HCA 3/46 f.26r Annotate
Volume | HCA 3/46 |
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2015/04/29 |
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Edward Arlabeere against one 16th parte of}
the shipp formerly called the [?Mathtes and}
John whereof the said Arlabeere was master
and now called the Mary and Elizabeth}
whereof William [?Thom] is master belonging to}
George Passfeild and against the said Passfeild}
and all et cetera Suckley Smyth}
Which day the said Smith appeared for
the said Passfeild and made himselfe party
for him and produced for sureties John
Cooke of the parish of Saint Michael
Crooked Lane London fishmonger and Stephen
Mitchell of Redriffe in the County of
Surrey marriner who submitting themselves
et cetera obliged themselves et cetera for the said George
Passfeild in the summe of 100 li of lawfull money of
England to the said Edward Arlabeere to answere
the action by him commenced against the said sixteenth
parte of the said shippe and to pay what the said
Passfeild shalbe condemned in with expences of suite in
case he salbe overthrowne and to bring forth the said
Passfeild in Judgement And unles et cetera Which caution the
Judges receaved and decreed the said 16th parte to be released
from the arrest./.
Conrado de B[?reell] and others against Breedon}
and yeo Smith Suckley}
Which day the said Suckley gave an
allegation in writing which the Judges at his
petition admitted soe farre as the same is by
law admissible Which said allegation being soe admitted and
repeated and the said Smith not beleiving the same to
be true the said Suckley upon the same produced for a
witnes John Croxton whom the Judges receaved and
administred an oath unto him to speake the truth at the time
of his examination in the presence of the said Smith dissentinge and
having the usuall time for Interrogatories./.
A busines of repairing and setting forth to Sea}
of the shipp the 4 Sisters whereof Lancelot}
Russell is mastser promoted by James Gray and}
Company owners of 15. 16 parts of the said}
shipp against Elizabeth Cra[?ven] owner of th'other}
16th parte of the said shipp Smith Suckley}
Which day Smith appeared for the said
James Gray and company and made
himselfe party for them and alleadged that
the said shipp is by the said Gray and the
rest of the owners of the said 15. 16 parts
thereof designed to be sett out upon a tradinge
voyafe and that the said Craven being owner
of one 16th parte thereof doth refuse to contribute
towards the reparation and setting forth to Sea of the
said shipp upon the said intended voyadge and
there upon the Judges at his petition did decree the
said Craven to be cited to appeare in this place upon
Satterday next in the morninge betweene the houres of 9 and 12
to contribute towards the charges of repairing and setting forth to
SEa of the said shipp upon her intended voyadge according to her
proportionable parte or els to shew cause if any he hath why the said
shipp should not be repaired and sett forth to Sea at the proper costs and
charges of the said James Gray and company and at the further petition
of the said Smith the Judges did decree the said shipp to be appraised by
Comissioners to be named on both sides in case Mr Suckley shall name by too
morrow noone./
Powell and others against Austin and others}
Suckley Clements}
Which day appeared personally Anne Best the wife of
Edward Best Elizabeth Stedman the wife of Richard
Stedman and [?XXXly] Larey the wife of John Larey late
marriners of the shipp the hopewell and the said Powell and
upon complaint made by the said Best and others aforesaid that
the said Powell refuseth to pay in his 8th parte of the wages due
to their husbands and the rest of the said shipps company according
to the order of this Court in that behalfe made the said Powell did
then and there agree to abate the charges of suite by him demannded to be
paid out of the said wages and to pay them the residue of his 8th parte of the
said wages in case they will give a discharge for the same and then the said
Anne Best Elizabeth Stedman and[?XXXty] Lary did undertake and agree to acquit
the said Powell and they did acquite him for his 8th parte of the said wages and as
he was master of the said shipp Provided he shall pay his 8th parte of the said wages./
Edward Arlabeere/Arlabeare/Arlibeare
"Edward Arlibeare, a mast-maker, of Wappisg Wall, and a benefactor of St. Paurs
Church, Shadwell, married Mary Williams, ot Shadwell, widow, by license, on April lOth,
1626, and Mary Cope on May 21, 1646. He was buried March 23, 1667, and his widow,
Mary Arlibeare, on December 22, 1669.— Strype's Stow ; Stepney Rasters."[1]
"Aprill ye 11th 1653
Att a meeteing of the Justices of the Peace within the
Parish of Stepnie together with the Minister, Churchwardens
and other the officers and Parishioners of the Parish of
Stepnie for the Electeing of Churchwardens for to serue in
the said Parish for the yeare ensueing these persons hereafter
named are freely elected & chosen Churchwardens by us
whose names are hereunder written.
