HCA 3/46 f.26v Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.26v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


dry against James}
ffrancklin Clements}

Satterday the 15th day of Aprill 1654 before doctor Clerke and doctor Godolphin
Judges et cetera in the dyning chamber et cetera in the presence of Samuel how notary
publique Appeared the said day and acknowledged that he hath receaved
the Cable and Anchor mentioned in the sentence given in this cause in full
satisfaction of the said Sentence and did acquit the said James from all
manner of actions concerning the same./.

Gilbert Keate and Thomas Jennings and}
others against Alderman John ffredericke and}
others Budd}

Which day appeared the said Alderman
ffredericke under the custody of the Marshall
and alleadged that he and Thomas Rowse
henry Chewne ffrancis and Nathaniel Goodlad
are arrested by a warrant out of this Court at the suite
of the said Keate and Jennings and company and desired a
libell or else to be discharged from the said arrest Whereupon
the Judges did order that notice be given to Mr Marston who tooke
out the said warrant to appeare upon wednesday next to give a
libell or else they declared that they will then dismisse the said
ffredericke and others aforesaid with expences./.

Bennett and others against hopkins}
Budd Smith}

Which day Budd gave an allegation in writinge with the
Judges at his petition did admitt soe farr as the same is by
law admissible Which said allegation being soe admitted and
repeated and the said Smith not beleevinge the same to be true
The said Budd upon the same produced for witnesses John harris
and John Thr[uworgy] whom the JUdges receaved and administred
an oath unto them to speake the truth at the time of their examination in the presence
of Smith dissenting and having the usuall time for Interrogatories./.

The Lord Protector et cetera against John Brewer}
Budd Smith}

Which day the said Budd upon the allegation by
him in this cause given and admitted produced for
a Witnes John day whom the Judges receaved and
administred an oath unto him to speake the truth at
his examination in the presence of Smith dissenting and
having the usuall time for Interrogatories Then the said Smith
gave an allegation in writinge which the Judges at his petition
admitted soe farre as the same is by law admissible Which beinge
soe admitted and repeated and the said Budd not beleeving the same to
be true The said Smith upon the same produced for a witnes Richard
[?donellee] whom the Judges receaved and administred an oath unto him to
speake the truth at his examination in the presence of Budd dissentinge and having
the usuall time for Interrogatories. Then the said Smith alleadged that the commodity
which was sould unto the said Brewer by the Commissioners for prize goods for and
as Arhall was not really and truly Argall and the Judges at his petition did
decree the same to be inspected by Commissioners to be named on both sides and a
returne to be by them made to this Court and noe attachment to be issued
against the said Brewer concerning the said Argall untill the time of the returne
of the said Commission./.

Abrahall against dellabarre}
Colquite Smith}

Which day Colquite upon the libell by him given produced for a
witnes John Cox whom the Judges receaved and administred an oath
unto him to speake the truth at the tim eof his examination in the presence of
Smith dissentinge and having the usuall time for Interrogatories./.