behalfe of Samuel}
Warner Merchant concerning a Losse susteyned in the}
shipp the Angell of London}
Examined upon Interrogatories on the behalfe
of the said Samuel Warner:-/
Rp. jus./
Thomas Penryn of Garlick hill in the Citie of
london servant to the said Samuel Warner aged
21. yeares or thereabouts, sworne before the Right
Worshipfull William Clarke doctor of Lawes on eof the Judges of
the high Court of Admiraltie of England a
Wittnesse sworne and examined saith as followeth
To the first Interrogatorie hee answereth and saith, That hee well knew the shipp
the Angell of London interrate, and went in her a passenger from this Port
of London, shee being bound and designed for Virginia in or about the last
of October last past. And further answereth not/
To the second Interrogatorie hee answereth and saith, That while the said shipp
did lye and remained in this Port of London bound upon a Voyage for
Virginia as aforesaid, there were laden aboard her the goods and
Merchandizes following, That is to say, eight hogsheads, nine barrells,
two firkins, one sugar Chest, one small sugar Chest, one small bayle
all being marked and numbred as followeth videlicet: W.S. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
hogsheads. 7. and 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. barrells, 19. 21. firkins. 20
small Chest, 22. sugar Chests, 8. small baile, and conteyning severall
sorts of goods wares and Merchandizes proper and serviceable for those parts
videlicet: strong waters, linnen Cloath, bodies, pewter, Slap-sellers-ware
suites of cloathes, fruit and spieceries and other goods and merchandizes the
particulars whereof this rendent cannot at present exactly call to mind
And saith That all the said goods and Merchandizes were so laden for
and upon the proper accompt and adventure of the said Samuel Warner
The premisses hee well knoweth, for that hee this rendent was at
the time of the lading of the said goods Servant and Apprentice to the
said Samuel Warner and thereby had particular knowledge of the said
Samuel Warners transactions as to the premisses, and having seene and
perused bills of lading for the said goods, which were filled up with the
handwriting of his said Master, and firmed by Roger [?horner] the Master
of the said shipp, And further hee cannot depose./
To the 3. hee saith, That the said shipp the Angell departed from this
Port of London about the last of October last past bound directly for
Virginia, and saith that as hee understood and remembreth the said shipp
in such her Course upon or about the 20th day of december last past
by meanes of a strong and violent wind lost her maine mast
and [?misaine] mast, and afterwards upon or about the 25th day of the
said moneth (about the degree of 35. as this rendent then was informed, there arose a very stormy and tempestuous weather
which continued about 2. or 3. daies, in which shee remained at Sea and
being not longer able to continue at Sea by reason of the extremity of
weather and the said shipps insufficiency, they were forced for the