for Ratcliffie Thomas Harmon
for Shadwell Edward Arlabeare
for Lymehouse Capt John Harris
for Myle end Christopher Deane
For Popler &
Blackwall} William Saule..."[2]
Primary sources
London Metropolitan Archives
HB/C/049 Description: 1. Edward Arlibeare and John Arlibeare of London. 2. Thomas Hurdwick of London. Pieces of ground near Wapping Wall in the parish of St. Paul's Shadwell. Mentions Swan Tavern and 'Newgravell' Lane. Mentions Sir Edward Ford and Thomas Gardiner etc., tenants.Witnesses--Thomas Abdy, Rich. Porser, John Parker. Date: 35 Chas. II. 1683
ACC 2558/NR13/227 Title: Counterpart lease for 41 years. Description: 1. Edward Arlibear of Wapping, gent 2. Sir Edward Forde of Harting, Sussex Storehouse or warehouse and yard at Wapping (NRH) Date: 24 Oct 1656
C 5/17/3 Description: Short title: Arlibeare v North. Plaintiffs: Edward Arlibeare. Defendants: John North. Subject: money matters, London or Middlesex. Document type: bill only. Date: 1650
C 5/298/3 Description: Short title: Arlibeare v Grantham. Plaintiffs: Edward Arlibeare. Defendants: Sir Thomas Grantham, kt and [unknown] Grove. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill only Date: 1695
C 5/385/6 Description: Short title: Arlibeare v Hooker. Plaintiffs: Edward Arlibeare. Defendants: John Hooker. Subject: unspecified lands. Document type: bill, answer Date: 1649
C 6/112/82 Description: Short title: Pasfield v Arlibere. Plaintiffs: George Pasfield. Defendants: Edward Arlibeare and Francis Manestry. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer. Date: 1651
C 6/114/33 Description: Short title: Davies v Cheyney. Plaintiffs: Edward Davies. Defendants: Thomas Cheyney, Edward Arlibeare and Richard Batson. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer. Date: 1651
C 6/130/162 Description: Short title: Tayler v Ivye. Plaintiffs: William Tayler. Defendants: Thomas Ivye, Theodosia Ivye his wife, John Cope and Edward Arlibeare. Subject: property in Wapping, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer. Date: 1656
C 6/132/212 Description: Short title: Taylor v Arlabeere. Plaintiffs: William Taylor. Defendants: Edward Arlibeare and Theodosia Ivye. Subject: estate of the deceased John Stepkin. Document type: two answers. Date: 1656
C 6/164/48 Description: Short title: Ford v Arlibeere. Plaintiffs: Sir Edward Ford kt. Defendants: Edward Arlibeare. Subject: water supply, in Wapping, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer. Date: 1663
C 6/261/62 Description: Short title: Lewin v Arlibease. Plaintiffs: Margaret Salisbury Lewin and Alice Salisbury Lewin. Defendants: Edward Arlibeare, William Wood, Sir Polycarpus Wharton and Ranieford Waterhouse. Subject: property in Stepney, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer. JFP Date: 1688
C 7/13/17 Description: Short title: Arlibeare v Hardwick. Plaintiffs: Edward Arlibeare. Defendants: Thomas Hardwick and others. Place or subject: personal estate of Thomas Hardwick, Middlesex. Document type: bill and two answers Date: 1693
C 7/15/74 Description: Short title: Arlibeare v Arlibeare. Plaintiffs: Edward Arlibeare. Defendants: John Warner and [unknown] Arlibeare. Place or subject: money. Document type: answer only Date: 1690
C 7/176/1 Description: Short title: Harwar v Arlibeare. Plaintiffs: Samuel Harwar and others. Defendants: Edward Arlibeare. Place or subject: money, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer and schedule Date: 1693
C 7/216/81 Description: Short title: Lund v Arlibeare. Plaintiffs: Mark Lund and Joseph Rand. Defendants: Edward Arlibeare. Place or subject: estate of William Woods. Document type: answer only Date: 1688
C 7/329/179 Description: Short title: Steele v Arlibeare. Plaintiffs: Lawrence Steele and others. Defendants: Edward Arlibeare and another. Place or subject: money. Document type: answer only Date: 1653
C 7/395/11 Description: Short title: Steele v Arlibeare. Plaintiffs: Lawrence Steele and others. Defendants: Edward Arlibeare and another. Place or subject: money. Document type: answer only Date: 1652
C 7/395/30 Description: Short title: Steele v Arlibeare. Plaintiffs: Lawrence Steele and others.Defendants: Edward Arlibeare and another. Place or subject: money, Middlesex. Document type: bill and plea Date: 1652
C 7/475/3 Description: Short title: Arlibear v Arlibeare. Plaintiffs: Mary Arlibear, widow and others. Defendants: Edward Arlibeare and another. Place or subject: property in St Lawrence Bradwell, Essex, Stepney, Middlesex etc. Document type: bill and answer Date: 1668
C 9/464/79 Description: Wood v. Arlibeare Date: 1689
C 10/3/102 Description: Richard Moorer v Edward Arlibeare: Wapping, Middx Date: 1649
C 10/501/92 Description: Herbert v. Arlabeere, Wood, Berry, Turner and others: Middlesex Date: 1691
C 104/241 Description: HOYLE v FAGG: Account, receipt, abstract of title of Edward Arlibeare, and particulars of incumbrances upon his estate on the death of his brother, John Arlibeare, 1692-1694. Date: (1651)-1708
PROB 11/295/146 Will of Edward Arlibeare, Mariner of Stepney, Middlesex 07 September 1659
PROB 11/327/23 Will of Edward Arlibear, Gentleman of Stepney, Middlesex 01 May 1668
PROB 11/332/256 Will of Mary Arlibear, Widow of Stepney, Middlesex 15 February 1670
- Jump up ↑ [Hill & W.H. Frere (eds.). Memorials of Stepney Parish (Guilford, 1890-91), p.184]
- Jump up ↑ [Hill & W.H. Frere (eds.). Memorials of Stepney Parish (Guilford, 1890-91), pp.198-199]
- Jump up ↑ [Colyer-Ferguson (ed.), The marriage registers of St. Dunstan's Stepney, in the County of Middlesex, vol. II, 1640-1696 (Canterbury, 1898), p.61]