HCA 3/46 f.8v Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.8v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


did hire the said [?pursies] to serve in the said shippe for a voyage to
be made with the same to severall parts beyond the Seas and
did agree with them for them respective monthly wages following
videlicet William [?XXXX] 3 li 15 s a month William Ginsey 2 li 6 s
a month and Albert Johnson 3 li a month and that the said [?XXXX]
and Ginsey entred into pay upon the 4th of June 1653 and continued
in the said shipp untill the three and twentith of ffebruary last
and the said Albert Johnson entred into pay upon the 8th of June
aforesaid and continued in the said shippe untill the 27th of february
last which allegation he propounded joyntly and severally and desired
the same to be admitted and the said Blackleech to be monished to
answeare thereunto and offered to make his oath derissory to whom the
Judges administred an oath to speake the truth who by vertue of the
same did beleeve the said allegation to be true, but the said Smith
on his behalfe alleadged that he hired the said [?XXX] to serve as mate
and Pilott in the said shipp to Newfoundland and Mallaga and the
said [?XXX] undertooke the said Imployment but that he was
altogether unfitt for the same by which meanes the owners were
much damnified and he further alleadged that the marchants who
freighted the said shippe doe refuse to pay him his freight in respect
of the dammage by them susteyned in their wines which were drawne out
by the Company of the said shipp Whereupon the Judges did
monish the said Blackleech to pay unto the said marriners the one
halfe of their wages after the rates aforesaid and at the petition of the
said Smith The Judges did decree Richard hill Thomas hollis
ffrancis Tyler Richard Baker John Gregory John Bence Richard
Westcombe John Beare and John hill freighters of the said shipp to
be monished to appeare in the dyninge chamber et cetera upon Wednesday the
two and twentith of this month to shew cause why they should not pay the
freight due for their said goods to the end the said marriners may
be paid the rest of their wages and as touching the other halfe of
their said wages the Judges did [?respite] their Judgement untill the cause of the dammage alleadged
by the said Master shall upon the appearance of the said freighters
be determined./.

A busines of appeale promoted by ffrancis}
Cooke [?procted] for John davies [?Pate]}
deceased against William Burgaine}

Which day appeared the said ffrancklin for
the said Cooke and made himselfe party for him and alleadged that it is
in due time and place appealed from
the pretended sentence given against the
said Cooke by the worshippfull John Godolphin
doctor of Lawe and Judge of the Vice admiralty
Court of the County of devon and thereupon the
Judges did decree an Inhibition against the said Judge and
his Register and all others et cetera and the Burgaine
to be cited to appeare in this place the 8th day after if et cetera
to answeare the said Cooke in his said cause of appeale./.

Jopp against ffairfax}
Budd Smith}

Wednesday the 5th of March 1653 before all the Judges et cetera in
the dyning chamber et cetera in the presence of Sam: howe notary publique
Budd upon the allegation by him in this cause given and admitted produced
for witnesse ffrancis Copeland and John Tucker whom the Judges
receaved and administred an oath to speake the truth at the time of
their examination in the presence of Smith dissentinge and havinge the
usuall time for Interrogatories./.
